Artificial Intelligence: What It Is, How It Works and Examples

Many people associate Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the domination of machines over humans. However, this technology helps solve a variety of problems, from the simplest to the most complex. AI brings together intelligences similar to humans, but with its own mechanism.

AI has come to revolutionize the market and the way we live and work. However, our creativity when faced with different situations is still a great advantage. Read on to discover its applications and the benefits of implementing it in your daily life!

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is the branch of computer science that simulates human intelligence in machines. Its application allows interaction between the most varied systems, making them learn through experience, perceive changes and adjust to them.

To perform its function effectively, AI needs other complementary technologies, such as natural language processing, voice recognition and machine learning.

An example of AI that is present in everyday life is the famous service bot, also known as a Chatbot. It makes the role of AI visible, since it performs a task that could be large-scale in a few minutes, simulating human service and reducing working time.

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Discover the History of Artificial Intelligence

  • It is estimated that Artificial Intelligence originated around 64 years ago from scientific studies. At the time, it was not imagined what it would be capable of achieving, nor what proportions of innovation it would bring.
  • Scientists Herbert Simon and Allen Newell were the creators of this technology, inaugurating the first academic laboratory dedicated to artificial intelligence at Carnegie Mellon University.
  • The first forms of AI made it possible, for example, for computers to play against humans and even defeat them!
  • This is what happened to world chess champion Garry Kasparov, who lost a match in 1997 to a computer called DeepBlue, created by the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM).
  • Nowadays, this type of technology is no longer restricted to leisure and entertainment; on the contrary, it has become a solution to various problems and is present in different areas, forming part of people's personal and professional routines. We believe that the story of AI has only just begun!

Artificial Intelligence vs Generative Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is a broad field that aims to create systems capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence. This includes learning, problem solving and pattern recognition. AI encompasses various techniques and approaches, from rule-based systems to complex machine learning.

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) is a specific subset of AI focused on creating new and original content. It uses advanced algorithms to generate text, images, audio , videos, code and other types of data that appear to have been created by humans.

Traditional AI analyzes and makes decisions, while IAG creates new content. For example, AI recognizes patterns in images, but IAG generates new images.

How does Artificial Intelligence work?

The AI robot learns by combining large volumes of data with intelligent algorithms, using technologies such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP). Find out more about these technologies!

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is the ability of a machine or even a system to learn without the need for prior programming. This is because machine learning is able to make predictions by identifying patterns and thus helps companies in various sectors.

A good example of this is the product suggestions that consumers receive after making a purchase on a website. In this situation, Machine Learning uses a database of millions of interactions on the platform to generate a result that is more likely to have a positive impact on the customer.

Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a type of deepening of Machine Learning, but with the ability to make the system's learning much more complex and intelligent so that more assertive results can be obtained.

This type of technology uses complex neural networks, following the same logic as the connection between neurons in the human brain. It allows the system to learn and interpret more difficult and voluminous patterns, being applied, for example, to image and speech recognition. Learn more about Adversarial Generative Networks.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

In order for machines to interact naturally with humans, Natural Language Processing (NLP) is required. NLP uses Machine Learning for the system to recognize, analyze and find patterns, allowing AI to generate a more human language and expression.

As technology advances, machines will be able to communicate naturally with humans. Today, this science is used in sentiment analysis, algorithms that identify the content of a text and in customer service chatbots.

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Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Business

The use of Artificial Intelligence helps both organizations and ordinary users in their daily routines. The benefits are diverse and you can learn about some of them below.

Increased Productivity and Accelerated Transformation 

Implementing automation with Artificial Intelligence eliminates repetitive tasks, increases productivity and allows teams to focus on strategic activities.

The first automation makes it easier to adopt new automations, as employees will already be aligned with the company's culture and strategy.

Reduced Risks and More Accurate Results

An Artificial Intelligence solution aims to mitigate errors, as decisions are based on a high statistical coefficient. Over time, processes improve and bring more results. 

AI reduces failures and bottlenecks in production, reducing errors and increasing operational efficiency.

Cost Savings and Systems Integration

Implementing automation with Artificial Intelligence results in better results and lower costs, optimizing processes and reducing obstacles. Saving hours on repetitive activities improves the use of employees' time. 

New automations are connected to a central system, allowing all sectors of the company to work together efficiently. This improves communication, reduces errors and keeps the operation orderly.

Access the full list in our article on the benefits of Artificial Intelligence in companies.

What are the Types of Artificial Intelligence?

To simplify the concepts of the types of Artificial Intelligence present in everyday life, we have selected the three types of Artificial Intelligence and their related applications. Check them out!

Artificial Boundary Intelligence (ANI)

The aim of this type of AI is to store a large amount of data and information, and to be able to carry out more complex tasks. However, it is extremely focused on what has been assigned in its programming and has two subcategories of division:

  • Reactive Machines: their resources are more limited, since they were the first types of Artificial Intelligence and do not store a large amount of data. In addition, they react to only a few external stimuli according to how they were initially configured;
  • Limited Memory: they are able to store more information and use this data to make decisions. Streaming services, for example, use this type of AI to generate personalized recommendations on their platforms.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Artificial General Intelligence has the ability to perform tasks similar to those performed by human beings. It can learn through techniques such as machine learning and reacting to specific external stimuli. There are two further subdivisions in this category:

  • Aware Machines: machines that are able to understand the external stimuli they receive and thus process the information coherently;
  • Self-aware machines: Self-aware machines are able to understand themselves and the environment around them. For example, when we see someone crying, we usually associate it with sadness, because we have that experience. In the same way, a self-aware machine can recognize external signals, such as tears, and deduce that the person is sad.

Superintelligence (ASI)

This type of artificial intelligence is only a guess for the future of humanity and is still being studied and developed by scientists.

The expectation and prediction of this category is that it will surpass the intelligence of human beings in every respect and will be able to perform feats that would be impossible for humans.

For this reason, scientific debates are currently focused mainly on AI, as this technology could revolutionize the world and the way we relate to each other.

5 Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life

Still curious to see how Artificial Intelligence works in practice? Here are 5 examples of technology that are part of our daily lives.

1. Virtual Assistants

If you think that Artificial Intelligence is only about optimizing tasks or processes, you're wrong. The technology goes much further; in some cases, it can work alongside virtual assistants such as Siri, Cortana, Alexa and Google Assistant.

The AI techniques used by these virtual assistants allow for an exchange of information and actions. The user can request a certain demand, and Artificial Intelligence validates the entire interaction history and adapts to deliver what has been requested.

2. GPS and Navigation

AI is widely used in navigation systems, such as GPS, to offer optimized routes and real-time updates.

These systems analyze traffic data, road conditions and traffic patterns to suggest the best route. This not only saves time, but also improves safety and efficiency on daily journeys.

3. Search engines

Artificial Intelligence allows the search results you perform on Google to appear faster and faster and for the search engine to recognize synonyms, related subjects, similarities between letter sounds, etc.

Thus, the more searches are carried out, the more AI learns about search intent and behavior, enabling a scenario of improvement for users.

4. Streaming platforms

Have you thought about how streaming platforms manage to increase users' time on screen?

This is because platforms such as Netflix, Deezer and Spotify are correlated to the system of recommending personalized catalogs to customers, using AI so that the referrals made are relevant.

These platforms, which we mentioned above, take into account what you have already seen and liked. They essentially learn from the data you provide and then use their own database to provide the content that best meets your expectations.

5. Facial recognition

Facial recognition is an AI feature used in devices for security and convenience, such as mobile devices and airport check-ins.

It scans the user's face during setup, using various points as markers, allowing unlocking in different situations and lighting conditions, while preventing other people from doing the same.

To see the full list, go to 17 Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Your Daily Life.

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Business

Now that you know about the types of Artificial Intelligence, their benefits and examples of their use in everyday life, here are some segments where AI can contribute:

Marketing: AI in marketing makes it possible to automate decisions using data and analysis of audiences and economic trends. It is essential for quick campaigns, personalizing messages without human intervention, which guarantees maximum efficiency;

Human Resources: AI helps in the selection of CVs and profiles for recruitment, speeding up customer service and screening. This results in more accurate and faster hiring, optimizing recruiters' time.

Industrial operations: in industry, AI is used in car manufacturers and the oil sector, increasing the efficiency and precision of processes. AI robots perform repetitive and complex tasks, improving productivity and reducing errors.

To check out the full list of different applications, go to artificial intelligence in business and explore the different segments and the world of possibilities that AI offers.

Meet Tess AI, the Pareto AI

Tess AI is an orchestrator of Artificial Intelligences, developed by Pareto to be a reliable technology that unites the main global AIs, such as DALL-E 3, Stable Diffusion 3, GPT-4, Gemini, Claude 3.5, Llama 3.1, Flux Pro, among many others, all in a single tool.

Tess AI combines the power of more than 200 AI algorithms to generate text, images, audio, code and much more. The process is simple: just provide a theme or idea of what you'd like to produce, and the AI-based generator will do all the rest.

Below is a mosaic of different image styles generated by Tess AI in a matter of seconds:

Artificial Intelligence: mosaic of different image styles generated by Tess AI


Based on all the applications we've presented throughout this article, it's clear that artificial intelligence is changing the way we live and work at an ever-increasing rate.

That's why it's important that you keep up with the trends and news of digital transformation in the corporate environment so that you can stand out in your business! Explore Tess AI 7 days a week with a satisfaction guarantee or get your money back.

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Tess AI
Hello, I'm Pareto AI. I bring together all the best AIs in the world in one place.

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