The History of Artificial Intelligence: From the Origin to the Future of Technology

The history of artificial intelligence is an immersive topic for those in the world of technology. This revolutionary innovation is becoming part of our daily lives, and understanding its origins, evolution and trends is essential.

In this article, we will highlight how AI is impacting not only the technology sector, but also the way we live, work and interact.

In addition, we will explore the various segments in which this technology operates, offering valuable insights to apply it to your business and achieve exponential growth!

What is Artificial Intelligence?

The Origin of Artificial Intelligence

The Turing Test

When the Machine Defeated a Chess Master

Ethical Dilemmas of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Different Sectors

8 Movie Recommendations About Artificial Intelligence

Latest Developments in Artificial Intelligence

The Future of Artificial Intelligence


What is Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that seeks to create machines capable of simulating human intelligence. It allows systems to interact with the environment, learn from past experiences, adapt to changes and perform tasks efficiently.

To achieve these goals, AI uses various complementary technologies, such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), speech recognition and machine learning.

These technologies allow machines to understand and process information in human language, recognize patterns and make decisions based on data.

The application of AI is present in many areas of our daily lives, performing tasks on a large scale and in a few minutes, making your routine completely easier. Te'll look at some of these examples later, so keep reading.

The Origin of Artificial Intelligence

The idea of creating intelligent machines goes back many years. In the CENTURYphilosopher René Descartes suggested that animals could be seen as machines, establishing a connection between mind and body. This notion influenced later thinking about the creation of intelligent machines.

In the 19th centurymathematician Charles Babbage designed the Analytical Machine, which was considered a precursor to modern computers. Although it wasn't built during his lifetime, his ideas were fundamental to the development of computing.

In the early 20th centurymathematician Alan Turing proposed the concept of a "universal machine" capable of performing any calculation described by an algorithm. He also formulated the famous "Turing Test", which we'll get to later.

During the Second World War, Alan Turing and other scientists worked on cryptography projects and developed machines like the Colossus, which helped decipher enemy codes. These machines were some of the first practical applications of computing and played an important role in the advancement of technology.

In the 1950s, John McCarthy coined the term "Artificial Intelligence" and organized the first conference on the subject. It was at this time that advances were made in areas such as machine learning and chatbots, such as Eliza, which was the first conversational program.

Since then, AI has evolved rapidly. There have been advances in areas such as pattern recognition, NLP, computer vision and robotics. From the 1980s, AI began to be applied in commercial sectors, such as the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

In recent years, with the growth of computing power and the development of more advanced algorithms, AI has become increasingly present in our lives. Today, we see virtual assistants such as Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant, autonomous cars and recommendation systems, among many other applications.

Learn about the Turing Test

History of Artificial Intelligence: image of the Turing Test

(Schematic of the classic Turing test)

O Turing Test is a proposal made by Alan Turing in 1950 as a way of evaluating a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior indistinguishable from that of a human being.

The test involves a human interrogator asking questions to a computer and a human being, without knowing which is which, and trying to determine which is the computer based on the answers received.

Teste left several contributions to the AI segment. Some of them are:

  1. Objective Criterion of Intelligence: has established an objective criterion for evaluating the intelligence of a machine. If it can impersonate a human being in a conversation, without being detected as a machine, then it can be considered intelligent;
  2. Encouraging the Development of Conversational Systems: Encouraged the research and development of Chatbots and Virtual Assistants capable of interacting with humans in natural language;
  3. Challenge for the Scientific Community: The Test set a challenge for AI researchers, stimulating them to create systems that could pass the test and come close to human behavior. This has led to advances in areas such as machine learning, NLP and human-machine interaction.

When the Machine Defeated a Chess Master

History of Artificial Intelligence: image of when the machine defeated a chess master.

The Deep Blue machine, developed by IBM, defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov in a historic match in 1997. This event marked the first time a machine had beaten a human master in an official chess match.

The match between Kasparov and Deep Blue was highly anticipated and attracted a great deal of media and public attention. Deep Blue was a supercomputer specially designed to play chess, with advanced processing power and a powerful AI program.

The match consisted of six games, with Deep Blue winning the first game, drawing the next two and losing the fourth. However, in the last two games, Deep Blue showed an exceptional performance and won both, securing the overall victory in the match.

Ethical Dilemmas of Artificial Intelligence

AI presents a number of ethical dilemmas that need to be considered and addressed. Here are some of the main ethical dilemmas related to AI:

Responsibility and Transparency

As AI is increasingly used in important decision-making, the question of responsibility arises. 

Who is responsible when an AI system makes a wrong or harmful decision? In addition, it is important to ensure the transparency of AI systems, allowing people to understand how decisions are made.

Data Privacy and Data Security

The collection and use of large amounts of personal data to feed AI systems raises concerns about privacy and security. 

It is necessary to ensure that data is adequately protected and that people have control over their personal information.

Algorithmic Bias

AI algorithms can be influenced by biases and discriminations present in the training data.

This can lead to unfair or discriminatory decisions in areas such as hiring, loans, criminal justice and facial recognition systems. It is essential to ensure that algorithms are impartial and fair.

Requalification and Transition

As automation advances, it is important to invest in retraining and education programs to help workers acquire new skills and adapt to changes in the job market. 

This may involve promoting skills more geared towards creativity, complex problem solving and human interaction, which are less susceptible to automation.

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Different Sectors

AI is transforming various sectors of society and its contributions are remarkable. Here are two examples of sectors that are being impacted:

Health: AI is transforming the health sector, improving diagnoses and treatments. One notable success story is IBM Watson Health. This AI platform analyses large volumes of medical data to help diagnose diseases and recommend personalized treatments.

For example, at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Watson Health has been used to analyze medical records and scientific literature, helping oncologists make more informed decisions about cancer treatment.

Finance: in the financial sector, AI is being widely used for fraud detection and risk analysis. A prominent example is JPMorgan Chase, which has implemented an AI system called COiN (Contract Intelligence).

This system is able to analyze legal documents and extract important points in seconds, a task that previously took 360,000 hours a year when carried out by humans. This has not only increased efficiency, but also reduced errors and improved regulatory compliance.

5 Movie Recommendations About Artificial Intelligence

Here are some movie recommendations that explore AI, delving into ethical, existential and technological issues. Get ready for a cinematic journey!

1. AI: Artificial Intelligence (2001)

History of Artificial Intelligence: image from the movie AI: Artificial Intelligence

AI: Artificial Intelligence is a movie directed by Steven Spielberg that explores ethical and emotional issues in a dystopian future. The plot follows David, a boy programmed to love, in his quest to become "real" and win human affection.

The film raises questions about what it means to be human, the nature of artificial intelligence and the ethical dilemmas associated with creating conscious beings.

Spielberg tackles the duality of AI, highlighting its beneficial capabilities and the moral challenges related to its autonomy. The work offers an emotional experience, with impressive cinematography and an immersive soundtrack.

  • Rent the movie on Apple TV+.

2. Matrix (1999)

History of Artificial Intelligence: image from the movie Matrix.

The Matrix, directed by the Wachowski brothers, is a science fiction masterpiece that immerses viewers in a universe full of action, philosophy and twists and turns.

The protagonist, Neo (Keanu Reeves), is a programmer who, after receiving a mysterious message, discovers that the reality he knows is nothing more than an illusion created by intelligent machines. Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), leader of the human resistance, offers Neo a choice that will change his life.

With groundbreaking action scenes, revolutionary visual effects and a gripping plot, "The Matrix" challenges the perception of reality and questions the nature of human existence. Get ready for a thrilling journey, full of suspense and deep reflections on freedom, control and the power of choice.

  • Watch the movie on HBO Max.

3. Her (2013)

History of Artificial Intelligence: image from the movie Her

Her, directed by Spike Jonze, is a fascinating exploration of the connection between humans and technology. The movie is set in the near future, where Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix), a lonely writer, acquires an operating system with artificial intelligence called Samantha (voiced by Scarlett Johansson).

As Theodore develops an intimate relationship with Samantha, the film examines themes such as loneliness, love and the nature of true intimacy.

With captivating performances and a sensitive approach, "Her" offers a provocative look at the intersection between human emotions and the growing influence of technology in our lives.

  • Watch the movie on Netflix.

4. Blade Runner (1982)

History of Artificial Intelligence: image from the movie Blade Runner.

Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott, is a classic science fiction movie set in a dystopian future. The protagonist, Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), is a "Blade Runner", a policeman who specializes in hunting down replicants, bioengineered beings that resemble humans.

When rebel replicants return to Earth in search of their creator, Deckard is called in to track them down. The movie explores complex themes such as identity, morality and the fine line between humanity and artificiality.

  • Watch the movie on HBO Max.

5. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

History of Artificial Intelligence: image from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.

2001: A Space Odyssey, directed by Stanley Kubrick, is a science fiction masterpiece that takes viewers on an extraordinary visual and intellectual journey. The movie begins with the discovery of an alien monolith in prehistoric times, establishing a mysterious connection that spans the centuries.

As the narrative progresses, we follow the evolution of humanity, from space exploration to encounters with intelligences beyond our understanding.

The iconic soundtrack, innovative cinematography and philosophical themes dealing with evolution, artificial intelligence and the unknown make "2001" a unique and challenging cinematic experience.

  • Watch the movie on HBO Max.

Latest Developments in Artificial Intelligence

In 2020, GPT, Open AI's advanced language model, brought significant transformations to the market and its various audiences.

With its ability to generate text in an almost human way, the GPT-4 has opened doors to a range of applications, from more advanced virtual assistants to automated content creation.

Another recent and innovative tool is Tess AI. In 2023this tool brought together the world's biggest AIs, such as Open-AI's ChatGPT4, MidJourney, Dall-E 3, Stable Diffusion 3, Ada, LIama, all in one place.

It allows you to perform a variety of everyday tasks in minutes, combining the use of AIs that generate text, images, video, programming code, audio transcription, data analysis and many others. 

Here are some examples of images generated in a matter of seconds by Tess AI!

History of Artificial Intelligence: mosaic of images generated by the Tess AI platform

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

The future of AI is full of exciting trends and they are already shaping our world. Here are some of them:

  • Image Creation by Artificial Intelligence: AI will be able to create increasingly realistic and convincing images, enabling the generation of high-quality visual content for advertising, entertainment and design;
  • Information Security: With the increasing reliance on AI-based systems, information security will become an even greater priority. Advanced solutions will be developed to protect data and prevent cyber attacks;
  • Digital Avatars as Virtual Attendants: Digital avatars will increasingly be used as virtual attendants, offering more humanized and personalized interactions in various sectors, such as retail, financial services and health;
  • Speech Recognition: Speech recognition will continue to evolve, enabling more natural interactions with devices and systems. Virtual assistants will be able to understand and respond to voice commands with greater precision and context;
  • Metaverse: the concept of the metaverse, a shared virtual environment, will gain prominence. AI will play a key role in creating and managing these environments, providing immersive and interactive experiences;
  • Real-time data: With advances in sensor technology and connectivity, AI will be able to process and analyze large volumes of data in real time. This will enable faster and more efficient decision-making in areas such as logistics, transportation and health monitoring.
  • Super-applications: Integrated and multifunctional applications, driven by AI, will become more common. These super-applications will offer a wide range of services and functionalities in one place, simplifying users' lives;
  • Democratization: AI will become increasingly accessible through low-code and no-code development platforms, allowing people without advanced technical knowledge to create AI-based solutions.
  • Digital Twin: the creation of digital twins, virtual representations of physical objects or processes, will enable detailed simulations and analysis. AI will be used to feed and update these digital twins, improving efficiency and decision-making in various sectors, such as manufacturing and maintenance.

These are just some of the AI trends that will shape the future. As technology advances, it is important to keep up with these trends and ensure that AI is developed and used ethically, responsibly and for the benefit of society.


AI is bringing significant contributions and new opportunities that are changing the way we live and work.

By recognizing the potential of AI, you can automate processes and save time, boosting your business efficiently. With Tess AI, these solutions become affordable and effective.

Our platform offers a wide range of technologies that can be applied in different sectors. Discover how Tess AI can be your ally in making your business more competitive in the face of technological innovations.

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