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ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence: What It Is and How to Use It

By October 4th, 2023May 2nd, 2024No Comments
Artificial Intelligence Gpt: an image of a business couple looking at an iPad, wearing light-colored dress shirts.

Surely you've come across situations in which the efficiency of your business was compromised by having to deal with a flood of documents, fill in forms manually or process large volumes of data manually.

GPT Artificial Intelligence is a great ally for thousands of companies around the world, of all sizes, and it can be for your business too if you know how to exploit the tool.

Find out below how to automate data processing, simplify your tasks and save time and resources!

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an Artificial Intelligence developed by OpenAI. It is based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture and has been trained on a wide variety of textual data to understand and generate natural text in response to questions and commands.

The name "ChatGPT" suggests its use in conversations and chat interactions, where it can act as a virtual assistant, answer customer queries, automate simple tasks and even provide detailed information on various topics.

ChatGPT's ability to understand complex contexts and generate relevant responses makes it valuable in a variety of applications, from customer support to content creation, market research and much more.

It can be integrated into websites, mobile applications, call centers and other communication channels, providing an improved user experience and increasing the efficiency of business operations.

How does GPT Artificial Intelligence work?

GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) artificial intelligence works through deepmachine learning and is based on the Transformer architecture. See how it works:


During the pre-training phase, a GPT model is fed a huge amount of text from the internet. This includes books, articles, websites, social networks and much more.

The model learns to understand the structure of language, words, phrases and contexts. It builds numerical representations (vectors) for each word in order to capture semantic and contextual relationships.

Transformer Architecture

The GPT is built on the Transformer architecture, which includes several layers of interconnected neurons (attention units).

These attention layers allow the model to process information in parallel, capturing long-range relationships between words in a sentence.

Fine adjustment

After pre-training, the GPT model is fine-tuned for specific tasks. For example, it can be trained for language translation, question answering or creative text generation.

Fine-tuning involves feeding the model with labeled examples for the desired task and adjusting the weights of the neural network to optimize performance on that task.

Text generation

Once the model has been fine-tuned, it can be used to generate text in response to stimuli such as questions or commands.

The model uses the context information provided to generate coherent and relevant text, using the Transformer architecture to take previous words into account when generating text.

Text Sampling

To generate text, the model uses sampling techniques, such as random sampling or beam search, to choose the next words based on predicted probabilities.

This results in the generation of full text, where the model tries to predict the next word based on the current context.

Use in Practical Applications

GPT artificial intelligence is widely used in chatbots, virtual assistants, machine translation, content generation, among other applications, where it can understand and generate high-quality natural text in various languages and contexts.

What are ChatGPT's limitations?

According to users and ChatGPT itself, the tool has some limitations. Check them out!

  • Possibility of Wrong Answers: ChatGPT can generate incorrect or inaccurate answers because it relies on language patterns learned from large amounts of data. This means that, in some situations, the answers may not be factually correct;
  • Tendency to Evasive Answers: Instead of providing direct answers, ChatGPT can be prone to generating vague responses when it is not confident in its answer. This can frustrate users looking for specific information;
  • Inappropriate Language Bias: the model may reflect biases and tendencies present in the training data, resulting in answers that are biased or contain inappropriate language such as sexism, racism or other forms of prejudice;
  • Lack of updated knowledge: the model does not have up-to-date knowledge after its training date. Therefore, it cannot provide real-time information or up-to-date information after its last training;
  • Difficulty in Maintaining Long and Coherent Conversations: in long conversations, the model may have difficulty maintaining a cohesive conversation and may appear scattered or go off topic;
  • Need for supervision: in many cases, the model requires human supervision to ensure accurate and appropriate responses, especially in critical or sensitive situations.

How to access ChatGPT?

Accessing CharGPT is simple. Here's a step-by-step guide we've put together for you.

1. Visit the Website or App (iOS)

First, go to the official ChatGPT website in your browser or open the dedicated app if you're using an iOS device.

2. Create an Account

On the platform, you will need to create an account to use ChatGPT. Choose a valid email address and create a password with at least eight characters.

Depending on demand, there may be a waiting list to access the platform. Make sure you provide the necessary information and follow the instructions to create your account.

3. Check Your E-mail

After creating your account, check your email inbox. You will receive a confirmation email from the platform. Click on the confirmation link inside the email to activate your account.

4. Use the Text Box

On the main panel, you'll find a text box. This is where you can type in your questions, comments or thoughts that you want to share with ChatGPT.

6. Send your question or comment

Type your question or comment in the text box. After entering the text, you can click the send button or wait a few seconds. ChatGPT will process your input and generate a response based on what you've written.

Remember that, according to the information provided, ChatGPT offers a free version, but can also offer additional features for a fee in ChatGPT Plus.

How to leave ChatGPT in Portuguese

OpenAI initially released GPT in English, and it was trained primarily to understand and generate text in English. However, it is possible to use it in Portuguese with the following considerations:

Input Language

You can write your questions or commands in Portuguese directly into the text box. ChatGPT is able to understand and respond in Portuguese, but bear in mind that the quality of the responses may vary depending on the complexity of the language.

Context of the Dialogue

The model understands the language in which the questions are asked and will try to answer in the same language. Make sure you keep the context of the conversation in Portuguese to get relevant answers in that language.


If you need to translate from Portuguese to English or vice versa, you can do this manually. For example, you can ask in Portuguese and then translate ChatGPT's answer into Portuguese if necessary.

Translation Quality Limitations

Remember that although ChatGPT is able to understand and respond in several languages, it is not a specialized automatic translator and could compromise the quality of the translation if that is your main goal.

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Frequently Asked Questions about ChatGPT

If you've ever found yourself asking any of these questions, you're in the right place. In this section, we've gathered together the most frequently asked questions related to ChatGPT to provide you with enlightening answers. Check them out below!

How to use ChatGPT on Mobile?

Although there is no dedicated ChatGPT app for Android or iOS, you can easily use the chatbot from your smartphone's browser. Just go to and click on "Try ChatGPT".

If you already have an account, log in; otherwise, create a new account. Once logged in, you can start using the service in the text box. It's simple and convenient to access ChatGPT on mobile devices.

Which Commands to Use in ChatGPT?

In ChatGPT, you can use a variety of commands and instructions to interact with the model and get answers specific to your needs. Some common commands and instructions include:

  • Ask the bot to take on a "role": if you want an answer from a specific point of view, such as that of a financial director, for example, tell the bot that.
  • Direct questions: you can ask the model direct questions, such as "What is the weather today?" or "Who was Albert Einstein?"
  • Formatting instructions: you can give formatting instructions to specify how you want the template to respond, such as "Respond in one paragraph" or "Provide a list of advantages and disadvantages."
  • Creative text generation: Ask the model to generate creative texts, stories, poetry or original content. For example, "Create a story about an astronaut lost in space."
  • Text summary: you can instruct the model to summarize long texts, such as "Summarize the article on climate change."
  • Mathematical calculations: the model can perform mathematical calculations, such as "Calculate the square root of 144."
  • Context instructions: Provide context or additional information so that the model understands your question or command better.
  • Identify the target audience and the communication channel: this can be useful when creating scripts for social media content, for example.

Who Owns OpenAI?

OpenAI LP, is an organization that does not have a single owner. It is governed by a mixed board made up of employees and non-employees, and its governance structure is distributed among various stakeholders.

Elon Musk was one of the co-founders in 2015, but he is no longer actively involved in the organization. Other notable investors include Microsoft, Reid Hoffman's charitable foundation and Khosla Ventures.

What's the Difference Between ChatGPT and a Conventional Chatbot?

ChatGPT is an advanced language model trained on Internet text, capable of understanding and generating natural and contextual responses. 

In contrast, a conventional chatbot relies on programmed rules and doesn't have the same flexibility or capacity for contextual understanding. ChatGPT is more versatile, can handle complex tasks and doesn't require extensive programming.

Conventional chatbots, on the other hand, are more limited and suitable for simple, specific tasks. The main difference lies in ChatGPT's ability to process natural language in a more sophisticated way.

Tips for Using ChatGPT to Promote Your Business

Using ChatGPT can be an effective strategy for promoting your business. Here are hints and tips for making the most of this tool:

Content for Promotional Actions

Use ChatGPT to generate ideas for promotional campaigns, slogans, coupons, special offers and sales announcements. It can help you create persuasive and attractive messages for your promotional campaigns.

Relationship Strategies and Texts

Use ChatGPT to develop customer relationship strategies and generate personalized texts for communications such as e-mail marketing, newsletters and follow-up messages. This strengthens the bond between your brand and your customers.

In addition, automate the answering of frequently asked questions and improve the efficiency of customer support. Also create scripts that make it easier to start and maintain customer relationship conversations.

Marketing and Product Description

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for improving the way you present your products to customers. Ask ChatGPT to create detailed and engaging product descriptions, making it easier for customers to understand the benefits and features of the items you sell.

ChatGPT-like services

Tess AI 🧑‍🚀 is the first Artificial Intelligence orchestrator in Brazil, developed by Pareto through a secure and robust system that connects you to the world's largest AIs in a single tool.

Tess AI not only offers similar services, but also integrates GPT-4 into its configurations. In addition, with Tess, you can generate texts, images, videos, codes, transcribe audio into text, etc.

There are more than 200 specialized modules prepared to quickly carry out routine tasks in various areas such as Marketing, Sales, Design, Programming, Human Resources and much more.

The process is simple, and all you need to do is provide a topic or idea of what you'd like to produce, and our AI-based generator will take care of everything else.

Take a look at some of the templates available on the platform!

1. command ideas for generating incredible images

Do you find it difficult to create amazing images with AI? With this feature you receive suggestions of commands ready to generate images in Tess AI.

Simply type in what you want to be generated, choose the language, number of words, level of creativity and tone of voice. Tess will generate the perfect command for you to use to create your images.

2. Blog Article Briefing

Use Tess AI to create SEO briefings for blog articles. Artificial Intelligence identifies the main topics to be covered in the article and creates a complete briefing structure.

The briefing is ready in seconds and perfect for directing the production of content with meta title, description, number of words, audience, keywords, CTA, internal linking and content references.

3. Suggested audiences for LinkedIn Ads

Create suggested audiences for your LinkedIn Ads campaigns with the intelligence of Tess AI, gaining valuable insights to target your campaigns based on audience characteristics and behavior.

4. Text Ads for Google Ads

Create incredible ads for your Google campaigns in a matter of seconds, entering the company name, product name, URL, description, benefits and CTA.

5. Promotional Email Titles

Improve the open rate of your emails with the suggestions for email marketing titles generated on the platform.

Tess AI identifies the content of the email from a specific URL and creates various subject options according to the inputs collected, such as audience, objective, keyword, language, level of creativity and tone of voice.

Get to know Tess AI and have access to the world's leading AIs, integration with various platforms and a wide range of resources to increase your productivity and that of your team.

Discover how the Tess AI Platform can boost your business. Sign up for free and be part of this technological revolution!

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