ChatGPT Prompts: Meet the best!

You want to use it, but you still have doubts about how to write Prompts for ChatGPT?

The launch of ChatGPT in November 2022 opened the door for more people to use artificial intelligence (AI) in their study and work routines. 

The chat conversation format and the use of natural language processing (NLP) have made the user's experience with AI simpler and more fruitful. 

But writing a prompt in ChatGPT that is able to meet your demand can be a challenge, especially if you've never had contact with this technology before.

For this reason, we're going to teach you how to write prompts in ChatGPT and which types work best for each situation. So open ChatGPT in another tab on your computer and join us!

What is a Prompt? 

O prompt is an instruction, question or command provided by a user in an AI. In the case of ChatGPT, the prompt is the message you send to the machine with your demand.

For example, if someone wants to translate a sentence from English into French using the platform, the prompt prompt in ChatGPT could be something like:

  • Translate the following sentence into French: Hello, how are you?

As soon as you send the message, the machine kicks in and generates a text that meets your instructions. So, the better your promptsthe better the results.

How to Write a Prompt in ChatGPT? 

Users who have little experience of using ChatGPT end up in the following situation:

  • They write a prompt prompt, with few details;
  • They receive a text that is not in line with what they need;
  • They rewrite the prompt prompt and get another bad output;
  • They give up and do it on their own. 

The experience with AI is marked as unsatisfactory and, instead of increasing your productivity, writing a prompt in ChatGPT takes more time than you thought.

And we're going to help you with that! There are 5 techniques that can guide your writing and production towards good results. Take the test in the open ChatGPT tab and see for yourself. 

1. add details 

One of the most important techniques is to include relevant details in the prompt. Without the specifics of your demand, ChatGPT will assume what you're asking for.

For example, a user wants a short text about machine learning and types the following prompt in ChatGPT:

  • Explain what machine learning is. 

ChatGPT will generate a full text of almost 300 words on the subject. And that's far from short. But if that same user writes a prompt with more details, they'll get something more appropriate to their needs.

  • Explain what machine learning is in a text of approximately 20 words. 

The result was like this:

"Machine Learning is a field of artificial intelligence where computers learn patterns from data to perform specific tasks." 

2. Provide Context

Another important technique is to provide more context for the prompts in ChatGPT. With more information about what you need, the AI can select the answers that are aligned with your demand.

For example, a user works in the marketing department of a cosmetics store. With a new campaign coming up, he decides to use ChatGPT to write the text for an advertisement.

  • Write a text about a cosmetics promotion. 

With little context about the final destination of the text, ChatGPT produced an article about a generic promotion, with offers, giveaways and a model regulation for participation. 

But if the user types:

  • Write a sentence of up to 10 words that will be used in an advertisement for social networks. The product in question is a facial moisturizer for women of all ages. 

The result was this:

"Radiant skin at every age". 

3. Separate tasks

ChatGPT can help with several tasks, but not at the same time. Just as a person can't cook, send a text message and take a shower at the same time, a machine can't process more than one task at the same time. 

Then prompts in ChatGPT like the example below are bad:

  • Write a text about paid media and create a paid traffic strategy that is in line with this text, along with a social media caption. 

Instead, list the tasks and do them once:

  • Write a text on paid media of approximately 500 words;
  • Create the outline of a paid media strategy that is in line with the text;
  • Develop a social media caption of up to 100 words with these ideas. 

This way, the machine can deliver higher quality results. 

4. Ask for more variations

One of the advantages of AI is that with a single prompt it is possible to request more than one text option. This feature is very interesting for those who need to generate a high volume of ideas that follow the same guidelines.

For example, a user has written a blog article but is unsure of the most appropriate title. So they type the following prompt in ChatGPT:

  • Suggest 3 titles for a blog article with up to 50 characters each. The subject of the article is how to use Instagram lives to sell more products. 

ChatGPT will generate something like this:

  • Real-time sales: Lives on Instagram;
  • Increase Profits: Strategies with Instagram Lives;
  • Win Customers: Tips for Lives on Instagram.

5. Test and Practice 

The needs are varied, so the prompts in ChatGPT will be too. Consequently, it's part of building good commands in a few rounds of testing.

Through these attempts, you'll learn more about the platform and make fewer mistakes over time. If you've never done this before, we'll show you how to make good tests. 

For example, a user needs to write an article for a blog about TikTok. They then create the prompt below:

  • Write an article for a blog about TikTok of approximately 1,000 words. 

The generated text is fine, but you've noticed that the paragraphs are very disjointed. Some are 2 lines long and others are more than 10. So, with this information in hand, you're going to change the prompt previous.

  • Write an article for a blog about TikTok of approximately 1,000 words. The paragraphs of the article should have a similar number of words. 

That's the process: write, analyze and rewrite. Little by little, you'll learn which commands are most effective and you can use them again when the occasion arises. 


In this article we explain how to write good prompts in ChatGPT! With a little practice, you'll soon master these techniques and discover others that will boost your productivity in your professional and/or personal projects.

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Tess AI
Tess AI
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