What are Responsive Display Ads?

You will create campaigns on the Google Display Network and need more information about responsive ads? You've come to the right place!

In this article, you'll find out everything you need to know about the format in order to create high-performance ads for your campaign.

What are Responsive Display Ads?

Responsive display ads are a way to streamline the creation process and also provide better performance for display campaigns.

You only need to provide 3 images: one in landscape format, one in square format and a logo and your display ad will adapt to all the available ad spaces on the Google Display Network partner sites.

These ads already have text fields (titles and descriptions). So if you use text in the image, don't overdo it.

Ideally, you should take the opportunity to use an image without text and highlighting the product, service or action you are promoting. Similar to what is recommended for Facebook Ads.

See below for an example of a Google Display ad:

An example of a Google Display ad

The image in this case does not include any text. But we can see that there is a composition with the fields filled in by the advertiser. The headlines "Kombinado for R$14.90" and "Haveyou had lunch yet? There's a Koni here in Ipanema, close to you." are included directly in the Google Ads platform.

Advantages of Responsive Display Ads

Still in doubt as to whether this type of ad is advantageous for your campaigns? Check out the main benefits and differentials that responsive ads provide!

Ad Optimization

One of the great advantages of investing in responsive display ads is that Google uses a machine learning model to optimize them more precisely.

Here's how it works: once you've uploaded different resources to Google Ads, the platform analyzes your performance history and automatically determines the ideal combination of resources for each ad.

Maximizing Reach

Google Ads also automatically adjusts the size, appearance and format of your ads so that they fit in almost any available space.

A responsive display ad can be shown as a banner ad on one site and as a dynamic text ad on another, thus appearing in more places.

Another advantage is that you can also use videos in your responsive ads to maximize their reach.

Saving Time

As Google optimizes the best options for your ad automatically with Machine Learning, you gain time to devote to other more strategic activities.

Instead of spending hours managing ad portfolios in groups and campaigns, you can focus on finding solutions to improve performance, for example.

Integrated use with Feed

Responsive ads show personalized content to customers from a feed that you add and control, including ads with products that people have already seen on your website, online store or app.

So you can add a feed to your campaign so that both dynamic and static ads are displayed.

banner advertising a free e-book on optimizing Google Ads and Meta Ads campaigns

Requirements for Responsive Ads

Like many other tools available on the Google Ads platform, creating responsive ads also requires a certain amount of attention. Check out what the requirements are and what you mustn't do if you want your ad to fail:

  • It is not allowed for the text of your creative (image accompanying the ad) to cover more than 20% of the delimited space. In other words, choose your font carefully and pay attention to the size of the letters, including the logo;
  • It is not possible to serve ads in animated format, such as GIFs, for example;
  • Be clear and objective when advertising, all the information provided needs to be relevant to the ad and describe what is being promoted;
  • Avoid excessive capitalization, as this violates the platform's spelling rules;
  • Google does not allow the display of sexual content in some circumstances;
  • Have quality images to use in your ads. Make sure it is not in focus and that your layout complies with the policies;
  • Google may withdraw ads or resources due to complaints from the trademark owner. 

Creative Specifications for Responsive Display Ads

Check out the creative specifications so you don't go wrong when creating your Google Display campaigns!

  • Short Title: 1 to 5 titles of up to 30 characters;
  • Long Title: a long title of up to 90 characters;
  • Description: 1 to 5 descriptions of up to 90 characters (your descriptions complement the title and invite people to take action);
  • Company name: maximum 25 characters;
  • Call to Action button and URL.

Image Format Specifications

  • Landscape: the image should have an aspect ratio of 1.91:1 (landscape) and be larger than 600 x 314. The recommended size is 1200 x 628 and the file size limit is 5120 KB;
  • Square: the image in square format (1:1 ratio) should be larger than 300 x 300. The recommended size is 1200 x 1200 and the file size limit is 5120 KB;
  • Note: you can include up to 15 images in your responsive ad.

Logo specifications

  • Landscape: the image should have an aspect ratio of 4:1 (landscape) and be larger than 512 x 128. The recommended size is 1200 x 300 and the file size limit is 5120 KB;
  • Square: the image in square format (1:1 ratio) should be larger than 128 x 128. The recommended size is 1200 x 1200 and the file size limit is 5120 KB.
  • Note: you can include up to 5 logos in your responsive ad.

Video Format Specifications

You can place videos from your YouTube channel in Responsive Display ads. Portrait or landscape videos of around 30 seconds work best.

Here are some tips to help your ads get the best results. We suggest enabling the three formatting options below:

  • Use Feature Enhancements: allow Google to improve your features and optimize your ad layouts;
  • Use Automatically Generated Video: if you haven't added your own video, let Google create the video ads for you using your titles, descriptions and images;
  • Use Native Formats: native ads adopt the format or tone of the website on which they are displayed to ensure a seamless experience for users.

How to Create a Responsive Display Ad?

Check out the step-by-step guide to creating your first responsive ad on Google Ads: 

1. Access the Platform

The first step is to log into your Google Ads account and selectthe Display campaign in which to create your new ad.

Click on "Ads and Features" and then on "Ads". Then selectthe create button.

2. Choose the Format and Ad Group

Now it's time to choose the "Responsive display ad" format and select the ad group in which the ad will be created.

3. Add Visual Elements

Then click on "Images" and "Logos" to add these features. Then select "Videos" to add videos to the ad.

Fill in all these visual features so that the quality of the ad is excellent.

4. Fill in the Ad Title and Description

Fill in the rest of the ad titles and descriptions as shown below:

  • One to five short headlines of up to 30 characters: this will be the first to stand out in your ad, as it remains in the first line;
  • A long title of up to 90 characters: here it is recommended to insert more important information;
  • Write one to five descriptions: the description will complement the headline and encourage people to take the action that the ad suggests;
  • A company name: i.e. the name of your brand - the ad will display exactly what you enter;
  • A final URL: which will direct users who click on the ad.

Before finalizing your ad, check it. View the information provided and, once you have confirmed that everything is correct, click on "Save".

How to Measure the Performance of Your Display Campaign?

Measuring the performance of your display campaign is an important step in evaluating success and identifying areas for improvement. Here are some simple steps you can take to measure the performance of your display campaign:

Define your objectives: before you start measuring the performance of your display campaign, it's important to define your objectives. This could include increasing conversions, website traffic, brand awareness or any other metric that is important to your company.

Choose the right metrics: there are many metrics available to measure the performance of your display campaign, including CTR (click-through rate), conversion rate, impressions, reach and more. Choose the metrics that are relevant to your objectives and that will help you evaluate the success of your campaign.

Use analysis tools: there are many tools available to help you measure the performance of your display campaign. Google Analytics, for example, can provide detailed information on website traffic and the conversions generated by your campaign.

Analyze the data: once you've collected data on the performance of your display campaign, it's time to analyze it. Check that the metrics you have chosen are meeting your objectives and identify any areas that need to be improved.

Make adjustments: based on data analysis, make adjustments to your display campaign to improve its performance. This could include changes in targeting, creatives or bids.

Monitor regularly: Finally, it is important to regularly monitor the performance of your display campaign to ensure that it continues to meet your objectives and to make adjustments as necessary.

To achieve success with your strategy, it's essential to know all the tools at your fingertips and keeping up to date with the latest news and campaigns on the platform is a great first step. 

Now that you know the main information about responsive display ads, see also how to Avoiding Display Fraud with Pareto.io.

Tess AI
Tess AI
Hello, I'm Pareto AI. I bring together all the best AIs in the world in one place.

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