What is RPA (Robotic Process Automation): Complete Guide

There has been a notable increase in the use of technology to optimize countless processes in companies. With this in mind, in order to optimize these tasks, the use of RPAs(Robotic Process Automation) helps to automate everything from simple to complex tasks.

In this article, we're going to conceptualize, present the advantages and other topics related to RPAs. As there are many myths about the subject, these will be debunked throughout the text.

What is RPA (Robotic Process Automation)?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a software technology that automates repetitive tasks, usually operational, present in various sectors of a company.

This technology is a big bet for the coming years. Research shows that the global RPA market is expected to have a compound annual growth rate of 32.8% from 2021 to 2028, reaching $13.74 billion in 2028 - Grand View Research.

To understand how automation works in practice, imagine repetitively filling in spreadsheets with data from a website - this can take up an employee's entire day.

Thus, an RPA can be configured to read the data and fill in the spreadsheet in seconds, freeing the employee to carry out other more strategic or creative activities.

In addition to filling in spreadsheets, software robots are capable of interpreting codes, extracting data, triggering responses, communicating with other systems and performing various other actions automatically.

What is the main purpose of an RPA (Robotic Process Automation)?

The main objective of an RPA is: while they automate repetitive and operational demands within an organization, they provide autonomy and enable employees to focus their working hours on strategic demands with a greater impact on business results .

In this way, the company distributes manual and operational tasks that require a lot of time from the teams to carry out. RPAs take on this role and, as a result, people are rehumanized.

As a result, employees can focus on activities that require a more sophisticated degree of creativity and strategic potential, adding more value to various aspects of the business and its customers.

How is RPA different from other automation processes?

With regard to the difference between RPAs and other automation processes, it is clear that RPAs have particularities that differentiate them from other types of tools for corporate automation purposes.

If configured in this way, the RPA is able to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as it does not require constant monitoring or intervention by human activities. Everything is done automatically, with greater flexibility compared to other automation processes.

RPAs in Marketing in Numbers

With regard to the RPA landscape in the marketing sector, the context is very positive. Below you'll find some indicators that exemplify the importance of using RPAs: 

  • According to Deloitte92% of respondents said that RPAs met or exceeded their expectations for better compliance;
  • According to Pegasystems63% of global executives said that updating RPAs is a crucial resource to adopt in the digital transformation;
  • According to Forrester57% of organizations say that the use of RPAs reduces manual errors;
  • According to Forresteraround 57% of executives believe that RPAs increase employee engagement.
  • Based on Forrester60% of executives validate that RPAs make it possible for people to concentrate on more strategic work;
  • According to research by UiPath68% of the world's employees trust that the application of automation will make them more productive.

RPAs for Marketing and Sales

Among the most common applications of RPAs are those for companies' marketing and sales departments, given the enormous potential for time savings, gains in scale and employee satisfaction.

Marketing and sales professionals have a nature geared towards creativity, strategy and relationships, skills that are overshadowed by the growing need to carry out repetitive tasks.

Pareto has developed a series of RPAs related to Marketing and Sales that allow you to increase employee productivity by up to 3 times. Get to know some of them.

RPA for Paid Media Budget Optimization

With Pareto's Omnichannel Budget Manager, the company can group paid media campaigns with the same objective and define the budget for the month.

Every day, Tess, Pareto's A.I., analyzes the performance of Google Ads and Facebook Ads campaigns and adjusts the budget automatically to maximize results.

RPA for 1-Click Optimizations

This RPA performs thousands of analyses in seconds, looking for the best optimization opportunities in an ad account. It then selects among the analyses the best optimization opportunities that can be applied with just one click of the mouse.

Some examples of the analysis are: blocking potentially fraudulent channels on the Google Display Network, deactivating ads with low performance on Facebook Ads, adding new keywords on Google.

RPA for Media Optimization for Pre-Qualified Leads

Monitor your form and automatically assign a score to each lead you capture. The score of qualified leads will be sent to the Google Ads and Facebook Ads platforms.

This way, you optimize your campaigns by prioritizing the highest-scoring leads, rather than considering all leads as if they were equal.

RPA for Data Integration between CRM and Paid Media

Connect to your CRM data which is centralized by the Pareto Data Warehouse, where Tess, Pareto's A.I., will evaluate the ICP and then send this information to the Google Ads and Facebook Ads platforms.

With this, you'll be able to see which campaigns, audiences and ads have contributed the most to your sales team's sales.

RPA for Integrating Data from Multiple Clients for Performance Agencies

Access projections for each account in real time in a detailed and visual way. Filter by account manager, client or customize according to your needs. Follow highlighted metrics by period. Analyze your CPA, ROAS, CPV and CPC targets. All the information structured in just a few clicks.

RPA for Inventory Integration with Paid Media

Pareto uses the e-commerce product feed to filter out products with low stock availability, temporarily removing these products from paid media.

In this way, it is possible to make significant savings on campaigns by taking the user to products with greater availability, i.e. those that are more likely to convert. This automation applies to Google Shopping campaigns and Dynamic Remarketing on Google and Facebook's Product Catalog.

What are the advantages of using RPAs (Robotic Process Automation)?

Increasingly, there is a need to carry out strategic actions that allow us to remain strong in the market, whether for a brand, service or product. However, one of the biggest challenges in this creative process is time.

That's where Robotic Process Automation comes in! RPAs act with the perspective of allowing us to save working time and focus on tasks that require more of our creativity. Therefore, the main advantages of using RPAs are: 

Optimizing Time and Productivity: by automating processes it is possible to raise the level of productivity in companies, since robots carry out the process automatically, ensuring greater scale and allowing humans to dedicate themselves to other important functions.

Nearly 60% of executives agree that RPA allows people to focus on more strategic work - Forrester.

Reduction of Execution and Process Errors: with the use of RPAs, around 57% of human errors are reduced - Forrester. This is because the software robot is not impacted by the exhaustion of an activity and is not affected by excessive information, reducing the risk of operational errors.

Cost savings: cost savings are very evident in companies that are scaling, as they don't need to significantly increase their workforce to carry out manual tasks, delegating these to RPAs.

Focus on more strategic activities: robots interact with multiple sources and databases, collecting a greater volume of information with 100% accuracy and compliance, thus guaranteeing more quality for end-user analysis.

Flexibility and Systems Integration: RPA can be integrated with thousands of different software programs and can also be applied to different levels of depth in the company's tasks, which allows it to be used for longer without additional investment.

More Engaged Employees: by having their boring tasks delegated to robots, employees can devote themselves to the activities that really matter in their jobs, increasing the level of engagement with work by 57% - Forrester.

Improved Customer Experience: RPA can be used to interact with customers in the Telecommunications sector, for example, to deliver quick resolutions and answers to key questions, resulting in reduced service time and improved customer experience.

Scaling opportunities: as the company grows, it is possible to scale the RPA application to meet its changing needs, the robots adapting to different functions to help the company achieve its objectives.

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) - Examples of Use

With regard to examples of the use of RPAs (Robotic Process Automation) in companies, it is possible to say that they can be implemented in various areas and processes with different functions or one in particular.

In order to make the visualization of the processes of an RPA closer to something commonly experienced, the examples below illustrate some applications:

  • Report generation;
  • Sending e-mail notifications with charges to defaulting customers;
  • Integration of CRM with Paid Media (advertising platforms such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads);
  • Analysis of fraudulent purchases in e-commerce;
  • Performing complex calculations and analyses with company data;
  • Managing the processing of employee performance data.

What is the relationship between RPA and Artificial Intelligence?

RPA and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are two distinct technologies, but they can be confused depending on the context. This is especially the case when AI resources are integrated into RPAs.

RPA robots are programmed to perform a series of repetitive tasks, based on rules stipulated by the user; they are not able to learn or improve their performance during the process.

In other words, if an automated task changes, the RPA robot doesn't recognize the change and needs to be programmed again to be able to perform it.

But when AI resources are integrated into the RPA, it starts to interpret behaviors, such as language processing or computer vision, and considerably increases the possibilities for decision-making.

This is because AI features mimic human behavior and complement RPA robots that replicate human actions based on rules.

Pareto banner on marketing automation with AI.

5 Tips for Implementing RPA in Your Company

Given the collaborative potential that RPAs have, it is of the utmost importance that the implementation of the technology is carried out in accordance with a pre-defined plan that is aligned with the organization's objectives. The aim is to achieve maximum performance in the processes.

To achieve this, the following steps are highly recommended:

1. mapping needs

Before developing any solution, it is of the utmost importance to look at the processes your company has in place and what "pains" need to be solved. Mapping needs and requirements makes it possible to identify the main activities that need to be adjusted or included in the implementation of RPA in your company.

2. Analyzing the Best Software

At this stage, criteria and requirements must be established to help choose the most suitable RPA supplier for the organization. These parameters include technical specifications, functionalities and price.

In addition, some companies offer a few days' free trial of the product, which can be an opportunity to validate and confirm whether it will be implemented. This practice depends on the type of RPA you intend to hire.

3. Implement a Pilot

Once you've chosen the most suitable supplier, it's time to put the software into practice. To do this, you need to ensure that the company's employees are trained to use the tool. After all, there's no point in having cutting-edge technology if nobody knows how to use it, is there?

In addition, it is essential that the pilot application activities are documented in order to generate records and be analyzed. Through these statements, possible problems, needs for changes or additional requirements will be detected.

So this third stage is the time to test, make mistakes and solve them.

4. Managing the Life Cycle

Once the pilot project has been tested and adjusted to the company's reality, it's time to implement the successful solution. This is the step-by-step process for putting the established strategies and change management into practice.

5. Tess RPA Builder demo

In order to provide an incredible and practical experience, Pareto has the Tess RPA Builder within its software, where you can request an automation from among the countless predefined ones and insert business metrics and conditions.

What's more, it allows you to build customized RPAs according to your company's needs!

robotic process automation: demonstration Tess RPA builder

How do Pareto RPAs work?

With a view to robotizing processes and rehumanizing people, Pareto's RPAs come with the prospect of helping organizations' work routines. This way, human beings can focus on more strategic tasks and explore their creativity.

With this, our RPAs are based on the concept of "Time Back", so that human beings gain precious hours of their day, leaving the thousands of repetitive (but necessary) tasks to the automations.

Below, you'll learn a little more about some of our RPAs and how they can help your organization's work routine. But there are many others, as well as the possibility of creating your own RPA!

Omnichannel OBM Budget Manager

The OBM is Pareto's budget manager, which makes daily adjustments to the campaigns' daily budget. By configuring it, you can group together campaigns with the same objective and define the budget for the month.

Every day, Tess will analyze the performance of Google and Facebook campaigns and adjust the budget automatically.

With just a few clicks, you can automate the budget management of your campaigns, never miss a beat or go over your budget for the month. And you don't have to make the mistake of limiting your budget for campaigns that perform well.

Find out more about OBM and how it facilitates Google Ads and Facebook Ads Budget Management with AI in this article.


LeadScoring is an RPA focused on leads. It allows you to monitor your website's forms and automatically assign a score to each lead you capture. This way, you'll be able to see the quality of the leads within the advertising platforms.

For example, a B2B company might give a higher score to contacts who fill in the form with a corporate email, and a lower score for personal emails.

Qualified leads will be sent to the Google and Facebook platforms, with the score already established. This way you can optimize your campaigns based on the qualification of the leads, giving you the possibility of optimizing by ROAS.


This RPA also focuses on lead qualification. It connects the data from your CRM, which is centralized by the Pareto Data Warehouse, where Tess (Pareto's A.I.) will evaluate the ICP (Ideal Customer Profile).

It will then send this information to the Google and Facebook platforms, showing data based on final sales, improving visibility and optimization.

BI for Agencies - The Dashboard of Dreams

One of an agency's biggest challenges is to ensure that its clients' paid media management operation works as planned.

Access projections for each account in real time in a detailed and visual way; filter by account manager, client or customize according to your needs; track highlighted metrics by period; analyze your CPA, ROAS, CPV and CPC targets.

All the information you need is structured and accessible in just a few clicks.

Stock optimization

Every e-commerce business knows that managing stock of products of different sizes takes time and organization. Now, to combine this stock management with paid media ads, the dedication needs to be even greater.

Can you imagine advertising a beautiful dress but only having a PP size? The company is running the risk of serving only a few people. What's more, products with few options available naturally have a low conversion rate. And they generate dissatisfaction on the part of the user.

Based on this situation, we developed an RPA focused on Stock Optimization. To do this, we use your product feed file from the website and adjust it so that it is more assertive in promoting your products on Google Shopping and Dynamic Remarketing, both on Google and Facebook Catalog.

Conversion API

In 2020, Facebook announced a new policy for iOS 14 and web advertisers. With it, the industry, platforms, advertisers and marketers had to adapt strategies and account structures due to the reduced capture of user data.

With the Conversion API, it has been possible to mitigate the impact of these changes. It helps Facebook Ads record the main interactions, conversions and purchases made by users on your site. In this way, you can say goodbye to the lack of visibility of the campaigns that convert the most and the problems generated by the iOS14 updates.


It is well known that the use of RPAs makes a positive contribution to the workplace, allowing people to focus on strategic activities and be more productive. Faced with a market full of new technologies and constant change, the need to optimize our time is growing every day. 

That's why Pareto has developed the world's first Paid Media Manager using AI. This allows us to have various optimizations and automations that perform repetitive and analytical tasks, with the aim of improving campaign performance and saving time. 

To find out more about Pareto RPAs and learn a little more about our purpose, take a free demo on our website.

Tess AI
Tess AI
Hello, I'm Pareto AI. I bring together all the best AIs in the world in one place.

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