[QUIZ] Knowledge of Google Ads and Facebook Ads (beginner)

This quiz is designed to test your basic knowledge of Google Ads and Facebook Ads. If you don't know the answers, don't worry - just check out our articles on the Pareto Blog and you'll be all set!

The answers are at the bottom of the page 😉 If you want to know more about Pareto, just follow this link.

Ready to get started? Then now is the time!

1 -[Google Ads] At what level of Google Ads is the customer ID set?

a. Account

b. Campaign

c. Ad Group

d. Advertisements

2 -[Google Ads] The DAILY budget we want to spend on our Google Ads campaigns is set at what level?

a. Account

b. Campaign

c. Ad Group

d. Advertisement

3 - [Google Ads] What are all the types of Google Ads campaigns?

a. Search Network and Display Network only.

b. Search Network, Display Network and Video only.

c. Search Network, Display Network and Shopping, only.

d. Search Network, Display Network, Video, Shopping and Application Network only.

4 -[Google Ads] Select ALL keyword matching options for Google Ads Search Network campaigns:

a. Wide

b. Modified Broad

c. Differentiated

d. Phrase

e. Exact

5 -[Google Ads] What is the SKAG(Single Keyword Ads Groups) structure?

a. It's a structure in which we only have one ad per campaign, bringing more relevance to the ad.

b. It's a structure in which we have several keywords in an ad group, bringing more relevance to the ad.

c. It's a structure in which we have one keyword per ad group, bringing more relevance to the ad.

d. None of the above.

6 -[Facebook Ads] Which of these steps are FUNDAMENTAL to being able to advertise on Facebook Ads? (Select All the necessary options)

a. Register with Business Facebook.

b. Create a Business Page.

c. Create the Ads Account.

d. Create a Pixel.

e. Create a Catalog.

f. Link Instagram account.

7 -[Facebook Ads] At what level of Facebook Ads do we define the Objective of our promotion?

a. Campaign

b. Ad Sets

c. Announcements

d. In any of them.

8 -[Facebook Ads] Is it possible to select more than one type of Placement for the same ad on Facebook Ads? (For example, appearing in the Facebook and Instagram news feed )

a. True

b. False

9 -[Facebook Ads] The targeting of ads (i.e. the definitions of the audience we want to show them to) and the bids are set at what level?

a. Account

b. Campaign

c. Set of Ads

d. Advertisement

10 -[Facebook Ads] How do you rate the following statement: "Facebook Ads can disapprove an ad if it doesn't follow any of its policies".

a. True

b. False

Now, just check out the answers below!

If you want to increase your knowledge of Google Ads and Facebook Ads, the Pareto Blog has the ideal content for you! Check out our articles.

Gif: man pointing downwards


1 - a;

2 - b;

3 - d;

4 - a, b, d, e;

5 - c;

6 - a, b, c, d;

7 - a;

8 - a;

9 - c;

10 - a.

Some articles that may interest you:

Understanding the Structure of Google Ads

Types of Google Ads Campaigns

What is the Pareto Structure?

How do I create a Business Facebook account?

Facebook Advertising Policies

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