Google Ads Advertising Policies

What are they?

If you advertise on Google Ads, the content of this article is certainly very important! Google has a series of rules that must be followed in order for ads to be shown on the platform. These are the Google Ads Advertising policies.

Depending on the content of the ad, or even the site, Google can prevent it from being shown by disapproving the ads. That's why it's important to know these rules to avoid problems.

These policies are reviewed periodically by the Google Ads team. Their main objective is to make the user experience safer and more positive on the platform. 

Advertising Policies are separated into four areas, or categories. Shall we get to know them?

Prohibited content

This area includes all the content that cannot be advertised on Google Ads.

They fall into this category:

Counterfeit products

These would be advertisements for products that imitate or simulate others that have a registered trademark. In other words, the practice of piracy.

Dangerous products or services

Advertising drugs, explosives, weapons or instructions on how to use or create them.

Services that facilitate dishonest behavior

For example, hackers, offering document forgery services, among others.

Inappropriate content

This topic covers content such as bullying or intimidation of an individual or group. Discrimination against individuals, crime scenes, obscene language.

Prohibited practices

This category includes the following practices:

Inappropriate Use of the Ad Network

These are ads that Google somehow understands to be circumventing the review process. For example, promoting content with malware or techniques to hide the real destination to which users are directed.

In the case of malware, it's possible that the site is infected with malicious software (viruses), which must be removed in order for the ads to be displayed.

This is a very serious problem, as it involves all the ads in the account being disapproved, and requires an effort by the site's team of developers to remove the file containing the malware

Data Collection and Use

Google values user security, which is why it prevents its advertising partners from promoting sites that are used for irresponsible data collection. For example, capturing the user's CPF, credit card number on unsafe sites that will misuse the data.

As well as using this data for marketing actions specific to certain user characteristics. For example, promotions that claim to know your financial situation.

False Statements

This is a very important policy, which causes a lot of disapproval if care is not taken. Advertisements need to be clear and honest, as well as the destination site.

The user must have access to all the information needed to make the purchase or register. For example, not clearly disclosing the payment methods accepted. Or having content that is considered misleading: such as promising guaranteed results, making false claims about your company, etc.

Restricted content

This category includes content that Google allows in certain situations. In general, this content is limited, i.e. the ad is not shown as often as it could be. It therefore has a much smaller reach among users. In some cases, the ads may be rejected.

Adult Content

Google does not allow certain types of adult content in the ad or on the landing page. Ads must respect user preferences and comply with legal regulations and ad targeting age.


Some types of ad related to alcoholic beverages are allowed as long as they comply with the policies. Google may disapprove the ad if it is targeted at minors, suggests that drinking is beneficial or involves drinking and driving.


Google does not allow ads that are not authorized to use copyrighted content. For example, sites that provide access to downloadable content in order to circumvent copyright.


Advertisements related to physical or online casinos are restricted to countries where this type of practice is permitted. It is not possible to advertise here in Brazil. This policy also applies to other online gambling games.

Health and Medicines

Certain health-related content cannot be advertised, or special permission must be requested. Controlled drugs and unapproved substances are banned from ads. This is a policy that often causes disapproval.

It often happens that the landing page contains a name that is similar to a controlled drug, such as proper names. In such cases, the ad is usually allowed to run if Google reviews it.

Some supplement websites may have disapproved ads, depending on the substance advertised.

Political Content

Ads must comply with the country's electoral laws . In the case of Brazil, there is no very restrictive Google policy on this.

Financial Services

The aim of this policy is to ensure that the advertiser provides users with all the information about the costs associated with financial products and services. In this way, protecting them against harmful or fraudulent practices.

Financial products and services are those related to the management and investment of currencies and cryptocurrencies.


This policy only applies when the owner of a trademark sends a valid complaint to Google. For example, when a competitor is using your trademark in their ads.

In this case, you are not allowed to use it unless you apply for authorization to use the trademark (this depends on the owner's approval).

Editorial and technical requirements

Google wants the ads displayed on its platform to engage users and not be unpleasant or difficult to interact with. It has therefore created editorial and technical requirements to help keep its ads attractive to users.

This policy relates to the creation of clear, professional-looking ads that provide users with relevant, useful and easy-to-interact-with content. It also involves the user experience on the landing page.

So, some points that cause disapproval and that fall under this advertising policy are:

  • Use of more than one URL per Ad Group.
  • Display URL that does not accurately reflect the URL of the destination page.
  • Links that start a direct download from the ad.
  • Destinations that contain abusive user experiences.
  • Very generic ads containing vague phrases.
  • Punctuation or symbols that are not used correctly or for the intended purpose. Example: "$salary" to say "salary".

Good Advertising Practices

As we saw above, there are a series of rules within Google's Advertising Policies that must be respected. That way, you don't run the risk of suffering from disapproved ads and losing impressions.

Let's look at some suggestions for good practices when creating your ads, based on the Advertising Policies:

1) Don't use terms that suggest "guaranteed superiority" in titles and descriptions. Example: "Best" - "The Best Product in Brazil".

2) Do not write phrases in the ads that could be labeled as misleading content. Also, watch out for such statements on the landing page of the ads! Example: "Eliminates 100% of Wrinkles" or "Guaranteed Profit in 1 month".

3) Do not use exclamation marks in ad titles or words with all capital letters (only in abbreviations and acronyms).

4) Don't use the names of trademarks or competing companies in titles or descriptions.

5) Do not use phrases that show economic advantages when referring to medical services, as this is against the law relating to health advertising. For example: "The Cheapest Test".


So those are Pareto's tips for getting your ads approved! That way, you'll be able to take advantage of all the advertising opportunities on this platform!

If you want to see the full list of Google's Advertising Policies, just click on this link.

Check out these other articles we've put together for you on Google Ads:

What are Google Ads Bid Adjustments - Discover the Top 6
Understanding the Structure of Google Ads
Google Ads Quality Score: What Is It and How to Improve It?

Tess AI
Tess AI
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