Home Process Automation Can Human Potential cope with Digital Transformation?

Can Human Potential cope with Digital Transformation?

digital transformation: image of a young man with glasses and a blue shirt, typing on a silver laptop in an office room

We call digital transformation the process of using technologies to transform traditional processes and services into new business operating models to meet market and customer expectations.

As technologies evolve, it is natural for many companies to seek changes in order to benefit from the new digital model or simply to keep up with competitors.

But the question that remains is "Is human capacity enough to deal with technological advances within organizations?"

The Impact of Digital Transformation on Companies

Although the concept of digital transformation, which we described above, is not new, you may have already used your imagination to think of various possibilities about the "next level" or "what will be possible in the next few years".

One example is the repetitive filling in of spreadsheets from data on a website, which can take up a professional's entire day if done manually. 

With the use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), filling in spreadsheets is done in a matter of seconds, freeing up human beings to carry out other activities.

And it doesn't stop there: in addition to filling in spreadsheets, software robots are capable of interpreting codes, extracting data, preparing responses, triggering messages, communicating with other systems and carrying out various other actions.

With this new workforce comes numerous benefits that strengthen the company's market share and boost its growth, such as:

  • Increased Productivity: around 60% of executives agree that intelligent automations allow people to focus on more strategic work, data from Forrester;
  • Reducing Operational Risks: with the use of intelligent automations around 57% of human errors are reduced, according to data from Forrester;
  • Greater Accuracy in Results: because they interact with multiple sources and databases, software robots collect a greater volume of information with 100% accuracy and compliance;
  • More opportunities for scale: automations can be applied to meet the company's growth needs, adapting to different functions, tools and processes;
  • More Engaged Employees: employees increased their level of engagement with their work by 57% when they had their boring tasks delegated to robots, according to data from Forrester;
  • Improved Compliance: 92% of contractors say that intelligent automations have met or exceeded expectations for improved compliance, data from Deloitte.

What are the Digital Transformation Technologies?

So far you've seen the impact and benefits of digital transformation on companies, but what are the technologies behind it all?

Here's a selection of the main technologies to be deployed over the next few years, with the greatest potential to add long-term value in the digital transformation of businesses.

Mobile Technology and 5G

Mobile devices increase the speed and frequency of interactions between companies and their customers or potential customers. Today, a mobile-friendly interface is already crucial to the online presence of all organizations.

Cloud-based technology

Cloud Computing allows the company to have faster access to its software, new features and updates, along with data storage, from anywhere at any time.

Big Data and Real-Time Analysis

It is an imperative digital technology that decodes complex data to reveal important information, such as consumer patterns (their behavior and interest), market trends and unknown correlations.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

When fed by comprehensive data programs, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning provide organizations with insights for faster and more accurate decisions on sales, marketing, product development and other strategic areas.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

A Robotic Process Automation (RPA) deploys bots that can handle mundane, repetitive tasks faster and more accurately than humans who are freed from these tasks to pursue higher-value work.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of connected devices capable of capturing data that companies previously didn't have access to. With this information, institutions can better understand their consumers and create more appropriate solutions for them.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality makes it possible to make more seamless connections between the two worlds, the computer world and the human world. This technology is already well established in various fields, but it also has immense potential for the future.

Digital Twin

A Digital Twin is a digital representation of a physical device, behavior or phenomenon. The basic concept of the Digital Twin can be applied to any system, such as large objects like buildings, factories and even cities.

API-based integrations

API-based integrations are a powerful technology used by almost all digital transformation platforms. They connect two or more systems via their APIs to enable seamless data exchange between them and maintain a flow of dialog by detecting requests and responding to them.

Are You Ready to Take the First Steps with Digital Transformation?

While you imagine a digitally transformed company, or at least a department of it, you can also imagine what a new journey and new processes would look like with a complete digital transformation.

When considering the first steps on your journey, think about the following:

  • Do you and your stakeholders understand and have considered the main technologies for implementing digital transformation?
  • How will you manage the discovery of business workflows and identify their bottlenecks, as well as optimization?
  • Which activities and departments do you need to automate as a priority?
  • How will you train the team to work in the new model? Consider investing in training or an implementation consultancy.

A Pareto believes that human beings are capable enough to deal with technological advances within organizations (in case you were wondering). After all, we have accompanied this transformation in more than 15,000 companies in 84 countries.

We've created the world's first professional A.I. assistant, Tess, which helps optimize Marketing and Sales activities, allowing you to perform tasks that would previously have taken more than an hour in just one or two seconds. 

Check out a simulation of how Tess works in everyday business!

As you've seen so far, digital transformation is a great ally for companies, boosting the scalability of many businesses and having a direct impact on revenue and customer growth.

It doesn't matter whether your company is large or small, whether you have advanced knowledge or are a beginner. In all cases, you can use technology to your advantage to optimize time and gain a competitive edge in the market.

It is precisely in the execution of manual and repetitive tasks that Pareto's automations come in. With the simple implementation of our automation software, you free up your team to be brilliant in their field. Take a free demo and get all your questions answered.

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