Home Business Accelerator 18 Generative AI Use Cases for Professionals

18 Generative AI Use Cases for Professionals

Generative AI Use Cases: image generated by Tess AI

The impact of Generative AI use cases is transforming the way we live. Tools from artificial intelligence are transforming the way we live. Tools such as OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Gemini use trained language models to create new content from simple instructions, significantly speeding up the creation process.

Research by McKinsey indicates that Generative AI could revolutionize work, expanding employees' skills by automating specific tasks. This advance in productivity could add trillions of dollars to the global economy.

But what are the use cases in companies? Do only marketers or developers benefit from this technology? Are there alternatives to the best-known AIs? Is there an AI that integrates the world's main AIs? Read on to find out more.

Generative AI Use Cases in Different Business Areas

Next, we'll dive into the practical applications of generative AI in business, showing how it can transform the way we work and the concept of productivity, opening up new possibilities for the future.


  1. Personalized marketing: generative AI creates engaging and personalized content, such as persuasive texts for advertising campaigns and product descriptions adapted to each customer's profile.
  2. Strategic planning: using data analysis, AI identifies the most effective channels, the ideal timing for launching campaigns and the most receptive target audience, optimizing the planning of marketing campaigns.
  3. Efficient design: generative AI speeds up the creative process when creating logos, banners and other visual elements, reducing costs and production time.

Here are some examples of how the Tess AI platform can be used in marketing.

With ad creative planning, you can create a schedule for your posts on all media platforms.

By using Instagram post descriptions, you can improve the quality of your posts. Simply provide an objective and let Tess create captivating and engaging captions that attract the attention of your followers. See below.

With brand planning, you can put together a complete document to develop your brand, including target audience, positioning, tone of voice, slogan and more.

As a complement, to improve your brand, you can use Template Logos 2.0, where all kinds of logos are generated in seconds. Just define the subject, color, style, type, brand and you're done!


4. Demand Forecasting: AI uses historical data and market trends to anticipate demand for products or services, helping with inventory and production planning.

5. Personalized Recommendations: based on customer behavior and preferences, AI suggests complementary products or special offers, increasing the chances of conversion.

6. Sales Meeting Analysis: receive an assessment and recommendations for improving strategic sales meetings by analyzing sales data and methodologies.

Here are some examples of how the Tess AI platform can be used in Sales.

To obtain a Seasonal Sales Forecast Calculation, AI is based on the behavior and preferences of your customers to suggest complementary products or special offers. Check it out!

Our Decision Making Assistant is a tool designed to help you make important choices in various areas of your life. With an intuitive interface, you can enter relevant data and receive personalized recommendations.

By analyzing meetings using sales methodologies, you can receive a score and recommendations for improving your meeting.

Customer Service

7. Intelligent Chatbots: generative AI makes it possible to create chatbots capable of understanding the context of customer questions, providing precise and personalized answers.

8. Sentiment Analysis: through natural language processing, AI identifies the tone and sentiment of customers in chat, email or social media interactions, allowing for a more empathetic approach.

9. Uninterrupted support: AI-based chatbots offer 24/7 customer support, reducing waiting times and increasing customer satisfaction.

Here are some examples of how the Tess AI platform can be used in Customer Service.

Using Sentiment Analysis in Texts with Generative AI, you can better understand your customers' opinions and reactions, adapting your business strategies.

By using AI to revolutionize your customer relationship strategy, you'll be anticipating needs, personalizing experiences and providing actionable insights to cultivate lasting relationships.

Human Resources

10. Resume screening: AI analyzes large volumes of resumes, identifying the most qualified candidates based on predefined criteria.

11. Automated Onboarding: generative AI creates personalized content for the onboarding process of new employees, adapted to each person's position and responsibilities.

12. Adaptive Training: based on the performance and knowledge gaps of each employee, AI develops tailor-made training programs, optimizing individual learning.

Here are some examples of how the Tess AI platform can be used in Human Resources.

To carry out an analysis of candidates in interviews in the selection process, you can use AI to standardize and organize the analysis of candidates after interviews, allowing for a fair and efficient comparison. You can check some essential criteria, such as performance in the interview, technical skills, interpersonal skills, alignment with the company culture, among others.

For automated onboarding in Customer Success, you can use Tess AI to create personalized content adapted to the position and responsibilities of new employees.

You can also use the following template if you want to create a detailed work report.

Software Development

13. Code generation: generative AI writes code based on specifications provided by developers, speeding up the process of developing complex applications and systems.

14. Bug detection: by analyzing patterns and anomalies in the code, AI identifies and corrects errors quickly and efficiently, improving software quality.

15. Automated testing: AI creates and executes test cases automatically, guaranteeing software quality and reducing the time needed for manual testing.

Below are some examples of how the Tess AI platform can be used in Software Development.

Explore the following template to improve performance and lower costs in your operations. Get expert advice from Tess AI.

For bug detection, use Debug Assistance with any LLM you like. By analyzing patterns and anomalies in the code, AI can identify and correct errors faster and more efficiently than humans.

What's more, you can quickly request a code review with one of Tess AI's templates, guaranteeing software quality and reducing manual testing time.


16. Fraud detection: AI can analyze large volumes of transactional data, identifying suspicious patterns and potential fraudulent activities.

17. Credit Risk Analysis: using historical data and market information, AI can assess the creditworthiness of customers and companies, helping to make lending decisions.

18. Process automation: AI can automate repetitive tasks such as reconciling accounts and issuing invoices, freeing up the finance team for more strategic activities.

Below are some examples of how the Tess AI platform can be used in Finance.

AI is also trained to carry out credit and risk analysis for new customers, taking into account various websites. Run some tests and find out how this automation can make your day-to-day life easier.

To extract data from PDF invoices and bills, simply access Tess AI and ask it to analyze and extract key information from PDFs of tax documents such as invoices, bills, invoices, etc.

Generative AI and Data Security

Generative AI is transforming the business world, but its inappropriate use can pose serious risks to the security of corporate data. A Business Insider survey revealed that more than 70% of employees who use tools such as OpenAI's ChatGPT do not inform their employers. This can result in the inadvertent sharing of confidential information without adequate protection.

When employees send confidential emails, spreadsheets and presentations to external AI tools without the company's knowledge, they expose sensitive data to potential vulnerabilities and security breaches. This reckless practice can compromise the privacy and integrity of corporate and customer information, resulting in reputational damage and financial losses.

To adopt Generative AI safely and effectively, it is essential to guarantee the quality and security of the data. Tools open to the public, such as ChatGPT and Gemini, can provide inaccurate or irrelevant information, affecting the quality of responses and the dissemination of correct information.

Integrating solutions that ensure data protection is essential for preserving business information, promoting customer trust and maintaining compliance with privacy regulations. Features such as encryption and access control are crucial to mitigating risks and strengthening a company's position in the market.

Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Corporate Environment

According to McKinseythis technology has the potential to significantly increase productivity in the corporate environment in various sectors of the economy and could add trillions of dollars in value to the global economy.

Generative AI goes beyond automating tasks; it directly influences decision-making and business strategy. With its ability to provide valuable insights, this technology helps professionals make more informed and strategic decisions, driving the digital transformation of organizations.

Get ready to explore some practical and inspiring examples of how generative AI can impact different sectors in different ways. Here's how:

  • Unleash your team's creativity and innovative potential;
  • Automate repetitive tasks and free up time for strategic activities;
  • Increase efficiency and productivity in all areas of your company;
  • Boost your results and put your company at the forefront of innovation.

Source: McKinsey Digital. Report 2023. The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier

Unlock Your Business Potential with Tess AI

Generative AI allows companies to remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic and demanding market. You don't want to be left out of this digital transformation, do you?

However, it's up to you to decide whether to lead this change or be left behind. To make the most of this technology, it is essential to invest in reliable and secure tools.

With Tess AI, voted the 6th Best AI in the World by G2, you have guaranteed protection for your corporate data, as well as access to the world's best AIs in a single place, with quality and confidence in the results generated.

Bring your workforce to Tess AI and embark on this digital transformation, discovering what you can do for your company by integrating generative AI. Access it for free and take the first step towards a smarter, more efficient and innovative future for your business.



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