In this tutorial, you'll learn how to visualize segmented campaigns on Instagram and Facebook. This way, you'll be able to separate metrics and results by platform on Facebook.
To view the campaigns separated by platform, just follow this step-by-step guide!
Step 1/6
First, log in to Facebook Business.
Step 2/6
Select your Ads Account and click open.
Step 3/6
Select which Campaigns you want to see by clicking on the checkboxes to the left of the campaign name. Then click on "Ads".
Step 4/6
Now click on the "Details" option on the right-hand side of the screen.
Step 5/6
Now select the "By placement" breakdown option and select "Platform".
Step 6/6
That's it! Now you'll have an overview of the results of your targeted campaigns on Instagram and Facebook. This way, you can optimize your account in the best way for these platforms.
Check out these other Pareto articles on Facebook Ads:
[CASE] Custom Audience Optimization for Facebook Ads
How to Monitor Competitors' Ads on Facebook