Home Business Tools PandaDoc: Sign and manage documents from home

PandaDoc: Sign and manage documents from home


How do you manage so many documents while working remotely?

The act of signing a document, whatever its nature, has always been common in the business world and even in a person's routine. 

However, what seems like a simple task with a pen and paper can turn into something much more complex. That's why we're presenting a solution for signing documents without leaving home: PandaDoc.

There are many doubts that can arise when signing a contract.

Who can sign, just the legal representative? How do you find time in your busy schedule? Does it need to be notarized? By likeness or by authenticity? Does the legal representative need to be present? How do you send it to the other party? What if the post office or courier loses my document?

And this complexity has increased in the face of the current scenario: the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and the immersion in the home office has brought with it a barrier between people. Personal contact has been obligatorily removed from our routine and one of the impacts of this imposed change has been in professional areas with the need to formalize agreements by signing documents.

Signing a document on paper will certainly last for some time in the most varied of routines. But today, companies are modernizing and looking for changes to improve and streamline administrative processes.

This suggestion has always been adopted by Pareto and we believe that, even after this difficult period has passed, it will continue to make the work of document management much easier within a company.

PandaDoc, the solution to your contract problems

This is how PandaDoca tool that proves to be a complete solution when it comes to contract management and digital signatures.

PandaDoc is a very intuitive and relatively simple platform to use. It focuses on document and contract management.

Its features include: templatized document creation and editing, media and file inclusion, personalized digital signatures, document status tracking, form creation and editing and integration with CRM platforms.


Practicality and agility with PandaDoc

How much time do you waste on the bureaucratic process of signing a paper document?

Printing a document, waiting for the signatures of those responsible, scanning the document, sending it by e-mail, going to the registry office. Have you ever noticed how much time this process takes?

The practicality and agility of the digital signature means that all these demands can be carried out in just a few minutes through PandaDoc.

Features such as editing documents using templates, one-click digital signatures and triggering via pre-configured messages make setting up and concluding a contract much easier.

According to the PandaDocstudies show that the average document processing time is reduced from five days to 37 minutes after the introduction of electronic signatures.

This translates into less friction in making a sale and time savings for your sales team, which will be free to sell more. For your contracts team, which will be available to deal with other demands, and for the company's legal representatives, who will be more focused on the company's strategic activities.


Digital Signature and Security with PandaDoc

Digital signatures are a technology that uses cryptography to guarantee the security and integrity of electronic documents. It is a way of validating digital signatures on a document, in the same way that signatures validate paper documents. In addition, this functionality helps to speed up various processes.

The digital signature can be created by the software user themselves on their smartphone, tablet or computer. This signature will be saved in the software as an image and you can can apply it to any document within the platform. This can then be forwarded to the recipient in order to collect your signature.

In addition, once all parties have signed, PandaDoc automatically creates a signature certificateincluding date, time and a signature reference code.

The question of security is directly related to the permissions granted only to registered recipients with their respective e-mail contact. This process is extremely important, especially in dealings involving the signing of contracts or documents containing sensitive matters.

It should be noted that, according to law 14.063, published in the official gazette on September 23, 2020, the Brazilian legal system already recognizes the validity of electronic signaturesin various types of contracts and documents in general.

Cloud document management

As contract management in PandaDoc is all done in the cloud, it is very easy to locate, monitor, store and edit your documents. This also helps to reduce the amount of human error in the processbecause many steps can be automated.

Another important point that the platform presents us with is the fact that there is no need for a physical archive to store documents. This feature is extremely important both financially and environmentally, since companies save a considerable amount of office materialpaper, pens, staplers, printers and ink, as well as covering the whole issue of sustainability that involves reducing the use of paper.

A savings on delivery services (couriers, logistics services) is also a factor to be considered among the positive points of this tool, precisely because the negotiations are all done online. The fact that negotiations are carried out remotely should also be taken into account, This minimizes the risk of the document being lost or misplaced.

These savings are so significant that a study commissioned by Adobe found that 61% of the managers interviewed said that the use of electronic signatures had reduced document-related costs.

In addition, the platform allows you to track the document sent in order to monitor its status. You can monitor whether the document is in the editing stage, whether it has already been sent or whether it has already been viewed, and you can even set up notifications when it has been duly signed by all the parties involved.


Possible integrations in PandaDoc

PandaDoc offers the possibility of integrating the software with a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool, a platform that stores a database of customer information. This allows data to be extracted from one platform to another in a simple and optimized way.

This functionality is important, for example, for the commercial sector, which allows it to instantly monitor the signing of the document by the other party involved in the deal.

There are numerous CRMs that integrate with PandaDoc, some of which are: 

In addition, the platform also offers interaction with other tools used in the workflow in order to streamline document management processes:

All of these features bring with them optimization for the commercial sector, which will be able to focus solely on sales activities. Without this creating any other demands within the process, since the platform allows you to create documents without leaving your CRM screen. The documents are linked to that client's negotiation, so the information is consolidated in just one place.


Other alternatives to PandaDoc

In addition to this excellent suggestion that can optimize the entire process of signing a document in digital format, there are other alternatives on the market that allow you to carry out the same process:


Like PandaDoc, Docusign is a service for preparing, sending, managing and digitally signing documents. Through cloud storage, the platform allows its users to sign documents electronically.

However, there are some features that differ one software from the other.

With DocuSign, if you need to make edits, you'll have to cancel the document and start again from scratch. In PandaDoc you can use the online editor to create an instant editable document and make the necessary changes in real time, even after sending.

On the other hand, DocuSign is currently one of the most widely used digital signature platforms in the world, so some organizations that are starting to modernize still only accept this software for this purpose.



Along the same lines, AdobeSign is a cloud-based electronic signature service that allows users to send, sign, track and manage signature processes using a browser or mobile device.

A main difference between AdobeSign and PandaDoc is that AdobeSign requires users to use Acrobat Pro (or another external program) to create documents. The PandaDoc platform already offers customized templates for creating documents, so there is no need to use another program to carry out the process.

Ready to eliminate paper contracts from your life?

In short, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it necessary to adapt to the new dynamics of remote working. Digital document signing is a reflection of these changes that have been taking place ever since.

Physical documents are increasingly becoming part of an outdated process. It is therefore vital that companies and people adapt to these new scenarios, new practices and new tools.

Regardless of your choice, looking to the future is necessary. The software options mentioned, featuring PandaDoc in more detail, will help you and your company optimize and save money on this process. Are we going digital?

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