Advertise Where Your Audience Is with Mobees - OOH Digital

There is no doubt that channels such as Google Ads e Meta Ads are fundamental to any digital media plan, just as TV and Radio are always remembered as traditional media channels. 

However, with the advance of technology, new media channels have become very interesting because they allow you to reach your target audience in a creative and assertive way.

This is the case with Mobees, a startup in the Digital Out Of Home Media sector. With Mobees you can advertise on Led screens that move around the city in vehicles.

Read on and find out more!

What is Mobees?

A Mobees is the first mobile Out Of Home Media platform on wheels in Latin America, which uses the network of app drivers to serve and measure advertising. 

The company has a fleet of 200 partner drivers with the capacity to cover around 40,000 km a day in the city of Rio de Janeiro. 

What's more, you can segment where your audience is by location, time of day, day of the week, weather and even events.

The Importance of Mobile and Geolocalized Digital OOH Media

According to Nielsen's "Out of Home Advertising Study" conducted in 2019, 66% of smartphone users had some kind of reaction after seeing an Out Of Home ad.

And 33% of those interviewed said they were interested in and researched more information on the subject they had seen in the OOH ads.

Several large companies have already run ads with Mobees and have become success stories, such as Johnnie Walker, which celebrated the brand's 200th anniversary in OOH ads with the hashtag #KeepWalking for diversity.

The company has more than 350 points of sale in Rio de Janeiro and through geolocated media technology has managed to impact all the neighborhoods where it has establishments.

The results of the campaign were incredible. A total of 3,300 hours were spent on air, impacting 15.2 million people, 8.2 million men and 7 million women. 

This information is made available by Mobees through an automated dashboard that makes data measurement much more efficient.

mobees: image of a johnnie walker ad on a mobees car in Rio de Janeiro traffic

Advantages of Advertising with Mobees

With Mobees, your campaigns are communicated in an irreverent, creative, innovative and surprising way.

You can monitor the performance of your campaigns in real time, analyzing KPIs such as impressions, audience reached, best squares, most effective times and budget spent. 

Another positive aspect of advertising with Mobees is that it helps to improve the lives of thousands of people, giving them access to an extra source of income through their own work.

Creative Best Practices for Ads with Mobees

We know that for each media channel there are recommendations to be followed in order to achieve good ad performance.

It's no different with Mobees, and a few points are essential in order to impact the public in the best possible way. Check them out below.

1. write a short message

The best type of message to run on Mobees is one that is short, to the point and clear. This is because most of the time the ads are moving around the city and not standing at a sign.

In addition, the audience to be reached is also moving around on their way home, to work or to the gym, for example. With this in mind, the average animation time for Mobees screens is 8 seconds.

2. Add Contrast in Creative

When creating OOH ads for Mobees, it's important to use contrasting colors, with at least a 40% difference in brightness between them.

The contrast will allow your ads to stand out from the crowd of cars and attract the attention of your target audience.

3. Pay Attention to the Size of the Art and Text

Mobees works with ads that are 288 pixels wide by 96 pixels high. It is also recommended to use a margin of 8 pixels to ensure that the message is not cut off.

The creative can be static, in GIF or even in MP4 video, up to 1MB in weight. Once the ad has been created, the file must be sent to Mobees so that they can test that everything is ready to be broadcast.

4. Think about the Relevance of the Content to the Audience

Remember that one of the key factors for the success of your OOH campaign is its relevance to the target audience.

Mobees screens are able to capture a variety of relevant information so that you can target your ads in a qualified way.

You can, for example, take advantage of information on the weather, traffic, set times and even commemorative dates to serve your ads at the right time and place.

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How does Mobees' OOH Reach Calculation work?

Reach is considered to be the number of people to be impacted by the campaigns, given that Mobees' screens can be seen from up to 30m away.

Reach is calculated by the number of cell phones that Mobees' equipment counts when your ad is displayed.

When you create a campaign, you can estimate the reach of your ads. You can also monitor this metric in real time via the platform.

What is the Minimum Amount to Advertise with Mobees?

To advertise with Mobees you don't need to pay a lot of money. The price varies according to the audience, coverage and number of ad insertions.

To give you an idea, a neighborhood advertiser, for example, can sign up for a plan with Mobees starting at R$1000.00.

How Long to Implement Street Campaigns?

When it receives the ads, Mobees checks to see if the creatives are up to standard - which prevents readability problems, such as cut-off ads or ads with visibility problems.

If everything is in order, your ad can go live within 1 hour. If you need to make any adjustments, the maximum time to start the campaign is 1 day.

The short approval time allows you to run your ads quickly, so you can take advantage of the topics that are currently exploding in your campaigns.

How does the Mobees and Pareto partnership work?

A Pareto has a partnership with Mobees in which you can create your Out Of Home Media campaigns directly through Pareto Ads, running your ads on the screens of app vehicles in no time.

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In all, we have accelerated the growth of 15,000+ companies, such as Itaú, Multiplan, Universal Music, Loft, Grupo Ânima, ESPM, V4 Company, Goobec, C&A and Saint-Gobain.

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Tess AI
Tess AI
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