How do I install Google Tag Manager (GTM) on the Xtech platform? 

First of all, what is GTM?

In this tutorial, we'll show you step by step how to install GTM (Google Tag Manager) on your site, if your platform is Xtech.

GTM is a tag manager created by Google. It allows Tags to be installed on the site in a much simpler way, as it centralizes all installations, without the need to install directly in the source code.

GTM Pareto has the important function of giving us access to the user path on your site. Such as visits to specific pages, which user viewed a particular piece of content and even who bought a product or contacted you. In other words, we can set up all conversion tracking and remarketing data through it.

This allows us to have a lot of data to further feed our Pareto Quantic Robot, to optimize the performance of your campaigns 😉

How do I install the tag on my Xtech site?

For some platforms, for Xtech, this process is much simpler and this article aims to explain the step by step if this is your ecommerce platform.

Step 1

First of all, we need you to log in to your platform's administrator page. The access link for Xtech generally follows the following format:

The login has this view:

The Xtech login page

On this page, you will enter your e-mail address and password to log in.

Step 2

On the Home page, once you have logged in as an administrator, select the applications. Then scroll down until you find Google Tag Manager.

On the Home page, once you have logged in as an administrator, select the applications tab. Then scroll down until you find Google Tag Manager.

Then click on the Configure.

Configure button

Step 3

At this point, a window will open with a space to paste the tag code.

window with a space to paste the tag code.

If you are a Pareto customer, you have certainly received or will receive your GTM Code by e-mail. All you have to do is paste in the code you received, save it and you're done! Your tag is installed and we're ready to start crawling your site 🙂

Bonus: How to install GTM on other platforms?

Some platforms don't have the facility to install GTM directly via an application, as in the case of Xtech. In general, you'll need to go into the source code of your site

It can be daunting at first, but it's a simple process in general and you don't need any in-depth knowledge of programming to complete the steps.

Step 1

Dentro do Editor de HTML do seu site, você vai apertar ctrl + F, onde vai abrir uma aba de pesquisa no topo da página. Nela você vai buscar pelo termo <head> .

Where the head appears in the HTML code, skip a line and paste the code specified for the head of your GTM. If you are a Pareto customer, you have certainly received or will receive your tracking code by e-mail.

É importante que o código fique logo abaixo da <head> por que queremos que ele seja a primeira coisa que o site vai carregar.

É importante que o código fique logo abaixo da &lt;head&gt; por que queremos que ele seja a primeira coisa que o site vai carregar.

Step 2

No mesmo raciocínio, na aba de pesquisa do topo da página, busque agora pelo termo <body.

Onde aparecer <body> no HTML,  pule uma linha e cole a segunda parte do código que foi enviado. Também é importante que fique logo abaixo do <body para ter prioridade de disparo da Tag.

Onde aparecer &lt;body&gt; no HTML,  pule uma linha e cole a segunda parte do código que foi enviado. Também é importante que fique logo abaixo do &lt;body para ter prioridade de disparo da Tag.

Then just save it and you're done! Your tag is installed and we're ready to start crawling your website 🙂 


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How to set up events using Google Tag Manager

Tess AI
Tess AI
Hello, I'm Pareto AI. I bring together all the best AIs in the world in one place.

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