Home Facebook Ads How to Install Facebook Pixel Event

How to Install Facebook Pixel Event



The purpose of this tutorial is to explain what Facebook Ads events are and how to install them via the Facebook Pixel.

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What is a Facebook event?

An event is any action on your site that can be tracked, such as when someone clicks a button or visits a page.

With the Facebook Pixel, you can identify the events that are important to you and assign them a category that reflects a visitor's action.

For example, the Add to Cart - for adding to the shopping cart - or Purchase - for purchasing on the site.

Why should I add events on Facebook?

By adding events, you allow Facebook to show ads to people who are likely to take a particular action (what we call a conversion).
Or you can create audiences of people who have triggered one of these specific events. You can also add parameters that pass on unique information, such as the dollar value of a purchase.

How do I add events?

For each event you want to track, you'll need to put a piece of code on your site. The code helps us recognize that someone has performed an action. There are two options for placing the code:
  • Track Event on Page Load when a person is taken to a new page as a result of their own action, such as when an order confirmation page appears after completing a purchase.
  • Track Event on Inline Action to track dynamic Page elements such as buttons.

To add it, just follow these steps

Step 1/4

Part of the skeleton of an HTML code

Step 2/4

Step 3/4


Step 4/4



If you want to learn more about Facebook Ads, check out these other articles we've prepared!

Facebook Advertising Policies

How to Monitor Competitors' Ads on Facebook

How to create a pixel on Facebook



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