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How to Create a Product Catalog on Facebook

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Product Catalog on Facebook

The purpose of this tutorial is to explain how to create a Facebook product catalog. If you'd like to learn more about product catalogs, we've published an article on the subject.

Step 1/5 | Access the Product Catalog option in the Menu:

Google Search Console image Step 2/5 | Select "Create a new Catalog":


Screenshot of the tab for creating new catalogs

Step 3/5 | Select Pareto as catalog owner


Select Pareto as the catalog owner

Step 4/5 | In Catalog settings, Associate Business Manager Account (Associate Pareto account if possible) and Associate Facebook Pixel:

In Catalog settings, Associate Business Manager Account (Associate Pareto account if possible) and Associate Facebook Pixel.


Step 5/5 | Go to Business Settings > Product Catalog > Assign Partner > Put ID: 998138020226640:


Go to Business Settings > Product Catalog > Assign Partner > Put ID: 998138020226640


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