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CRM: How to Optimize Customer Management

CRM: How to Optimize Customer Management

What is CRM?

To start talking about CRM, it's good to understand what this acronym stands for. CRM stands for "Customer Relationship Management".

But CRM can go further and be a complete management tool dedicated to the sales, service and marketing of an entire organization.

We are currently living in a time of what is known as Consumer Centricwhich has as its main characteristic the centralization of strategies and efforts on the customer and maximizing their experience with the company.

There is a constant evolution of proprietary technologies to work on the customer experience in the best way and in this scenario, CRM has become one of the most important tools for companies.


What does CRM do and how does it help customer relations?

The CRM stores data such as users' names, addresses and telephone numbers. It also monitors users' relationship with your company, keeping track of website visits, calls made and emails exchanged.

With CRM you can provide the best experience for your customers, analyzing their preferences to understand their problems and how to solve them. It allows you to manage customers, leads and sales opportunities, all within a single tool and in an automated way.

What's more, it's a platform that will optimize your team's time, without the need for manual processes. You can also better monitor your team of sales consultants and integrate teams to have a view of all areas.

So it's the best way to organize your contacts in an accessible way, keep them close to your company at all times and make the sales process simple and fast. Another advantage is that CRM helps you improve your view of key indicators, such as return on investment, costs and so on.

If used well, it can anticipate needs, increase sales, generate greater profitability and increase customer satisfaction. 


Why should I use a CRM and what are its advantages?

As a company begins to grow, management tools become fundamental to leveraging the company's success.

Using only spreadsheets, notes and e-mails can be extremely difficult, because in addition to the need to constantly update data, there is the possibility of losing important data. It can also be difficult to share information between teams.

If you feel you're missing out on business opportunities, you don't have data connected to an integrated system and you feel that the customer experience is lacking, this is the right time to adopt CRM!

It's worth noting that CRM is recommended for companies of all sizes. Many CRMs are customizable according to the needs of each business, with extra integration and automation tools, for example.

There are many advantages to using this tool, and we've listed the main ones:

  1. Easier to visualize and meet company and team targets.
  2. Ease of monitoring the sales funnel.
  3. Possibility of individual and personalized attention.
  4. Useful data on users to speed up sales.
  5. Generating quick and valuable insights.
  6. Customer loyalty.
  7. Organized and easily accessible data.
  8. Integration between teams.
  9. It helps with decision-making.
  10. Automated issuing of tenders and contracts.
  11. Integration with other software, optimizing time and facilitating communication.
  12. Customer support before, during and after the purchase.
  13. Possibility of integrating this data with Paid Media platforms. Our Pareto team has a specific RPA for CRM integrationallowing for more precise campaign optimizations.


Best practices when using CRM to optimize customer management

CRM has automations that save teams time, so they can focus on more important and profitable activities.

In order to improve the vision and effectiveness of the sales funnel, it is necessary to record complete customer information and carry out good pipeline management to make attraction, negotiation and closing more organized and with well-defined processes.

We've listed the best practices for using the software efficiently:

  1. Understand your sales cycle and focus on shortening the sales process.
  2. Prioritize quality and personalized relationships with your customers.
  3. Keep all your contact information organized.
  4. Understand your audience, carry out constant analysis to create strategies that convert.
  5. Don't forget after-sales, encouraging future purchases and referrals.
  6. Offer quality support to help resolve any doubts.
  7. Take advantage of integration between teams to improve all internal flows and deliveries.
  8. Execute strategies based on the information the CRM extracts from your customers, such as: which products are most in demand, at which times of the year they make the most sales, which customers make the most purchases, how often they buy, which advantages they prefer.


How do you choose the right CRM?

To choose the ideal tool, you need to consider certain aspects of your business, such as the sector in which you operate, the profile of your customers, the size of your company, your business model, the difficulties in the sales process and the funds available. 

Before deciding on CRM software, understand the tool's functionalities and compare it with other systems, evaluate the plans, look for references from other companies that use CRM, understand the service and support and, if possible, try a free trial.

On the site G2.comyou can find the CRMs most used by companies of different sizes, as well as evaluations of each one. You can then choose the one best suited to optimizing your customer management.



So, we've seen that CRM is capable of optimizing various internal processes linked to sales and marketing, offering better customer service, as well as bringing greater profitability to companies if used in an organized and efficient manner.

Management tools are great pillars for leveraging the success of a company, whether small, medium or large. In this way, you avoid missing out on business opportunities, as well as integrating important company data.

So adopt the tool and reap the many benefits that CRM can offer!


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