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Complete guide to writing a super original Instagram bio

By February 22nd, 2024May 5th, 2024No Comments
bio for instagram

With over a billion monthly active users, Instagram has established itself as one of the most influential social media platforms today. Since its launch in 2010, this platform has constantly evolved, but the bio space is still one of the most important. 

Your Instagram bio is your business card. Through it, you can present your business, products and services, as well as talk about who the person creating that content is. 

In this article, we're going to talk about how to write an attractive and effective Instagram bio to communicate who you are or what you do. Take note of these tips! 

What is an Instagram bio? 

An Instagram bio is a short section of text just below the username. This section is personalized, meaning that each user can write the text they want and include hashtags, emojis or links. 

The information that a person or company chooses to add to a bio will depend on the purpose of the page. 

In personal profiles, users can include their name, occupation, interests or simply a creative phrase that represents their personality. In profiles used by companies, we find links to redirect users to other sites, such as an online store, or to sales and service channels. 

As the space for the bio is limited, usually to 150 characters, the best strategy is to be concise in order to convey the desired message. 

Can I use a ready-made template? 

Ready-made templates may seem like a quick and easy way out, but they hide two problems. 

Problem number one: by using ready-made templates, authenticity is sidelined. With so many choices of content to consume, users want to follow pages with authentic content. Therefore, anything that is generic or a copy will not appeal to this selective audience. 

Problem two: the templates are not designed to meet your needs on a social network. Especially on a business page, the Instagram bio should help the user's buying journey with relevant information and links. As such, it should be tested and adjusted to provide a good experience for customers. 

So don't copy and paste. Do it yourself! We're going to present three strategies that can help you write an Instagram bio.

1. Summarize in topics

One way to write a bio for Instagram is to summarize important information about your profile using a topic system. We'll demonstrate how to do this in both a personal and professional context. 


Add information to topics such as name, age, occupation and an interest. You can use emojis to separate the topics as follows:

💟 25 years old

🍎 Nutritionist

🚲 Passionate about cycling 


Likewise, emoji topics are also a good way of organizing information. 

🎵 M&M CDs and Vinyls 

💿 Articles for collectors

📱 Click on the link to open the catalog

In general, three or four topics are enough to summarize the most important information. Bear in mind that emojis count as characters, so the more you put in your Instagram bio, the less you can write. 

2. Describe what you do on Instagram 

Especially for companies, it's important that social network users immediately understand what a brand sells. 

If visitors can't find the information they're looking for, they may lose interest in your page. So think about phrases that tell them right away what your business is! 

For example, a bakery that sells personalized cakes could write: 

  • Order your dream cake today;
  • Order your personalized cake for a special moment;
  • Order your personalized cake by WhatsApp. 

In each of the three sentences above, the visitor is encouraged to place an order for a personalized cake. So they know what the business does and what they can buy. 

3. Direct to useful links

Link shorteners and aggregators have become one of the most useful tools on Instagram. However, personal and company pages include an excessive number of links, which can leave a visitor confused. 

Consider the following scenario: a company sells clothes and wants to sell items from the new summer collection. In the Instagram link aggregator, the company includes a link to:

  • Outlet;
  • YouTube;
  • TikTok;
  • Facebook;
  • Product catalog; 
  • Online store;
  • Landing page for the summer collection.

Do you realize how distracting so many links can be? So write a direct CTA in the bio, such as "click here to buy" or "click here to talk to our team on WhatsApp" and only add the necessary links. 

This way, you can direct your visitors on a buying journey with direct instructions on what to do and where to click.

And how do I use humor in my Instagram bio? 

Writing a humorous sentence in your Instagram bio can be challenging. Some people don't think they're funny and so don't try, but there are ways to write a funny sentence using references. We'll explain three. 

Know your target audience

Think about the type of humor your audience generally appreciates. Whether it's sarcasm, puns or absurd humor, choose the style that resonates with those you want to attract.

Explore your interests

Consider your audience's hobbies and personal experiences. Sometimes a funny joke or phrase can come naturally from something that the community already has a history of humor about.

Use word games

Clever puns or wordplay can be a great way to add humor to your bio. Playing with words and their meanings can yield results that make your company stand out from the competition. 

Use artificial intelligence to help you

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an incredibly useful tool when creating an Instagram bio. 

Tess AI, Pareto's AI platform, can generate suggestions for creative phrases based on keywords provided by the user, speeding up the brainstorming process. By enlisting its help, a person can save time and effort in creating a bio that effectively captures the interest of followers and visitors. 


When writing a good Instagram bio, it's essential to be authentic, creative and concise. This is the first impression you'll give other users, so take the opportunity to stand out!

By following these tips and adjusting your bio as necessary, you'll be on your way to attracting more followers. 

Want to know how Tess AI can help you with this? Discover Pareto's AI platform!

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