Home Artificial Intelligence How does an Artificial Intelligence Robot work?

How does an Artificial Intelligence Robot work?

artificial intelligence robot: image of a black and white robot standing in a large room

In all sectors, Artificial Intelligence enable innovative solutions to the challenges faced by companies of all sizes. The marketing sector is no different: there are countless exhausting activities that can be solved by technology.

In fact, if you work in digital marketing, you've probably experienced situations like these:

  • Do a rule of three to find out the KPIs projected for the month;
  • Manually enter data from the spreadsheet or e-mail into the CRM system;
  • Manually send an e-mail for each contact request on the site;
  • Access multiple platforms every day to monitor results;
  • Pause ads manually when e-commerce stock is empty.

The good news is that with the help of a robot with Artificial Intelligence it is possible to carry out these and other activities with great savings in hours worked and, even better, reducing the chances of human error.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science focused on building intelligent software capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence. One of its characteristics is the ability to rationalize and carry out actions that have the best chance of achieving a specific goal.

This whole concept of something artificial that simulates human intelligence has been the subject of discussion for a long time, starting in the mid-1920s. Since then, many events have taken place that have in some way contributed to strengthening this technology. 

Currently, platforms and systems that use Artificial Intelligence offer numerous benefits for organizations, including improved decision-making, reduced errors, risks and operating costs, optimized customer service, convenience and scalability, among others.

What is the relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?

Artificial Intelligence is made up of some secondary technologies, such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning. With so many technological advances and nomenclatures for these technologies, you may be confused about their concepts. That's why we've provided a more specific explanation for each one.

Machine Learning

It is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer Science that focuses on using data and algorithms to automate analytical patterns, based on the idea that technological systems can learn from data;

Deep Learning

A type of Machine Learning that trains computers to perform tasks like humans, it involves neural networks and can be applied to pattern recognition, image identification and predictions using a set of data.

Machine Learning is therefore one of the facets of Artificial Intelligence, i.e. its practical application. A.I. expands into a more theoretical field, highlighting the ability of machines to perform any task, from the simplest to the most complex.

This is why these two concepts end up being related, where the application of Machine Learning depends directly on the use of Artificial Intelligence so that processes and tasks can be carried out.

How does an Artificial Intelligence Robot work?

The functioning of a robot with Artificial Intelligence is based on the possibility of assigning certain conditions, to later be able to analyze data and through this analysis, obtain learning automatically (through Machine Learning).

In this way, these learnings make it possible to improve the accuracy of the A.I. robot in future activities.

An example of how a robot works through Artificial Intelligence is based on the use of a Chatbot, which allows users to get in touch for a conversation and when interacting with the system, the intelligence assimilates the information, even any commonly used slang and abbreviations.

With Chatbot technology it is possible to automate the answering of questions in a FAQ and go further, generating more complex dialogues with users, without the need for a human attendant.

Meet Tess AI: the World's Largest AIs in One Place

A Tess AI contributes to saving your customers hours, what we call #TimeBack - where people can focus on more strategic activities and let this AI do all the repetitive and operational work.

This technology is a benchmark for Artificial Intelligence in Brazil, created by Pareto to be a secure and resistant system that unites the main existing AIs in a single platform.

Tess AI uses the most renowned Artificial Intelligence models on the market, such as GPT, Dall-E, Ada, to create text, images, code and much more in a matter of seconds.

The process is simple, just provide a topic or idea of what you want to produce, and the AI-based generator will take care of everything else.

Seize the opportunity to propel your business to success with this incredible platform. Discover how this innovative solution can boost your online presence, captivate your target audience and make your brand stand out from the fierce competition. 

Here's an example of a headline for a promotional e-mail generated by Tess AI:

Don't waste time, register for free and be at the forefront of the technological revolution that is shaping the future of digital marketing!

How Does an Artificial Intelligence Robot Contribute to Marketing Results?

Now that you've understood what an Artificial Intelligence Robot is and how it works, here are some of the main benefits that result from the different ways in which it can be applied.

Increases Team Productivity

The use of an A.I. robot makes it possible to automate a variety of activities that provide greater speed in the processing of repetitive tasks, helping to direct the team towards strategic actions.

Organizes Marketing Processes

The mapping and analysis of data carried out by A.I. generates insights into public behavior, trends and market opportunities. Based on the segmentation of user profiles, we can target products and services with the greatest conversion potential for certain categories of the niches addressed.

Reduces the Risk of Human Error in Analysis

An A.I. robot can use data from sensors, cameras, software logs and other data sources to identify possible faults, bottlenecks and optimization points in the company's processes, allowing for a reduction in the number of errors and an increase in operational efficiency.

In addition, it is important to note that in most situations, analysis processes tend to be low cost and contribute to a higher assertiveness rate in the strategy defined by managers.

Allows the Integration of Several Systems

At first, when working with Artificial Intelligence, it is common to automate only one process or one isolated system. But with the first positive results and the prospect of what is possible to automate, the next steps are towards a total integration of different systems and processes.

With this, there will be a single source of communication and structuring of the company, allowing for a higher efficiency rate in optimization tasks and the management of all processes.

Improves Lead Qualification

In addition to all the benefits that focus on saving time and making more agile decisions, artificial intelligence contributes to optimizing and improving results.

One example is when a company finds it difficult to improve the qualification of the leads that are arriving at its base, possibly the marketing manager and analysts have already tried different alternatives that generate manual work, but without success in the results.

Therefore, having a robot with Artificial Intelligence is expanding the possibilities and working with a large volume of data to improve the qualification of leads is of the utmost importance for the company's structure and marketing results.

More opportunities for scale

One of the biggest difficulties in expanding a company is having well-defined processes and structures. By working with Artificial Intelligence, it is possible to integrate all the company's systems and tools. With this, there is enormous potential to take part in new opportunities and position itself in the market, seeking exponential growth.


Finally, it is clear to understand the importance of Artificial Intelligence for process automation and all its direct benefits for the different areas of a company. This is why Pareto has been developing A.I. solutions to meet the expectations of companies in the most varied segments.

On this pageyou can see how Pareto's technology has contributed to the success of many clients, from marketing agencies, e-commerces, schools, real estate agents and even innovative companies in the market. Take advantage and ask for a free demo to take the next steps and maximize your results.

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