Home Google Ads Banner formats for Gmail

What are the banner formats for Gmail?


Artwork for Google Gmail

Gmail ads are displayed at the top of users' inbox tabs. Some of them are expandable. When you click on one of these ads, it can expand and take on the size of an email with videos and images. This expandable format can help you achieve different advertising goals. When someone clicks on an expandable ad, clicks on the expanded content are free.

Collected Ads

All models have the same specifications:


Logo (upload):

  • Minimum size: 144 x 144
  • Maximum size 150 KB
  • 1:1 ratio

Company name:

  • Up to 20 characters - Must be the advertiser's recognized name.


  • Up to 25 characters - Can include an offer, a discount percentage or an attractive advertisement.


  • Up to 90 characters - You can include a short summary or an effective call-to-action.

Display URL:

  • Up to 255 characters - What people see in your ad, such as www.google.com.br. Note: the final URL can be longer.

Final or destination URL:

  • No character limit
  • Used as the final or destination URL when the display URL or the call-to-action button in the expanded ad is clicked.
  • You can add a static click tracking URL, but not dynamic tracking URLs or impression tracking pixels.
  • Learn more about updated URLs.

Expanded ads

The expanded ad specifications are described below, template by template. First, define the type of media that will be used in the Gmail campaign: static image (graphic ad) or personalized HTML (with animation).


Single Graphic Ad

  • Image (upload):

Landscape (1.91:1): 1200×628 (min. required: 600 × 314)
Square: 1200×1200 (min. required: 300 × 300)

  • Accepted image formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF (without animation)
  • Maximum image size: 1 MB

Custom HTML (with animation)

  • For more flexibility in the design of your Gmail ads, use custom HTML.


Create an Expanded Gmail Ad

  • Title: up to 25 characters
  • Description: up to 90 characters
  • Company name: up to 20 characters
  • Call-to-action button: up to 15 characters
  • Logo image size: minimum 144 x 144 with 1:1 aspect ratio
  • Maximum logo size: 150 KB (1 MB for header image and marketing image)

To add a Product Catalog

  • Minimum image size (upload): 300 x 300 or YouTube video link (video thumbnail size: 324 x 183). The aspect ratio must be 1:1.
  • Maximum image size: 150 KB
  • Description: up to 25 characters
  • Call-to-action button: up to 15 characters
  • URL of the call-to-action button: the button's landing page
  • Up to three additional items below (optional):
  1. Images: up to 15 images of at least 300 x 300 or YouTube video link (video thumbnail size: 324 x 183).
  2. Call-to-action button: up to 20 characters
  3. URL of the call-to-action button
  • Accepted image formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF (without animation)



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