What types of Twitter Ads campaigns and how to create one?


Are you looking to reach new and more engaged audiences more precisely for your company? Then Twitter Ads could be the ideal tool for you! In this article, we'll introduce you to the types of Twitter Ads campaigns and the step-by-step process for creating them.

If you want to know more about Twitter Ads, its advantages and the targeting available, check out this other article on our Blog.

According to data from the platform itselfwhen a brand creates an association with events on Twitter, its marketing funnel increases:

  • +18% message association
  • +8% brand awareness
  • +7% brand preference
  • +3% in purchase intention

An important point before starting to advertise on a new digital media platform is to check that your target audience is on it. To get good results from your ads, it's essential to understand your persona and be present on the channels they access.

This recommendation applies to Twitter Ads. Therefore, analyze whether your audience is engaged there before you start advertising.

Now, let's find out more about the platform!

Twitter Ads Campaign Types

In summary, Twitter Ads has only three main types of campaign:

  • Recognition: Reach
  • ConsiderationVideo views, pre-roll views, app installs, website clicks, engagements and followers.
  • Conversion: Application engagements

Next, we'll look at all three types of campaigns that Twitter Ads has and what objectives each one can have. This way, you'll be able to assess which objective or objectives best fit in with your company's strategies, whether in the short, medium or long term. And thus achieve your specific goals. 

Recognition Campaign

If you want to reach as many users as possible to increase brand awareness. A recognition campaign is ideal!

  • Objective: Reach
  • Creative formats: Image, carousel, video, moment and text.
  • Success Metrics: Engagement or Video Views
  • What is charged: Every 1,000 impressions is charged an amount that varies according to budget, auction and segmentation. In other words, it's a CPM bid (cost per thousand impressions).

Good Practice Tip: Make combinations between texts and images, use text and creative that conveys a lot of energy. Don't limit yourself to one audience, experiment with other segmentation options.

Consideration Campaign

This type of campaign has 6 different types of objective, from viewing videos to acquiring followers. But they all converge on the macro objective: to consider the product/service for possible conversion.

Let's get to know each of these objectives below.

  • Video Views

This type of campaign is ideal for promoting more views with a long impact and wide reach. The video is played automatically in the user's feed, promoting a greater possibility of interaction with the ad.

  • Objective: Maximize video views
  • Creative formats: Video
  • Success Metrics: Video views or engagement
  • What is charged?: Based on the video views acquired with the campaign, an amount is charged, which varies according to the budget, auction and segmentation.

Best practice tips: Use video between 6 and 15 seconds. Use short texts and no hashtags or mentions, so that the focus is entirely on the video. Use videos that highlight your brand.

  • Pre-roll views

Twitter has more than 200 content partners segmented into 15 categories. This campaign has the possibility of playing your video before the premium content from one of these partners.

  • Objective: Create brand relevance by combining your ad with premium content
  • Creative formats: Video
  • Success Metrics: Video Views or Engagement
  • What is charged?: Based on the number of video views acquired with the campaign, an amount is charged, depending on the budget, auction and segmentation.

Best practice tips: Use short videos of up to 6 seconds. Use and abuse strong visual elements. Don't add audio to your video or subtitles.

  • Application installations

Do you want more users to install your app? This is the campaign for you! It is aimed at an audience that uses mobile devices, precisely because the focus is on app downloads.

  • Objective: Installation of your application.
  • Creative formats: Image, carousel or video.
  • Success Metrics: App installs or clicks
  • What is charged?: You only pay for clicks that take you to the installation page (Google Play Store or App Store). The amount varies according to budget, auction and segmentation.

Good Practice Tips: Do A/B testing of creatives, varying text and call-to-actions. Use short texts that convey the benefit of your app.

  • Website clicks

This type of consideration campaign intensifies traffic to your site, leading to a greater number of users clicking on the ad.

  • Objective: To stimulate traffic to the site or to carry out actions within your site.
  • Creative formats: Image, carousel or video.
  • Success Metrics: Link clicks or Website conversions.
  • What is charged?: You only pay for clicks on the link in your ad. The amount varies according to budget, auction and targeting.

Best practice tips: A/B test different creatives, texts and CTAs. Use conversion tracking to measure users' actions on your site. You can remarket to users who have already visited your site and those similar to them, just use advanced segmentation.

  • Engagement

Increase brand prominence and gain a more relevant audience by promoting greater engagement with the promoted Tweet.

  • Objective: Increase engagement with your Tweet.
  • Creative formats: Image, carousel, video, moment and text.
  • Success Metrics: Tweet Engagement
  • What is charged: You will only pay for initial engagements of your Tweet. The amount varies according to budget, auction and segmentation.

Good Practice Tips: Be creative and think about the behavior of your target audience! Test new ways, such as polls. Use hashtags. If you use video, opt for short videos (up to 15 seconds).

  • Followers

Acquire new followers to create a more engaged audience with your Twitter profile. And thus increase brand recognition on and off Twitter. 

  • Objective: To increase your audience.
  • Creative formats: Image, carousel, video, moment and text.
  • Success Metrics: Followers.
  • What is charged?: You only pay for each follower that comes from the ad. The amount varies according to budget, auction and targeting.

Good Practice Tips: Diversify the text, use up to 4 test versions to evaluate performance. Always answer your followers' questions.

Conversion Campaign

The conversion campaign has the sole objective of re-engaging with the app. With it, you encourage greater conversion and loyalty from users who have already installed your app. It is also an exclusive campaign for mobile devices.

  • Objective: To promote re-engagement with the application
  • Creative formats: Image, carousel, video and text.
  • Success Metrics: Clicks on the app.
  • What is charged?: You only pay for the clicks that lead the user to open the application. The amount varies according to budget, auction and segmentation.

Good Practice Tips: Do A/B testing of creatives, varying text and call-to-actions. Use short texts that convey the benefit of your app.

Creating a Twitter Ads campaign

Now that we know all the types of campaign, let's learn how to create one?

In summary, we have the following steps for creation:

1) Initial Campaign Configuration

2) Ad Group configuration

3) Select Ads and Finish

The first step is to log in to your Twitter Ads account. Once in your account, click to go to the Ads Manager and in the top right corner click on 'Create Campaign'. Next, define the objective of the campaign, according to the options presented above.

After defining the objectives, we will enter the details of the campaign. These include: campaign name, average or total budget, frequency limit (if you want to limit the maximum number of tweet impressions per day), start date and/or end date. The end date is an optional field. Once defined, click on "Next to be taken to the Ad Group page.

Now it's time to set up the Ad Group. Similar to the campaign settings, let's name the ad group, being able to program the date, the group's budget (optional) and the bid type (Twitter Ads recommends Automatic Bidding due to the way its Auction works, but if you want to have greater control over the budget you will have the option of maximum bid for the desired action).

Segment your audience according to the audience you want to reach. Some of the segmentation options available are by demographics, device types, and you can also include a personalized audience, keywords, interests and others. In this article, you'll find out more about possible targeting for Twitter Ads.

It is important to pay attention to locationto make sure that it is appropriate for your company's service region. Check the need to segment the ages and gender.


Finally, just choose the positioning and the creative(s) you want to include in the campaign. If the tweet already exists, just search for it in the search bar. If you need to create a new one, click on the "Create Tweet" optionoption, fill in the necessary fields and return to the previous page to include it in this Ad Group.


Finally, simply review your campaign data and conclude. It will then be ready for display once it has been approved by Twitter (in accordance with its advertising policies).


This article presents all the types of campaigns and objectives available on Twitter Ads. As well as the step-by-step process for creating a campaign there.

It's important to pay attention to best practice tips to optimize your campaign. And always think about the behavior of your target audience.

Remember: a large and engaged audience can bring good results!

Tess AI
Tess AI
Hello, I'm Pareto AI. I bring together all the best AIs in the world in one place.

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