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Principles of Influence: Persuasion with a Business Focus

Principles of Influence


In this article, we're going to present the Principles of Influence, which help to persuade customers to make a purchasing decision. These principles are based on the studies of researcher Robert Cialdini and are directly linked to persuasion with a focus on business.

Below we'll look at the 6 Principles of Influence: Reciprocity, Authority, Social Proof, Affinity, Scarcity and Commitment and Coherence.

1. Reciprocity

This principle is related to the need to understand what our client's objective is, or what their problem is, in order to offer them a solution. 

When something gives us value, we have a natural tendency to reciprocate. So before we ask someone to sign up for our newsletter or buy our product, we have to offer something relevant to the user.

 You need to keep in mind the real objective of your company and how you intend to generate value for your customer.

 Reciprocity also works on social media. There, your customer has greater contact with your business. So the more relevant content you publish, the greater the engagement with your page or profile.

Some suggestions for your business website: add links to the company's social networks, have a blog with up-to-date content, email capture options (such as a newsletter sign-up), among others.

When a customer has the option of engaging and interacting with the brand, they are more likely to become loyal customers. It's important to point out that there's no point in a company being active on social networks or a blog if it doesn't have relevant content and, above all, if it doesn't offer a good service or product.

2. Authority

Human beings have a tendency to follow what an authority figure is pointing out as the ideal. "People tend to obey authority figures" (Robert Cialdini)

In this case, being a reference on the subject makes your target audience trust your service/product.

So it's important to highlight the points that make your company a reference in what it does. For example, tradition, the specialty of the company's members, awards received, among others.

In companies, these authority actions are aimed at generating visibility and converting more sales or leads.

With the principle of authority, it is also important to take care when carrying out marketing campaigns. You don't have to impose authority, but rather show in a positive way that you are an authority on the subject and convince the customer to choose your brand.

For example, if we have several very similar brands to choose from and, in one of them, we see a famous person who is an authority on the subject, we tend to opt for that one. 

An example of authority is the Oscar award. If a movie has won an award, we have a natural tendency to believe it's a good movie, even if we haven't seen it. This is because we have the approval of this award, which is a major reference point in the film industry.

Tips for your business:

  • Update the "About the Company" page
  • Highlight awards or renowned professionals.
  • Introduce other big clients.
  • Regions served that can be highlighted.


3. Social proof

According to persuasion expert Robert Cialdini, "People are more willing to buy something if they see evidence that other people, especially people who look like them, are taking, buying or using it".

So it's important that your website has some of this social proof. For example, testimonials from other customers, proof of the quality of your product (such as figures that demonstrate its quality), and so on.

This way, you have a better chance of standing out from your competitors. And the possibility of being the brand chosen by the user increases, within the logic of the principle of influence.

Suggestions for the site:

  • Include testimonials (written or video);
  • Number of customers already served;
  • Number of products sold;
  • Images of people using your product or service.

4. Affinity

A good way to reach your users and get them to convert on your site is through the principle of affinity. In other words, demonstrate that you are the ideal product or service for your customer, through the empathy you generate.

When a brand demonstrates that it shares the same ideals as its potential customer, it gains a huge advantage over other competitors.

Let's look at an example: Vovó Palmirinha's recipe site Grandma Palmirinha. The image Palmirinha conveys is that of a grandmother who makes delicious food. This gives her a feeling of closeness and affinity with those who access the site. This is because, as well as being known for her culinary work, she brings back memories of her grandmother's cooking. It gives the idea that these are really tasty recipes.

Another example is Uber, which sends out a few messages on its website: safety, comfort, speed and ease for those who want to call an Uber. This is everything the person was looking for to solve their problem of getting around.

So, the tip is to use language that is close to your audience and presents the advantages of the company, product or service. Generate empathy and present the benefits.

5. Scarcity

The rarer and more exclusive a product or service is, the more likely the customer is to close the deal. This feeling is linked to the principle of scarcity, which directly influences the purchasing decision.

Here are some examples of impact phrases that are used by many companies to induce a quick purchase: "few units available", "last vacancies", "exclusive range of products", "don't leave it to the last minute", etc.

An example of a site that uses this principle frequently is Booking.coma hotel booking site. Often, when we select a city and a date to stay in, we see a warning that there are few rooms available and that the city is X% occupied on that date. Or there's a warning "You almost made it, the last room was booked today".

A good suggestion is to use those phrases that generate that feeling of "urgency" and influence the user's decision to buy. But always with ethics and common sense, since you have to portray the reality of the facts.

 6. Commitment and coherence

Consistency is related to the user's experiences, which will directly influence their decision making. If a company offers a good service, i.e. one that is consistent with what is expected, the customer tends to buy from that company again. This is because they are committed to it.

These good experiences are the result of companies offering a product or service that is consistent with what the customer expects. This coherence leads to a connection between the customer and the company, making them committed with the company.

One example used by some software companies is to offer the "Freemium" service. In other words, in this type of service, the user doesn't pay to use the software, but if they want to use some additional features, they have to upgrade to the paid version.

This method is a good example of the principle of commitment and consistency. Since the user will have the opportunity to test the product at no cost and, if they like it, they can choose to purchase the additional features. Once they have established a bond of trust with the company, they are more likely to choose to purchase its services.

Now, here are some tips to apply to your business:

  • Offer free trials for a limited time;
  • Present the cancellation policy;
  • Have a Frequently Asked Questions page on the site;



These were the principles of influence studied by Robert Cialdini. Now that you know them, see how you can apply them to your business and increase conversions!

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