Home Process Automation How Marketing Automation Can Boost Your Results

How Marketing Automation Can Boost Your Results

Marketing automation: woman standing, in a pink shirt, looking at an IPad

With so many manual processes and time-consuming operations to manage, it can be difficult to focus on the high-level strategies that really drive your business' success.

If this is your situation, you can benefit from marketing automation, which can help you automate repetitive tasks, personalize campaigns and allow you to focus on what really matters: your marketing strategy.

See what you'll find in this article:

  1. What is Marketing Automation?
  2. Differences between Marketing Automation and E-mail Marketing
  3. Benefits of Marketing Automation for your Company
  4. What is a Marketing Automation Tool?
  5. What does a Marketing Automation Tool do?
  6. How to choose the right marketing automation tool?

What is Marketing Automation?

It's the use of software to automate and simplify repetitive tasks in a personalized and scalable way, allowing your marketing team to work more efficiently and effectively.

Automation can be applied to various areas of marketing. Here are some of them:

  • Lead generation;
  • Lead nurturing;
  • Campaign management;
  • Data analysis, among others.

One of the main applications is in the automation of paid media campaigns, such as ads on social networks, Google Ads and other online advertising platforms.

Differences between Marketing Automation and E-mail Marketing

Marketing automation and email marketing are two digital marketing strategies for reaching and engaging customers and potential customers. But they have significant differences.

Email marketing is a marketing technique that focuses on sending emails to a list of contacts with the aim of promoting a product, service or brand.

Marketing automation, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive approach that uses software to automate various marketing tasks, such as sending emails, managing leads, segmenting target audiences and analyzing data.

Benefits of Marketing Automation for your Company

Automating manual processes allows for an increase in operational efficiency, while improving the quality of data and the accuracy of analysis, making decisions more informed and well-founded. 

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Generates Business Scalability

Your company grows and expands in a sustainable way, offering a scalable way of dealing with increasing volumes of leads and customers. 

With automation, you can create automated workflows that allow your team to deal with a greater number of customers in less time, without compromising efficiency.

Increases Team Productivity

You can increase your team's productivity through automation, meaning that many of the repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as sending welcome emails, segmenting leads and scheduling social media posts can now be carried out using this marketing strategy.

This way, the team can dedicate itself to more strategic tasks such as creating more elaborate campaigns, analyzing data and developing strategies.

Allows integration between systems

Automation also allows integration between different systems used by your company, such as your CRM system and your marketing automation platform.

This means that your customer and lead information and data can be shared automatically between the different systems, allowing the marketing team to have a complete overview of the customer and lead profile.

Reduces the risk of human error

This This technological strategy of automating processes can even be used as an approach to reduce the risk of human error in various areas.

Take a look at the possible areas below:

Target audience segmentation: based on criteria such as age, gender, geographical location and others. This helps ensure that the right message is delivered to the right person.

Scheduling mailings: By using automation tools, you can schedule emails and messages for specific dates and times.

In this way, you can avoid the risk of forgetting or delays in communicating with your target audience.

Reduces CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost)

CAC is an important metric for measuring the cost of winning new customers for your company.

And automation can help reduce CAC in various ways, such as through segmentation, lead nurturing, process automation and more. 

Increases Average Ticket

The Average Ticket is another important metric for measuring the average value of each purchase made by your company's customers. And automation can help increase the average ticket in several ways.

Here are some of them:

Upsell and Cross-Sell: allows you to identify opportunities for additional sales to existing customers through upsell (increasing the value of the product or service) and cross-sell (selling complementary or additional products) techniques.

This can be done on the basis of your customers' previous purchases and their interests, and can be easily implemented in automated email marketing campaigns.

Personalized Recommendations: Marketing automation can help create personalized recommendations for each customer, based on their purchase history and browsing behavior on the site.

These recommendations can encourage customers to buy more related or complementary products, which can increase the average ticket.

More accurate results

It also generates greater precision in results by allowing real-time monitoring of campaigns, data analysis and personalization based on information extracted from the client.

Understand from the examples cited:

Campaign MonitoringCampaign monitoring: allows you to monitor campaigns in real time, which means that your company can immediately see how your campaigns are performing and make the necessary adjustments in good time.

This can help avoid mistakes and wasting resources on campaigns that aren't working.

Data Analysis: allows you to collect and analyze data in real time, which means you can identify patterns and trends that can be used to improve campaign performance.

Data analysis also allows for the identification of market opportunities and strategy adjustments that can increase the effectiveness of campaigns.

Improves Customer Experience and Satisfaction

Right now, automating marketing tasks may seem like a dream that's about to become a reality, but you may be asking yourself: "How will this strategy decision affect my customers' experience?"


Real-time communication: allows your company to communicate with your customers, providing immediate support and solutions to their needs. This increases customer satisfaction and improves the overall user experience.

Automation of the sales process: streamlines the sales process, which can make the buying process more convenient and enjoyable for the customer.

What is a Marketing Automation Tool?

It's software that integrates various features to help your company automate marketing and sales processes.

These features use technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analysis and campaign optimization to offer a wide range of functionalities.

Learn about some of these features:

  • Lead management;
  • Customer segmentation;
  • Personalization of messages;
  • Monitoring customer behavior;
  • Integration with sales systems;
  • Monitoring paid media campaigns.

Learn more about marketing automation tools marketing automation tools

What Does a Marketing Automation Tool Do?

They work by integrating various marketing channels, such as email, social networks, SMS and other platforms, into a single centralized system.

Here are the main features of marketing automation tools:

Creating automation flows

It allows your company to create personalized customer journeys, based on behaviors, preferences and stages in the customer lifecycle.

These automation flows can include emails, text messages, push notifications (messages that appear on a device, alerting the user to a new content, update or other information) and other marketing actions.

Generation of qualified leads 

They help your company capture qualified leads through sign-up forms, landing pages and other marketing tactics.

These leads are segmented and nurtured with relevant content until they are ready to be converted into customers.

Carrying out A/B tests

This tool will help you test different versions of campaigns and messages to find out which one performs best. It will help you refine your campaigns and improve your results.

Integration of data from CRM platforms with paid media platforms

They can be integrated with CRM platforms and paid media platforms, allowing your company to track the performance of its marketing campaigns in a single system.

Data analysis and reports

Automation tools provide valuable insights into campaign performance through data analysis and advanced reporting. This allows your company to adjust its marketing and sales strategies to achieve better results.

How to Choose the Right Marketing Automation Tool?

The choice of tool is a crucial stage in the effectiveness of your company's marketing strategy. That's why it's essential that you evaluate some important factors.

Here are some tips:

1. Define your marketing automation needs and objectives: ask yourself what processes and tasks need to be automated and what results you hope to achieve with the tool;

2. Consider the size and structure of your company: if you have a small team, it may be more advantageous to choose a simpler tool, while larger companies may need a more robust solution;

3. Evaluate the functionalities offered by the tool: whether it offers features such as campaign customization, lead segmentation and metrics monitoring to guarantee the effectiveness of your marketing actions.


Marketing automation is a powerful piece of software that helps you boost your business strategy. As we've seen, it's essential for generating scalability, optimizing routines, increase the efficiency of campaigns and improve the conversion of leads into sales.

I hope that with this article you have understood the importance of marketing automation and its benefits.

Learn more about marketing automation for agencies and get better results for several client accounts simultaneously.

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