Home Marketing - Pareto Plus What are the formats for LinkedIn Ads?

What are the formats for LinkedIn Ads?


Are you new to LinkedIn Ads? Relax... Here you'll learn all the ad formats for LinkedIn.

If you're starting a LinkedIn campaign with Pareto, this article will help you to know exactly what you need to make sure you don't make a mistake.

To advertise on LinkedIn Ads, you first need to create a Business LinkedIn account.

After that, you'll have to figure out which ad format is best for your business objective. So let's find out what they are.

Types of Linkedin Ads

Sponsored Content

This format is used when the aim is to promote your content to professionals on desktop, smartphone and tablet. This content will appear on thenewsfeed of users who don't necessarily follow your page.

Sponsored Content means "sponsored content" and your organization must necessarily have a Company Page if this is the ad format you choose.

If your company doesn't yet have a Company Page, check out how to create one in this tutorial we've prepared.

Text Ads

In this format, you place the link directly in the text of the ad, directing users to your website. Very similar to Google Ads search ads. Therefore, you don't need to have a Company Page to advertise in this format.

Sponsored InMail


Finally, this format allows you to send a timely and personalized message to your audience directly to their LinkedIn inbox. And thus achieve maximum impact. This format can be compared to Facebook Messenger ads, but the content is more like an email.

In addition, Sponsored InMail is only delivered when the user is online on Linkedin.

This format can only be done through a new account with the LinkedIn account manager.

Specifications for advertising with Sponsored Content

Link sharing ad

Introductory text:

  • Maximum 150 characters to avoid the text being truncated on most devices (smaller smartphones may cut the text off first).
  • Text trimming is based on padding, not character limitation, so the results vary depending on the device.
  • On the computer, the maximum allowed is 600 characters, but the text is truncated at around 150 characters and displays "...read more" to expand the text.

Ad title:

  • Maximum 70 characters to prevent the text from being truncated.


  • Thumbnail size: 1.91:1 ratio (1220 x 627 px).
  • The width of the image must be more than 400 px.

General best practices:

  • Image size: 1.91:1 aspect ratio (1200 x 627 px) industry standard
  • Introductory text: 150 characters or less, including the URL of the landing page
  • Ad title: 70 characters or less

Integrated Media Ad

Image display size:

  • 1.91:1 aspect ratio (1200 x 627 px)
  • The width of the image must be more than 400 px.

Maximum weight:

  • 100 MB
  • Recommended PPI (pixels per inch): 72

Introductory text:

  • Maximum 150 characters to avoid the text being truncated on most devices.
  • Cutting the text is based on padding, not character limitation.
  • On the computer, the maximum allowed is 600 characters, but the text is truncated at around 150 characters and displays "...read more" to expand the text.

General best practices:

  • Image size: aspect ratio 1.91:1 (1200 x 627 px) Industry standard
  • Introductory text: 150 characters or less, including the URL of the destination page.

Here are some general observations about Linkedin's Sponsored Content ads.

Note 1: For both link sharing and embedded media, if the image width is less than 400px, it will not be displayed in the larger image format. Instead, it will appear as a thumbnail on the left-hand side of the post.

Note 2: You can also integrate videos into Sponsored Content by selecting the Video Ad format.

The specifications for video ads must be as follows:

  • Duration: from 3 seconds to 30 minutes (tip: in general, the most successful video ads are shorter than 15 seconds).
  • Layout: horizontal (Note: vertical videos are only organic and cannot be sponsored at the moment).
  • File weight/size: between 75 KB and 200 MB
  • File format:
    • MP4 frame rate: less than 30 fps (frames per second).
    • Pixel requirements and aspect ratios:
      • 360p (480 x 360; width 640 x 360)
      • 480p (640 x 480)
      • 720p (960 x 720; width 1280 x 720)
      • 1080p (1440 x 1080; width 1920 x 1080)
      • Video ads created with a 1:1 aspect ratio must have a minimum resolution of 600 x 600px and a maximum resolution of 1080 x 1080px.
    • Audio format: AAC or MPEG4
    • Audio size: Less than 64 KHz

Specifications for advertising with Text Content

Destination Link (URL) and Linkedin Page:

  • You can select your landing page and the destination URL of the ad. For example, you can associate the Company Page on your company's LinkedIn Pages or your website outside LinkedIn.


  • Title: maximum 25 characters (including spaces)
  • Description: maximum 75 characters (including spaces)


  • Images are optional
  • Size: 100 x 100 pixels

Specifications for advertising with Sponsored InMail

  • Sender's name: maximum 30 characters (including spaces and punctuation).
  • Subject: maximum 60 characters (including spaces and punctuation).
  • Text in the body of the e-mail: maximum 1,500 characters (including spaces and punctuation).
  • Clickable links: maximum of 3 links.
  • Text as a link in the body of the email: maximum 70 characters (including spaces and punctuation).
  • Call-to-action (CTA) button text: maximum 20 characters (including spaces)
  • URL in the link or CTA button: no restrictions.
  • Personalized T&Cs: maximum 2,500 characters (including spaces and punctuation)
  • Banner ad: 300px x 250px
    • File type: .jpg, .gif (not animated) or .png (without Flash).
    • Maximum file size: 40 kb.
    • Click URL.

So, in this article, we present the requirements for advertisements on Business Linkedin. Now just follow these standards when preparing your company's creatives!

If you want to learn more about LinkedIn Ads, check out these other articles on our Blog:
Managing Payment Methods on LinkedIn Ads

How to Add an Advertiser to Your LinkedIn Page




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