Home Artificial Intelligence 15 Hacks on How to Use ChatGPT to Create Media Campaigns...

15 Hacks on How to Use ChatGPT to Create Paid Media Campaigns

ChatGPT: Asian woman smiling at her tablet

Anyone who works in digital marketing has encountered many difficulties in creating effective paid media campaigns.

Every penny invested doesn't seem to bring satisfactory results, and the pressure to improve campaign performance only increases. This is when artificial intelligence can become your great ally.

A tool widely used in this context is ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer).his Artificial Intelligence tool has been trained with a huge amount of data and is capable of generating humanized responses to a wide range of questions and requests.

Read on and find out how to use ChatGPT to create your paid media campaigns!

1. Brainstorm Creative Ideas

Have you ever had those days when you were in a creative lull and still had to come up with an ad that caught the user's attention? To help you in these moments, bust enter the commands that suit your needs and ChatGPT will provide creative ideas for your ad.

Here's an example applied to a women's fashion e-commerce whose focus is on attracting women aged between 18 and 35 from the São Paulo region.


I have a women's fashion e-commerce and I'm targeting women in the São Paulo area between the ages of 18 and 35. I want to create 5 versions of headlines for responsive Google Ads, with a maximum of 30 characters each.

You can use both the keywords and the sites you sent earlier to guide your creation, but don't use the brand names in the title, as they are competitors. Be creative!


Based on the information provided, here are five creative versions of headlines for responsive Google Ads, each with a maximum of 30 characters:

1."Fashion SP: Trendy Style"

2. "Incredible Trends in São Paulo"

3. "Unique Looks São Paulo"

4. "Fashion in SP: Rock on!"

5."Women's clothing SP"

These titles highlight women's fashion and the São Paulo region, using keywords such as "Women's Fashion" and "Trends of the Season". They convey the idea of style, exclusivity and current fashion, aimed at a female audience between the ages of 18 and 35.

2. Discover the Persona's Main Pains

ChatGPT can also help you identify different approaches to take with your persona. One of the ways to exploit this functionality is by asking the AI about your customer's main pain points. See the example below!


I want you to behave like an experienced Google Ads professional. My desire is to create Google Ads search network ads for wedding ring sales.

Identify the ideal customer's main problem points, which I can focus on to make the ads more effective.


As an experienced Google Ads professional, I'll help you create effective search network ads for wedding ring sales.

By targeting the ideal customer's problem points, you can increase the effectiveness of your ads. Here are some of the main problem points to consider:

1. Quality and durability: highlight the high quality of the wedding rings you offer by emphasizing durable materials such as gold, platinum or protection. Highlight the wear resistance and long life of the rings.

2. Exclusive design: highlight the variety of exclusive designs available, showing how your rings stand out from the competition. This can include details such as elegant finishes, precious stones or personalized engravings.

3. Perfect size and fit: many customers have problems finding the ideal size for their wedding rings. Promote the personalized fitting service, ensuring that each customer gets a perfect fit for maximum comfort.

4. Competitive prices: customers are always looking for good deals. Make sure you highlight competitive prices and special promotions, emphasizing the exceptional value they are getting compared to other options on the market.

5. Warranty and after-sales service: demonstrate confidence in your products by offering a solid warranty and excellent after-sales service. Highlight your company's commitment to ensuring long-term customer satisfaction.

By focusing on these pain points, you can create ads that connect with your ideal target audience, highlighting the benefits and solutions that your wedding rings offer.

3. Ask for Ideas for Creating Personalized Audiences

The tool is able to provide valuable suggestions for creating a personalized target audience.

It can help to identify the interests and concerns of a particular type of consumer, as well as offering suggestions for keywords that these consumers are likely to use when carrying out searches.

To illustrate this, consider a type of business with a focus on travel!


What characteristics or attributes of a type of consumer looking for low-cost travel are relevant? For example: "Cheap prices and clean rooms". Follow this line of thought and list a total of 5 variations.


When segmenting consumers looking for low-cost travel, it is important to consider the following characteristics or attributes:

1. Affordable and economical prices: highlight the availability of competitively priced packages and rates, special discounts and exclusive offers to attract this type of consumer.

2. Budget accommodation: emphasize accommodation options with clean, comfortable and affordable rooms, such as budget hotels, hostels or temporary rental apartments.

3. Promotions and budget packages: highlight travel packages that include low-cost airfare, affordable sightseeing and budget meals, offering a complete solution for budget travel.

4. Inexpensive transportation: mention low-cost transportation options, such as low-cost airline flights, convenient public transportation and affordable car rentals.

5. Affordable and accessible destinations: focus on popular destinations that have initiated affordable tourist activities, cost-effective entertainment options and free or low-cost activities for travelers to make the most of their trip.

By incorporating these features into your ads, you'll be effectively targeting consumers looking for low-cost travel, providing solutions and options that meet their specific needs and desires.

4. Collect keyword suggestions

Although Keyword Planner is widely recognized as an effective tool for discovering keywords, it's important to note that ChatGPT can also play a valuable role in this task.

With its ability to understand contexts and generate relevant responses, ChatGPT can offer additional keyword suggestions, exploring different angles and nuances that may not be immediately obvious.

Combining the power of Keyword Planner with the intelligence of ChatGPT can provide a more comprehensive and creative approach to keyword research for digital marketing campaigns. Get inspired! 


I want you to act as a paid media expert. Find ideal keywords to advertise this page: https://pareto.io/pt-br/one-clicks/, considering that the target audience is marketing professionals and the goal is conversion.


As a paid media specialist, I analyzed the page https://pareto.io/pt-br/one-clicks/etaking into account that the target audience is marketing professionals and the goal is conversion.

Based on this, here are some ideal keywords for advertising this page:

1. Marketing automation

2. Digital marketing tool

3. Conversion optimization

4. Lead generation

5. Email campaigns

6. Sales funnel

7. Performance marketing

8. Data analysis

9. Audience segmentation

10. Personalization of content

These keywords are located with the target audience of marketers and address the conversion objective. Make sure to adjust the keywords according to the specific strategy and context of the paid media campaign.

5. Enter the Product Description for Copy Creation

It is extremely important to include a command for creating ad text that already contains the description of the product being advertised. This practice makes it easier for artificial intelligence (AI) to understand and allows it to generate more accurate and relevant ads.

By providing a clear and concise description of the product, AI can better understand the message that needs to be conveyed to potential customers. Take a look!


Create an ad text based on this product description: automation to optimize paid media campaign budgets on the Google Ads and Meta Ads platforms. Act as a paid media expert and be creative in your response.


Increase the ROI of your paid media campaigns with intelligent automation! Optimize your Google Ads and Meta Ads advertising budgets with our powerful tool.

Reach the right audience at the right time and watch your results take off. Say goodbye to guesswork and let our automated platform work for you.

Increase efficiency, reduce costs and reach the maximum potential of your campaigns. Try it now and discover how automation can transform your paid media results.

6. Use the Keyword to Ask for Title Ideas

Ad titles play a crucial role in the success of an advertising campaign. They are the first impression users have of your ad, and it is through them that you can attract the attention and interest of your target audience.

Impactful headlines are essential for attracting clicks, increasing conversion rates and ensuring that your message is conveyed effectively. With ChatGPT you can use keywords and, based on them, come up with relevant headline ideas.


Act as an ad creation specialist and manage ad titles based on the keyword: automation of paid media campaign budgets. Generate 5 variations of up to 30 characters each.


1. Increase your ROI with automation!

2. Optimize your budgets!

3. Achieve incredible results!

4. Effective payment media automation!

5. Maximize your investment!

7. Inform the Target Audience for the Copy Creation

Accurately defining your target audience is essential to the success of your paid media campaigns, allowing you to target ads to the right people at the right time, increasing efficiency and maximizing results. 

To be more assertive, tell ChatGPT who your target audience is when you create your ad copy. See the example below.


Act as an ad creation specialist and create an ad text based on a target audience of young women who live in Salvador and have higher education in training for the health area.

Also, use the product description as a basis: online health courses.


Boost your career in healthcare with our online courses! Exclusively for young women from Salvador with higher education in training for the health area.

Expand your knowledge and gain new opportunities with our specialized content. Take advantage of the flexibility of online courses and study at your own pace.

Invest in your professional future with the best healthcare education. Sign up now and turn your passion into a successful career!

8. Report Benefits and Features for Creating Copy

Including important information in the ad copy is key to ensuring that users receive all the relevant information about the product or service being advertised.

This information can include exclusive benefits, distinctive features, special promotions or any other detail that is relevant to the target audience.

It is through this information that ads become more persuasive, impactful and effective in their communication. So don't underestimate the power of crucial information in well-crafted ad copy and learn how to use ChatGPT to your advantage!


Create a commercial and eye-catching ad copy, focusing on highlighting the following information:

  • Product benefits: best value on the market, with above-average quality.
  • Information on prices and promotions: sale with 50% OFF on the website.
  • Stock availability: various sizes available.
  • Brand description: women's footwear e-commerce, consolidated since 1960 in Brazil.


Discover the perfect combination of quality and savings! Our women's shoes offer the best value for money on the market, with above-average quality. Take advantage of our unmissable sale, with discounts of 50% OFF on the site.

Don't waste time, we have several sizes in stock. Get to know our brand, a women's footwear e-commerce consolidated since 1960 in Brazil. Satisfaction guaranteed at every step.

Shop now and enjoy the style and comfort you deserve!

By asking Chat to perform the same command, but varying the information provided, the following response was obtained!


Now, following the same command, use the following information:

  • Product benefits: enhancement of your CV, better qualification for the job market, exercise of college hours, certificates valid in Brazil.
  • Information on prices and promotions: all courses with a 25% discount on the website.
  • Availability of stock: diversity of courses in the field of education.
  • Brand description: sale of online courses focused on subjects in the field of education, with more than 300 courses available and operations throughout Brazil.


Boost your career with our online education courses! Broaden your curriculum, obtain better professional qualifications and validate your college hours with our certificates valid in Brazil.

Take advantage of our special promotion: all courses with a 25% discount on the website. We have a wide range of courses in the field of education, with over 300 options in stock.

Get to know our brand, a leader in the sale of online courses focused on subjects in the field of education, operating throughout Brazil.
Invest in your personal and professional development. Sign up now and win new opportunities!

9. Create Copy Using Mental Triggers

Mental triggers are essential in marketing pieces, as they arouse emotions, influence decisions and drive actions from the target audience, increasing the effectiveness of campaigns and the connection with the consumer.

You can insert commands that highlight this issue in the headlines or even copies of your ads. See below.


Create 5 titles of up to 30 characters, highlighting mental triggers for consumers such as the scarcity of the product and exclusivity. I want titles that cover the following product: selection of women's boots for winter.


  1. "Limited edition!".
  2. "Unique and stylish!"
  3. "Hurry, limited stock!"
  4. "Unique boots for winter!"
  5. "Guarantee your exclusive style!"

10. Ask Your Creatives for Ideas

As an advanced artificial intelligence system, ChatGPT is able to generate creative ideas for marketers based on specific commands.

With its ability to understand contexts and provide relevant answers, it helps to stimulate the creativity of marketing professionals, offering suggestions and insights for creating impactful and effective ads.


Act as an expert in ad creation and write ideas on how I can put together creative images for an ad about budget automation for paid media campaigns on the Google Ads and Meta Ads platforms.


As an expert in ad creation, here are some ideas for putting together creative images for an ad about budget automation for paid media campaigns on Google Ads and Meta Ads:

1) Image of a person holding a rope, symbolizing control and optimization of budgets.

2. Illustration of a robot or artificial intelligence working on a dashboard with graphs of paid media campaigns.

3. A montage of images representing Google Ads and Meta Ads, showing how budget automation simplifies campaign management on these platforms.

4. Image of a conversion funnel with arrows pointing upwards, symbolizing the increase in results achieved through automation.

5. Collage of images of coins or banknotes, representing the best use of investments with the automation of budgets.

Remember to use attractive, high-quality images that convey the message clearly and eye-catchingly.

Adapt the ideas to the characteristics of your brand and target audience, creating images that arouse interest and highlight the benefits of automating paid media campaign budgets.

11. Discover Negative Keywords

By discovering negative keywords, you exclude irrelevant or inappropriate terms, directing your marketing budget and efforts to the right audiences and avoiding wasting resources.

ChatGPT can be a great helper in this mapping process. Check it out!


Act like you're an experienced Google Ads professional. I want to create Google Ads for marketing automation.

Help me find the most effective exact match keywords, along with negative keywords, to target my audience and generate optimal conversions.


As an experienced Google Ads professional, I'll help you find the most effective exact match keywords for your marketing automation ads, along with negative keywords to target your audience and generate optimal conversions.

Exact match keywords:

1."Marketing automation"

2."Marketing automation tool"

3."Marketing automation software"

4. "Marketing automation for companies"

5."Marketing automation platform"

Negative keywords:

1. -"Marketing jobs"

2. -Traditional marketing

3. -"Process automation"

4. -"Industrial automation"

5. - "Office automation".

12. Optimize Search Terms

Once the ad is live, optimize the search terms by reviewing the performance of the analytical data and identifying the most relevant keywords.

Make adjustments to bids and negative keywords to improve targeting and maximize results. To do this, simply ask ChatGPT to optimize the keywords being used in your campaign.


Create a table of all the keywords on this list and organize them in order of relevance from highest to lowest for a company that sells marketing automation:

  • Marketing automation
  • Marketing automation for companies
  • Marketing automation platform
  • How to automate my company's marketing
  • Marketing automation tools
  • Hire a marketing automation company


Here is the table organized in order of relevance, from highest to lowest, of the keywords for a company that sells marketing automation:

This order of relevance is based on the importance of the keywords in relation to the marketing automation theme, with the most relevant at the top of the list.

This allows you to prioritize these keywords when creating your marketing strategy and target audience segmentation.

13. Create an A/B Test Set

Performing A/B tests allows you to compare different elements and strategies to identify what works best, to optimize performance and increase conversion rates. 

You can use a specific command for this function. Here's how!


Act as if you were an experienced ad professional. I want to create two Google search ads for A/B testing purposes for marketing automation.


As an experienced ad professional, I'll help you create two Google search ads for A/B testing purposes for marketing automation. Here are the two versions:

Ad A:
Title: Automate your marketing
Description: Increase efficiency and optimize results with our marketing automation solution. Try it now!

Ad B
Title: Boost your marketing with automation
Description: Find out how our marketing automation platform can support your campaigns. Try it for free!

Remember to implement only one change to your ads at a time so that you can identify which version generates the best results.

Monitor metrics such as click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate to determine the most effective ad in your marketing automation campaign.

14. Optimize Landing Page Copy

A well-structured LP, with relevant content, attractive design and clear calls to action, directs visitors to take the desired action, resulting in more leads and customers for your business.

One way to carry out one of these optimizations is to ask ChatGPT to create quality copy for your site.


Act like a CRO expert. Write effective landing page copy for marketing automation to convert a maximum number of visitors through Google Ads.


Welcome to our Marketing Automation landing page! Increase the efficiency of your marketing strategy with our advanced platform.

Discover how to automate tasks, personalize campaigns and achieve incredible results. Sign up now and turn your marketing into a conversion machine!

15. Generate Scripts for YouTube Ads

One of the functions that ChatGPT can help you with is generating scripts for YouTube ads. To do this, simply enter a command similar to the one below. Check out the example.


Act as if you were an experienced ad professional, I want to create a script for YouTube ads for the budget automation product for paid media campaigns.


As an experienced ad professional, I'll help you create a YouTube ad script for the budget automation product for paid media campaigns.

Here's a suggested script:

Presenter: "Are you tired of wasting time manually managing your paid media campaign budgets?"

[Scene 1]
Image: showing a stressed marketing professional, surrounded by spreadsheets and graphs.

Narrator: "Discover our budget automation solution for paid media campaigns."

[Scene 2]
Image: presenting the intuitive and user-friendly interface of the budget automation platform.

Narrator: "With our platform, you can automate the process, saving time and effort.

[Scene 3]
Image: display graphs of campaign performance improving and results being achieved.

Narrator: "Increase the efficiency of your campaigns, achieving better results with less manual work."

[Scene 4]
Image: show testimonials from satisfied customers about the benefits of budget automation.

Narrator: "Our customers are saving time, optimizing their investments and boosting their business."

[Scene 5]
Image: call to action with company logo and contact information.

Narrator: "Try our budget automation solution right now. Contact us to find out more."


Presenter: "Don't waste any more time manually managing your budgets. Automate your paid media campaigns with our budget automation platform. Contact us today!"

Remember to adapt the script based on your brand and target audience, highlighting the specific benefits of budget automation for paid media campaigns.

Use attractive images and visual elements to complement the ad and draw the public's attention.

Tess AI vs ChatGPT: Which is the Best AI Text Generator?

Tess AI is the 1st Brazilian Artificial Intelligence that connects you to the biggest AIs in the world, all on a single platform. In fact, some of the tools we're going to present below are integrated into Tess AI, such as MidJourney, Stable Diffussion, DALL-E 2 and ChatGPT itself.

Unlike other AI tools for text generation, such as ChatGPT, with Tess AI you can execute commands, insert URLs and get up-to-date data directly from the platform.

This is because the free version of ChatGPT only has access to information until September 2021, while Tess AI is not only updated to this date, but is also more trained to execute commands.

What's more, Tess AI has more than 50 modules trained and ready to quickly perform day-to-day functions, including specific templates for paid media campaigns, for example:

  • Keywords for product/service campaigns;
  • Suggested audiences for Google Ads campaigns;
  • Text Ads for Products and Services;
  • Negative keyword ideas;
  • Ideal Persona for Product or Service and much more.

We've selected some of the platform's marketing modules for you to see how they work in practice!

Suggested audiences for LinkedIn Ads

With Pareto you can create suggested audiences for your LinkedIn Ads campaigns using the intelligence of Tess AI, gaining valuable insights to target your campaigns based on audience characteristics and behavior.

Text Ads for Google Ads

You can also create amazing ads for your Google campaigns in a matter of seconds by entering the company name, product name, URL, description, benefits and CTA.


As you can see, ChatGPT is a tool that promises to boost companies' marketing strategy, providing valuable insights and creative suggestions for paid media campaigns.

However, it is essential to check the veracity of the information provided by the tool to ensure the creation of reliable and accurate content that resonates with the target audience and drives positive results.

Now, if you want to use a complete AI that quickly performs routine tasks in various areas, such as Marketing, Sales, Design, Programming, Human Resources and much more, we invite you to tryTess AI for free and explore all the advanced AI features easily and safely.

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