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What is Dynamic Remarketing?


Dynamic Remarketing

:: Objective ::

The aim of this article is to explain what dynamic remarketing is, what its advantages are, prerequisites, layouts and how to get started.

:: What is Dynamic Remarketing? ::

Imagine you go into an e-commerce store and really like a pair of shoes. However, at the time you didn't buy it for some reason. Remarketing is precisely that advertising which makes this product "follow you" on various other sites in Google's partner network. The aim of dynamic remarketing is to give users who have shown an interest in your products the chance to see them again on other Google partner sites - the Display network! This directly increases the sales volume of your e-commerce, since the specific product of interest is shown to the consumer so that they can return to it and finally buy it.

:: Video to Deepen ::

:: Prerequisites ::

  • You need to have an e-commerce
  • Merchant Center linked to AdWords
  • Data feed must be approved
  • Insert specific parameters in the remarketing tag

:: Logo ::

The ratio of the logo should be 1:1 (square), and the size should be 128 x 128 or larger. The recommended size is 1,200 x 1,200. It is recommended to use a transparent background, but only if the logo is centered.

:: Layouts ::

Below, we'll take a look at the main Dynamic Remarketing layouts. If you want to access the display area yourself, just follow the path: Display area > +Advertisement > Ad Gallery > Dynamic Ads > Create > Responsive Dynamic Ad.

Uniform size format with logo


Format without logo


Flip Down format 1


Double Format Carousel 1


Triple 4 format


Triple 3 format


Thumbnail format


Wall format


Wrapping format


Format Side by side



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