Home Marketing - Pareto Plus Criteo Ads, what is it?

Criteo Ads, what is it?


In this article, we'll tell you a bit more about Criteo and what the initial process is like to have a Criteo Ads account in your media portfolio!

If you want to get an insight into Criteo and Personalized Retargetingcheck out this other article by Pareto.

What is Criteo anyway?

Criteo is a programmatic channel, which allows users to advertise on the Google display network, Facebook and more than 18,000 publishers on the channel itself.

In the image below, we have an example of ads generated by Criteo:


What are the main types of campaign?

Customer Acquisition

The main objective of the consumer acquisition campaign is to generate traffic to the site by identifying potential customers on the Display Network. Based on CPC (Cost per Click), the campaign seeks to feed the top of the funnel and through the intelligence of the channel's campaigns to attract potential consumers to your online store. The campaign is focused on e-commerce.

Dynamic Retargeting

The dynamic remarketing campaign works in a similar way to Google Ads. Its main objective is to regain access to a potential customer who has already visited the site on their purchasing journey. The interesting thing about this campaign is that the channel's intelligence is able to understand the products viewed by users and present them again through dynamic creatives.

They are called dynamic because the product changes dynamically, i.e. if I saw a white shirt and you, the reader, see a black one, we will be impacted by the same campaign intelligence but with different creatives.

This is also a campaign aimed at e-commerces, since the products are imported via the online store's XML.

 Even though it's a display campaign, where the focus is usually on traffic, we should take a more critical look when analyzing remarketing campaigns. They must be able to bring the user back to the site and impact them more frequently than a new user campaign. In this way, it is possible to have a strategic vision for CPA and ROAS.

Audience Match

The custom audience campaign aims to integrate CRM intelligence with the personalization of display audiences. Nowadays, giving the customer a personalized experience in digital marketing is a good practice that can not only generate a sale, but in some cases, build customer loyalty.

The aim of this campaign is to complement the remarketing strategy by importing audiences from email lists and the CRM in order to better target creative to the type of audience.

For example, you could bring in customers who have already added a product to their cart, but instead of showing them the product they didn't buy, generate an ad with a personalized "Free Shipping" coupon.

Similar to Dynamic Retargeting Campaigns, you can have a more detailed analysis of the campaign, looking at metrics such as CPA and ROAS, in addition to CPC and the volume of users impacted.

Despite its widespread use in e-commerce, it is also possible to create this type of experience for Lead customers.


What are the advantages of advertising on Criteo?

1. Diversify your investment portfolio. 

Digital marketing has similar characteristics to an investment portfolio on the stock exchange. The more diversified your investments, the lower the risk. By having one more media channel capable of reaching new users and even people who have already come into contact with your business, we would be reducing the buying cycle.

2. Acting where Google and Facebook can't.

Despite their vast list of sites and partners, Google and Facebook are not yet present on the entire open Internet. According to Criteo, the open internet is where just as many consumers are as those who spend time on search engines and social media:

3. Dynamic customization of the Creative.

At Criteo, the ads have a customization possibility that is not found in the responsive ad on Google's display network. While Google is improving its experience with the new Shopping ads, Criteo is developing an interesting experience for display creatives.

As the images above show, it is possible to have different layouts, according to the brand's identity, including fonts, colors, CTA's and other customizations. This variation allows for responsiveness across different advertisers on the network, allowing for greater reach and personalization of the user experience, boosting campaigns such as Dynamic Retargeting.


How does charging work?

Ads are billed on a post-paid basis, so as soon as the campaigns start, the registered client will receive a bill for the amount invested in the channel. 

Criteo does not charge a management fee. There is no minimum investment, so if your campaigns have not used up their budget or you have paused them, there will be no additional charge.


I want to advertise! How is Setup?

The setup process at Criteo tends to take around 2 weeks. If you're a Pareto customer, talk to your account manager for more details and to start the setup. We'll work out the best budget-sharing strategy between the platforms for you!

The following list summarizes all the steps for starting work at Criteo:

Step 1/6

Contact Criteo's commercial team by e-mail: accelerate@criteo.com

Step 2/6

 Send the following information by e-mail:

  • Number of unique visitors in the last month;
  • Website conversion rate;
  •  What are the metrics and values used to measure the results of the campaign (ROAS, CPA...)?

This information is necessary to be able to create a proposal for starting work.

Step 3/6

With this data, a meeting will be scheduled with the Criteo team (a videoconference) to align expectations and present the possibilities for Criteo to work with the account's strategy.

Step 4/6

If the proposal is approved, there are the stages of registering the client, creating the ad account and finally tracking, i.e. registering the Criteo tag on the site. This tracking can be done using Google Tag Manager (GTM).

Step 5/6

Then the creatives are approved by Criteo's Design team, who will send you templates (examples) of how your ads will appear. You can change the colors, buttons and fonts.

Step 6/6

Finally, the start of campaigns, with ads being shown to targeted customers. 



This article presents the types of campaigns available on Criteo Ads. This will open up new possibilities for your digital marketing ads with this new programmatic channel.

The advantages range from diversifying the paid media investment portfolio, expanding the reach to other partner sites and customizing creative according to the brand's identity.

If you want to advertise on Criteo, you can follow the setup steps above or talk to the Pareto team to help you with the process.



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