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Criteo Ads and Personalized Retargeting

Criteo Ads and Retargeting

What is Criteo Ads?

In a nutshell, Criteo is a personalized retargeting channel that works especially for e-commerces to show customized ads to consumers who are likely to buy on the site.

The focus of this article will be to present Personalized Retargeting on Criteo, which is the mechanism for targeting users who have already had contact with the site.

Take a look at this other complete Pareto article on Criteo Ads.

What does Personalized Retargeting mean??

Personalized Retargeting at Criteo means that today, Criteo uses data from more than 1.9 billion monthly active consumers and $800 billion in annual e-commerce sales to show the right ad at the right time throughout the consumer journey. Ohh... and this database is still growing!

A simple but important point... Sometimes it's common to hear people talking about remarketing e retargeting as if they were the same thing, but in fact they are quite different practices.

When we talk about remarketing, we're talking about any media that uses consumer data with the intention of re-engaging them, email marketing being the most common example. 

Retargeting, on the other hand, works by uniquely identifying consumers (usually through a visit to a website) and generating identities from them that are used to display relevant ads on different websites.

In addition, Criteo's dynamic retargeting departs from the standard concept of static retargeting. This means that Criteo's Artificial Intelligence synthesizes company elements and performance insights in order to obtain creative ads that respect the brand's properties.

How Criteo works?

Criteo runs display ads, which are graphic ads that appear on partner sites. When someone visits your site, their browser receives an anonymous and untraceable cookie that will follow them even if they leave the site without making a purchase.

When this person browses again, even on different sites, the retargeting technology provider remembers this cookie and chooses the best ad to display.

You only pay for the people who click on your ad. For example, he might show your ad to 2,000 people, but only 50 people clicked on the banner, so he'll only charge you for those 50 visits.

In this other article, you'll find the complete Pareto article on Criteo Adsthe types of campaigns available and examples of ads.

How to start advertising on Criteo?

As we mentioned, Criteo is a personalized retargeting platform, which means that your ads will target people who have entered your site. So the more qualified traffic there is on your site, the more likely it is that Criteo will convert.

Therefore, the suggestion is that the work with Criteo happens in conjunction with other platforms, such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads, and that these platforms are well optimized and bring in an already qualified audience. Here at Pareto, we put together the best investment distribution strategy between the different paid media platforms.

To advertise on Criteo, it's very important to analyze your budget and make sure that the metrics and objectives you want to achieve for your e-commerce are well established. With everything under control, contact a Criteo specialist for the next steps.

To learn more about how Criteo's setup works, check out this complete Pareto article on Criteo Ads.


Therefore, the idea of this article is to introduce you to Criteo's possibilities with the aim of opening up the range of options for scaling your e-commerce. In it, we present how personalized retargeting works on this platform.

The advertising model offered by Criteo shows a market trend. The more you know about your customer's behavior, their preferences, the better you can design their path on the site and the better you can serve them.

So, with the aim of always being close to the user, paid media platforms are complementary to each other. Each one is responsible for a stage of the purchase, or more than one stage.

If you're interested in Criteo, the Pareto team can help you spread the word!


Here are some tips for you to check out, from basic to more advanced content about Criteo:

  • Criteo's YouTube channelHere you'll have access to a wide range of content. Success stories, performance analysis, metrics studies, etc.
  • Criteo Blog: Very interesting articles with tips and insights for your e-commerce.
  • Products: It is very important to understand what Criteo offers and to evaluate which product will be most compatible for your e-commerce.


For more articles and tips, check out the other articles on the Pareto Blog.



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