How to create a successful copywriting strategy in 5 steps

Do you know how to create a successful copywriting strategy? 

Copywriting techniques have made their way into the routine of marketing professionals, but few have a strategic vision of the subject. What does that mean? Most professionals know how to apply techniques, but have trouble seeing the strategy as a whole. 

That's why, in this article, we're going to explore:

  • What copywriting is;
  • The difference between strategy and technique;
  • How to develop a copywriting strategy.

What's more, we're going to give you valuable tips for anyone looking to be a true strategist when it comes to copywriting. Shall we get started? 

What is copywriting? 

Copywriting is a strategy for writing persuasive texts. The texts, called copies, are written using composition techniques to attract the public's attention to a product or service, arouse interest, generate desire and lead users to conversion.

The copies are used in print media, such as newspapers and magazines, or online media, marketing emails and social media posts. They are also the basis for television and radio commercials. 

Strategy or techniques?

Before moving on, you need to understand the concepts of strategy and technique. Within copywriting they can be treated as synonyms, but this is a mistake. 

Think of this situation: A person wants to lose weight. With this goal in mind, they decide to hire a nutritionist to help them lose weight. The nutritionist proposes a dietary re-education plan, using an individualized menu as a tool. 

The strategy is the action plan developed to achieve the goal of losing weight, in this case the dietary re-education plan. Techniques are the tools or procedures used to achieve the strategy, in this case the individualized menu. 

Now let's look at these concepts applied to copywriting. 

Copywriting is the strategy you develop to achieve your goal of writing a persuasive text. Copywriting techniques are some of the tools you will use to compose this strategy. 

How to develop a copywriting strategy? 

As we mentioned above, a strategy is a plan of action. You can draw up this plan yourself, and we'll show you how to do it in five steps. 

1. write down your goal

In Alice in Wonderland, we understand the importance of starting endeavors with an end in mind.

After hours of wandering around lost in the forest, Alice meets the Laughing Cat and asks which direction she should take. The Cat replies: "But that depends on where you want to go". Alice comes to the conclusion that she doesn't know where she wants to go. Then the Cat says: "If you don't know where to go, it doesn't matter which way you go". 

When you build a copywriting strategy, have a clear vision of what goal you want to achieve. 

2. Adapt the references

When looking for ideas on what to do, it's common to come across successful cases from other companies. You read about the ideas presented and immediately think that you need to do the same in your company. 

This is the mistake. 

As each business is unique, the smallest variable can be what makes that idea a success or a complete failure. It's like fitting a motorcycle part to a car. Both are means of transportation, motor vehicles, but they are not the same.

Therefore, when putting together your copywriting strategy, look for references, but adapt the ideas to the reality of your marketing sector. 

3. Analyze your resources 

When creating a copywriting strategy, take stock of the content that has already been produced. You then have a few options for how to use this inventory.


Some content is out of date, with old company positions. In this case, consider just archiving the content and leaving it out of use. 


Other content needs updating to perform better. So make technical changes to paid media campaigns, design or SEO. 


When reviewing the survey, you may find "holes" in the production of content. These are subjects that have not been covered or formats that have never been tested. This is your opportunity to produce what is missing and test new ideas. 

4. Select the techniques

Let's consider another example: A child has been given a drawing to color in. They can use pencils, pens, crayons or paints to complete the drawing. They can also use more than one material at the same time, it's their choice. 

And it works the same way with copywriting. You have a number of techniques at your disposal for writing good copy, but that doesn't mean you have to use them all together. So select only those that are most appropriate.

That said, in this article we're going to cover seven different techniques that you can use in your copywriting strategy. 

I. Knowing the consumer

To write an effective text, you need to know who is going to read it. By knowing who your consumer is, you'll understand which arguments can motivate conversion. 

II. Showing empathy

Show that you know the persona's frustrations, especially those that your product or service helps to solve. Make it clear that you know what they are facing.

III. Avoid being negative

Focus on using a friendly tone of voice. Leave negative comparisons with the competition or aggressive tones out of the text, as this puts consumers off.

IV. Using storytelling 

Stories are an excellent way of demonstrating that you know your customers and empathize with them, as well as helping to create a deeper identification with your brand.

V. Breaking impediments 

What stops your customers from buying? Find out the most common reasons and present the counter-arguments in the text. This way, you'll break down the objection before it even appears. 

VI. Showing your authority

Customers may have questions, so it's important to make it clear that your company understands the subject and can help with clarifications. Being a reference is a way of converting. 

VII. Selling the experience

Having a bad shopping experience can put an end to future business, even if the product is excellent. So sell a pleasant customer experience.

5. Test and test

Now that you:

  • You know what your goal is;
  • You've selected some good ideas;
  • He chose where to start;
  • You've sorted out which techniques you're going to use;

It's time to take action and conduct a test of your copywriting strategy. 

Once everything has been completed, set a period of time to test the action plan. Some copywriting strategies, such as paid ads, can take a few days to show results. An email marketing campaign can take a few weeks and organic posts on social media, months. 

The important thing is that at the end of the test, you collect the performance data and determine what worked and what needs correcting. With this information, make the necessary adjustments to the text and start again with another test.

And this is the secret to a successful copywriting strategy! Getting it right on the first try is rare, but getting it right after running scheduled and well-executed tests is a certainty. 


In short, building an effective copywriting strategy in five steps requires attention. But remember that by following this process, you will create copies that captivate your audience's attention, generate interest, arouse desire and motivate conversion. 

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Tess AI
Tess AI
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