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Copy for Digital Marketing: 13 Advanced Tips that Convert

copy for digital marketing: image of a young man in an office typing information and looking at a computer screen

Do you also struggle to create texts that don't just communicate, but solve your audience's pain and problems? There are days when our creativity isn't up to scratch, and it's on these days that the ability to create copy ends up being compromised.

Good copy for digital marketing needs to reinforce the brand's message and image and requires the copywriter to have a greater understanding of the audience, their pains and desires. But how do you do this in practice?

In this article you'll find 13 advanced tips for creating texts that not only capture attention, but also solve your persona's pain points and convert sales. Read on and find out what they are!

13 Advanced Tips for Creating Texts that Sell

To write good copy there are general hacks that can be used and adapted according to your objective, but you need to know each one of them to exploit in your text!

1. establish trust with readers

A sales pitch is not a sales pitch without good, well-written sales copy. The aim of a good sales text is to sell your product or service without using cryptic language that could put off potential customers.

A good way to start the copywriting process is to read your current text out loud and see if it sounds like a car dealership commercial from the 1990s. If it does, you'll need to rewrite your text to make it sound more up-to-date and credible.

If your advertising copy for paper towels says "the most amazing paper towels on the market, for sure", we still don't know anything about them. Why should we trust that they're the best if you haven't given us any reason to back up your claim?

Ideally, you should write a more concrete message about how fewer paper towels are needed for easy cleaning.

2. Address your Objections and Pains

Have you ever been in a situation where a salesperson sold you something by getting you excited about the product and making it more attractive for you to buy? To do this, tools such as feature benefit copies or questions are useful.

Our suggestion is to try to get the reader excited about a product or service, using the benefits of that product or service to describe what they will get out of it.

For example, if you were selling a car and wanted to convince someone to buy it, you could say "It has leather seats for extra comfort!" This is copy with feature benefits.

You can also try to respond to readers' concerns about buying your product by asking questions like "What are you worried about?" or "What do you think this will do for your business?" This technique is also called a "soft objection".

For a household appliance, a salesperson can also try to answer the reader's objections by comparing the energy consumption of a 10-year-old unit with one manufactured today. They can even get around the objections by picking up on what they are thinking or feeling.

3. Use powerful statements and keywords

Choosing the right words for your copy can be a challenge, but it doesn't have to be. Your goal is to create an attractive and captivating message that will ultimately lead people to take action: buy, share or subscribe to your product.

A powerful statement is evocative and paints a picture in the audience's mind with just a few words. It captures their attention and inspires them to want more information, which compels them to act. Here are some examples of Pareto.

"Maximize your conversions with Artificial Intelligence."

It captures the public's imagination with a single sentence. It's also concise, making it easier for people to read.

"Access All the Power of AI in One Place"

This statement hits a problem point that people are probably already facing and then provides them with an alternative.

4. Create a sense of urgency

Creating a sense of urgency is an important part of any marketing funnel. It's not enough to make people want your product. You also need to get them excited about the journey they'll take from here, whether it's buying your product or learning more about it.

If you can create a sense of anticipation, your audience will be much more willing to listen and act on what you're offering.

In the early stages of the funnel, when customers are just starting to learn about your product, they may not care so much about what you do as how they can use it.

5. Use Adjectives to Create a Positive Vision

Adjectives are a great way to create attractive sales texts and make your product or service more marketable. Strong verbs and adjectives can be used to describe the quality of a product or service.

The key to using adjectives is to avoid using too many because they tend to become clichés if overused, so keep them fresh by also using storytelling techniques such as metaphors and analogies.

Strong adjectives can be used to describe a product or service for various reasons. They are usually used to create an attractive image and make the company more marketable. They can also show how innovative, useful and easy to use the product or service is.

6. Offer a money-back guarantee

Your offer must be unique and not just a money-back guarantee. You should cater it specifically to your audience and differentiate it from similar offers. For example, if you're selling a book on dog training, consider offering a free video or bonus item as an incentive.

This is a popular tactic that reduces the risk of purchase and increases the likelihood of people buying. In general, offering a money-back guarantee is a way of ensuring that your offer stands out from the crowd, as other companies don't always offer this option.

For example:

"If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with [Product], simply contact us within 30 days of purchase, and we will refund 100% of your money, no questions asked."

7. Build Connection

Just like any other sales tactic, building a relationship with your audience is fundamental to ensuring that they are interested and have the confidence to make a purchase.

Grab attention with a strong opening sentence and keep your tone consistent throughout.

If you include a PS in a message, make sure you include a link to your order form. If you want to close the sale, make sure you have something in the PS that allows your customers to buy from you and gives them one last chance to cancel the order if they change their mind.

8. Solve Customer Confidence Problems

The idea behind this type of copy is that the customer makes a purchasing decision based on what they can gain from the product now, as well as what they can gain in the future.

To make the reader think of their purchase as something that will benefit them in the future, you need to use a few different tactics. First, you need to show how your product or service affects their life. For example:

"Imagine never having to worry about spending those stressful hours installing new equipment". Or you could mention "the peace of mind of knowing that your home is always protected".

The second tactic you can use is to show them what the consequences will be if they don't buy. The question "What if..." runs through their minds when they are trying to decide whether or not to buy your product or service. For example:

"What if your children are asleep and you're trying to leave for the night shift, but you can't because your security system is off?"

The third tactic is to show how this product or service will help them in the future. For example:

"Imagine going to bed every night in a house that's all tidy."

The fourth tactic is to show how your product or service is better than anything else. For example:

 "Imagine not having to pay $200 for installation and another $10 a month for monitoring."

9. Use Keywords to Create a Connection

You can use keywords in your website copywriting to gain readers' trust. Starting with your SEO keywords, choose relevant and popular words that show you understand what your readers are feeling.

Creative content is useless if it doesn't serve a purpose. For example, if you're trying to sell someone a new type of product and come up with some creative text explaining its benefits, make sure you use the right vocabulary to reflect what the customer wants.

For example:

Our products are designed with your serenity in mind. Imagine starting your day with the softness of our personal care products, which transform your daily routine into a rejuvenating ritual.

Join thousands of people who have chosen to make self-compassion a priority. Discover the power of our range of products that nourish body and soul.

Try it today and give yourself the gift of renewal. Be the best version of yourself with [Company].

In this ad, keywords such as "tranquility", "renewal", "self-compassion", "nourish body and soul" are used to create an emotional connection with the audience, highlighting the importance of self-care and how the company's products can be a valuable part of this process.

10. Make an Irresistible Offer

Successful advertising companies use simple images to symbolize the benefits and values of products that are easy to understand. One of the most important rules of copy is to "make it inviting to look at".

Some common examples of this would be an image of a person smiling while drinking a nice glass of cold water, or perhaps an image that includes a beautiful sunset reflected in the waves of a calm beach. Design is also important!

Visual appeal is the key to content; people want to see fonts that are simple, easy and big enough to read. Colors designed for the user experience can also help increase conversions or sales.

Short paragraphs of text and variations such as bold, underlining, italics or block quotes can also help improve your design. The brand experience is more than just pretty pictures.

11. See your product or service through your customers' eyes

Books are a very popular product on Amazon, and this means that there is a lot of competition between authors. A big advantage of buying on Amazon is that you can compare books in the same category.

This helps when trying to make decisions about how much time and effort you want to invest in marketing a product.

In these cases, use social proof to help convince consumers that other people like your product or service and help them make purchasing decisions. Take advantage of reviews and recommendations right from the start to help readers see that other people are interested.

Link the benefits of your product or service directly to these qualities. For example, if you're selling a book on yoga, mention the benefits of practicing yoga on your website.

Or if you're marketing a gardening product, include how it helps people maintain a healthy life. If you're selling a novel, talk about the many emotions and experiences that readers can relate to.

12. Use Powerful Adjectives to Create Desire

The first step in writing copy that sells is always to identify what the customer's problem is. This can be a challenge because there are many different ways of defining problem points and it's important to identify the biggest one for your customer.

Your client's number one problem may not even be the biggest, but the most urgent. Your job as a copywriter is to find out what the main problem is and then offer them a solution.

Customers have deep desires that require solutions to problem areas. Some of these desires may be unknown to them until they are discovered or until you create the desire with your copyright. Make sure you use adjectives like "frustrating" or "waste of time" to stimulate these feelings.

13. Add a Strong Call to Action (CTA)

Many CTA buttons look the same. They have a few words, maybe some colors and images, and are very simple, like "add to cart" or "access your phone from anywhere".

This doesn't evoke much emotion in the reader. Understanding this problem, you can and should change your call to action, for example: "Know what's going on", "Discover the Secret" or "Unlock your Potential".

These phrases tell the reader what they need to know in a more creative way. The words make sense and match the feeling of stimulating action.

Optimize your Digital Marketing Copy with AI

The digital marketing landscape is undergoing a significant revolution, as the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools becomes an increasingly common practice among companies.

The exponential growth of AI capabilities has allowed organizations to optimize and refine their copywriting strategies in innovative ways.

Today, companies are recognizing the power of AI not only to automate tasks, but also to improve the effectiveness and personalization of their digital marketing texts.

In this context, Pareto has developed Tess AIthe world's largest artificial intelligence network that orchestrates the largest AIs in different areas, creating images, texts, programming, etc.

With Tess you can create copy for your ads in the blink of an eye. The platform has over 100 ready-made AI modules for Marketing, Sales, Design, etc. Even specific modules for creating ads! See how it works.

Unique features of Tess AI

  • Access to the Largest AIs on the Market: with the Tess AI Platform, you have direct access to the world's leading AIs in a single place;
  • +50 incredible Tess modules: the platform has more than 50 modules trained and ready to perform day-to-day functions with different AIs;
  • Integration with +600 Platforms: integration with more than 600 platforms, enabling data automation and Big Data;
  • #TimeBack Experience: allows you to monitor every hour of life saved with Tess AI on an advanced dashboard designed to make the whole process easier;
  • Affiliate system: you can invite friends to use the platform and earn commissions from their first purchase;
  • Easy Export: allows you to export the content generated through the AI as plain text, PDF, Word or HTML;
  • Humanized support: you can count on incredible support from the Pareto team to help you via tickets.

With access to the world's leading AIs, integration with various platforms and a wide range of resources, the platform enables a complete digital transformation and increases the productivity of marketing, operations, technology and other teams.

Don't be left behind, register for free on Tess AI and see for yourself how the platform can boost your day-to-day activities!


Mastering the art of copy is one of the crucial elements for success in marketing and advertising today. As consumers become more demanding and informed, the ability to create texts that sell becomes even more valuable.

In this article, we explore 13 advanced tips that can take your copywriting skills to a new level, but remember that copywriting is a constantly evolving skill.

As consumer trends and preferences change, it's essential to keep up to date and adapt your approach. Try out different techniques, analyze the results and adjust your strategy as necessary.

See also our article with suggestions for AI tools that create imagesso you can learn to make your own creatives with the help of artificial intelligence and save valuable hours of your day!

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