Home Facebook Ads How to Set Up the Payment Method on Facebook

How to Set Up the Payment Method on Facebook

Setting up the Payment Method on Facebook


To run your ads on Facebook, you'll need a payment method set up on the platform. It's important to note that if you choose one of the payment methods - manual or credit card - you won't be able to switch to the other later on. We'll show you in these 8 steps how to set this up super fast!

Step by step

Step 1/8

Go to the Ads Manager and open your ads account.


Step 2/8

Go to "Ads Manager" at the top. Then click on "Billing" in the last column.

Step 3/8

Now just go to "Payment settings".

Step 4/8

Click on "Add payment method".

Step 5/8

Now fill in the company's CPF or CNPJ.

Step 6/8

Then apply the Name, ZIP code and Address.

Step 7/8

Now it's time to select your payment method. We always recommend using a credit card so that there is no possibility of ads being paused due to lack of balance.

Step 8/8

Finally, fill in the details and complete the process.

That's it! All done!



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