Home Process Automation Business Automation: What It Is, Types and Best Systems

Business Automation: What It Is, Types and Best Systems

commercial automation: image of two businesswomen talking at a meeting table with papers and a notebook

Technology is increasingly acting as a fundamental tool for building more automatic and less mechanical processes, increasing efficiency in all sectors of a company. 

In sales, this is no different. adherence to commercial automation on a large scale, especially by retailerswhich is focused on simplifying the relationship between the business and its customers.

If you don't already work with automation, your business is at a disadvantage compared to the competition in the race to close new sales. 

But don't worry, below we'll teach you what business automation iswhat its main types are, the best systems and how to make the ideal choice for your business.

Happy reading!

What is Business Automation?

Every automation process consists of using tools, usually technological, that make it possible to automatic processes that were previously carried out manually.l.

In the case of commercial automation, it is aimed at your company's sales sector and aims to improve the relationship between the organization and its public.

This format is most commonly found in retail companies, such as physical stores, e-commercesamong others.

Commercial automation has its operations focused on salesIt applies strategies that bring significant gains to the company, especially in terms of time and cost reduction.

Its application generates results for daily activities, optimizing these procedures and allowing employees to spend their time on other activities. 

What Are the Types of Automation Focused on Commerce?

Within the scope of commercial automation, there are another six types of automation that your company should invest in to achieve better results. Below, we explain what they are and what each one is for. Check them out.

Sales Automation

It focuses specifically on the company's sales sector, depending on the needs of the business. It is divided into four classifications, each suited to a different management model:

  • No-touch: eliminates the need for human contact with the customer to close a sale. Example: e-commerce;
  • Low-touch: Semi-automated process where, although much of the process is autonomous, there is still a need for the customer to contact a person. Example: Traditional physical store - even if the customer chooses on their own, they still have to go through the checkout and make the payment. Nowadays, many physical stores are also using self-service checkouts;
  • High-touch: Process with a strong presence of human interaction. Contact with an agent/salesperson is important for convincing the customer. Example: Saas products, where the company works with a Customer Success specialist;
  • Field sales: The presence of human interaction is indispensable. Example: companies selling complex products and services that require in-depth explanations to the customer.

Some level of automation can be implemented in all classifications.

Marketing Automation

Helps the company's marketing sector to achieve better results in prospecting for leadscreating new means of interaction that facilitate conversion into sales.

The most popular marketing automation tools are those for sending email marketing to the company's contact base.

Automation can also be used in other strategic areas of business marketing, such as social networks, blogs and landing pages. The focus is on personalized offer to the personaincreasing the chances of conversion.

Proposal automation

This can be done using specific software for preparing and storing commercial proposals. The ideal is to opt for system as complete as possible, making it easy to locate and filter this contentIt should also be flexible and customizable according to the needs of those using it.

Contract automation

Automation process that facilitates commercial transactions, formalizing all negotiations between your company and the customer.

A dedicated system for this sector is capable of generating, printing and archiving documents, as well as carrying out checks and deletions on expiration dates, contract extensions and more.

Automation via API

They serve as an auxiliary tool to the automation system, allowing integrations via the Application Programming Interface (API). 

If your company is medium or large, the use of APIs will make management work much easier, but if your business is still a small company, it's worth consulting a specialist to find out if this is a solution that will bring good results at an interesting cost-benefit ratio..

Customer Relationship Automation

Personified in the form of customer relationship management (CRM) software.

Automation is achieved by storing the complete history of interactions between your company and the qualified lead, providing useful information to better understand the consumer's needs and when to approach them with a solution.

Benefits of Investing in Commercial Automation

Now that you know what commercial automation is and what its main types are, you may be wondering what benefits implementing this process will bring to your business. Below, we've listed the main advantages.

  • Reduced costs and greater control over waste;
  • Optimized logistics;
  • Time optimization for managers and employees;
  • Sales control;
  • Improved customer relations, influenced by the strategy generated by the adoption of systems such as CRM or ERP;
  • Efficient control over inflows and outflows - cash flow;
  • It generates important data for drawing up a strategy for attracting new leads;
  • Agile and personalized service, focused on solving customers' problems as quickly and assertively as possible.

What are the best business automation systems?

There are many commercial automation systems available on the market that can bring excellent results to your company. 

Among the brands most recommended by experts in the commercial sector are:

  • Ploomes;
  • Asaas;
  • Zanthus;
  • Lexos;
  • NEX.

Both are commercial automation systems composed of various tools that help in different essential aspects for the company.

O Ploomes is the leading CRM software on the market, while Asaas is recommended for both commercial and financial automation, for example.

Zanthus is a great alternative for purchasing management and stock control, while Lexos provides confidence and agility for managers, being compatible with tax technologies and suitable for issuing invoices, TEF, POS, among others. 

NEX is also a system with features ranging from cash control and customer registration to sales and stock control.

How do I choose the best automation system for my business?

After learning about some of the great options for commercial automation systems for your company, it's normal to have doubts about the best option. In just three steps, you can filter and define the ideal software for your business. 

Let's assume that you have consulted experts who have told you that automation is the best way forward in terms of results and cost-effectiveness.

Step 1

The first step is to define which sectors need to be optimized. A the company's most latent needs and calculate the investment required to put the project into practice.

Always remember that the aim of automation is to facilitate and improve the relationship between your business and its customers.

Step 2

Map out each of the systems listed - and/or research others -, always ask for quotes and specifications on what each software can do. The tool may be excellent, but if it's not adapted to your needs, it's no good.

Another important point is to check the history of the companies you may be dealing with. The names mentioned above are well-established brands, but if you do get in touch with other brands, do a search on what users say about the software.

Step 3

Define the system contracting model for your company. If it is Software as a Product (SaaP)where the solution will be customized for your business, which means it will be more expensive, but with greater chances of assertiveness.

If it is Software as a Service (SaaS)the software is allocated in the Cloud, where the monthly cost is related to the use and maintenance of the service. This is a cheaper option which, depending on your needs, can also bring excellent results.

Discover All the Advantages of Relying on CRM Software

CRM is the ideal software for successful customer management and can be used by companies of all sizes. Access the free e-book now "CRM Guide for B2B Companies"with everything on the subject and understand how essential this solution is for your business.


This article was written by the Ploomes marketing team.

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