Gender Bid Adjustment


This article aims to explain a little more about bid adjustment by gender and how Quantic can do it for you.

Have you ever stopped to think about how most of your customers are either men or women, and very rarely exactly 50% of each sex? Well, in Ads, we have access to this information. But how do we take advantage of it to optimize campaigns?

With the gender bid adjustment we can change the bid value for men, women and/or strangers, customizing each group according to its performance. Unknowns are people who Google has not been able to identify by gender with statistical confidence, so this group can contain both men and women.

Through the data from your campaigns, we can have data to increase or reduce these bids, based on the metric you're aiming for, whether it's CPA or ROAS. For example, let's say I have a men's clothing e-commerce, and I believe that my target audience that converts the most is men. To confirm this, I can analyze the data that Google Ads gives me and increase the bids for men, if they are the ones who convert the most, and reduce the bids for women, if they are an audience where the return for my site is low.

By making these adjustments, we can be more efficient in our campaigns, since we offer the right amount for the keyword bids, avoiding waste.

It's worth noting that this adjustment is valid for Search, Display and Video campaigns.


The most interesting thing is that we really need to analyze every case with calculations and always with statistical confidence, because often what we find is not the best in terms of results and performance for the account. And that's where our Quantic robot comes in: it scans the data relating to the campaigns and is able to offer automatic suggestions of modifications for each genre, so that we don't waste money on audiences that aren't bringing a return for the business. It can also take advantage of opportunities by offering a higher price if the genre is performing much better.

When it is determined that a genre is not doing well, we can apply a bid reduction percentage to it, which can be as low as -90%. If the genre is too bad for the ad group we are analyzing, we can remove the genre in question and prevent our ads from appearing to that audience. It is also possible to apply a positive bid adjustment by setting a percentage increase from the base bid. For example, if your bid for a given keyword is $0.80, you can apply a 20% increase for women in a given adgroup. In this case, your bid would become R$0.96 for women only.

This type of adjustment is made at ad group level, and each one can perform differently, depending on the product. Therefore, it is recommended that each one be analyzed separately from the others in order to get the best possible performance for the account.


When you log into your Quantic workflow, see if an automatic card about bid adjustments for gender like this one appears in the "Inbox" column:

When you log into your Quantic workflow, see if an automatic card about bid adjustments for gender appears, like this one in the "Inbox" column


If it appears, just drag it to the "Done" column or press "Execute" and the adjustment will be made automatically! If it hasn't appeared yet, don't worry, our robot is still collecting information from your account and will only create the card when it's sure it's an excellent opportunity for you. =)

Tess AI
Tess AI
Hello, I'm Pareto AI. I bring together all the best AIs in the world in one place.

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