Home Marketing - Pareto Plus How to prepare a customer base for Black Friday?

How to prepare a customer base for Black Friday?

customer base for Black Friday


November is just around the corner and you still haven't prepared your base for Black Friday? Calm down, all is not lost.

Thinking about the user's entire journey is a recurring theme in day-to-day digital marketing. So, it's important to create a relationship with your consumer, to think about which communication best applies to that user's moment. Black Friday is no different.

Reaching your Persona

There is still time to create this connection with your consumer and, to do so, our tip is to focus on impacting them proactively. To do this, the best formats, in order of priority, are: social networks, display networks and videos.

What to work on and how to work on it is up to your budget and your understanding of which network best speaks to your potential client.

We've put together some tips on creative for Black Friday in this article.

New Users and Inactive Customers

There are two personas you want to target: new users and inactive customers.

  • New users: It's important to note that on this date, consumers are focused on personal purchases and up to 75% of users are open to buying from an unknown brand! This is your chance to win over a new customer and work on recurrence after Black Friday
  • Inactive Customers: These are customers who have interacted with your brand in the past, but haven't been back to your site for more than 30 days. This includes page visitors, users who have viewed content, products or articles. This is a colder user who can be warmed up because they already have a history with your brand. The important thing here is to work on lists with more than 1000 users, so that your ad is served satisfactorily.

In both cases, you can work on session or lead quality. The important thing is to pay attention to communication. On the one hand, you want the new user to get to know you, but at the same time you want to reach the one you "miss".

To work on session quality, you must attract the user to the site with content that attracts attention, optimizing for page views or time spent on the site.

The lead, which is used a lot, consists of getting the customer's contact details so that they can find out about offers first hand or receive a special discount. The ideal in this case is to use the social network with the best fit with your customer, with Lead Ads, where the user fills in the lead without leaving the platform. This type of ad is quick and easy to set up.



These tips apply to all types of businesses and are sure to help you communicate with your customers, both on and off Black Friday.

Remember that having a good base of users who know your site and can become customers is essential for a good result on Black Friday!

Check out our other articles on Black Friday:

Black Month, Black Week or Black Friday?

10 Tips you should check out before Black Friday!


You can also check out our partner PhoneTrack 's content on the importance of the phone during Black Friday on the Phone Track blog.



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