Home Facebook Ads What Are the Ad Formats for Facebook Ads?

What Are the Ad Formats for Facebook Ads?

facebook ad account: image of a woman sitting at a desk in a flower shop, in front of a computer, managing the business

If you're just starting to advertise on Facebook Ads, this article will help you know exactly what you need to get right when it comes to creative. We've outlined the main requirements for ads in each format and placement.

It's very important to have good creative planning, thinking about the ideal design and communication for each stage of the funnel. For example, for users who don't yet know the brand, it's interesting to bring something more explanatory and not so focused on the final sale/conversion.

And thus ensure that your ad looks as engaging as possible for users.

In Facebook Ads, we highlight the following types of ads:

  • Image (Photo/Banner)
  • Video
  • Carousel
  • Video
  • Boosted Publishing

Below are the specifications such as dimensions, file sizes and character limits. Remember that Facebook Ads can be displayed within Facebook and Instagram, as well as Audience Network (network of partner applications) and Messenger (less representative).

Image (Photo/Banner)

Desired format:

  • File type: JPG or PNG
  • Image ratio: 1.91:1 to 4:5
  • Recommended resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels. Upload the image with the highest resolution available
  • Main text: 125 characters
  • Title: 25 characters
  • Description: 30 characters
  • Call to Action button and destination URL: Define the call to action of your ad, such as "Buy Now", "Learn More". And the URL to which the user will be directed when they click on the button.
  • Avoid images with more than 20% text (there is no longer a text restriction on Facebook, but it is recommended for visual reasons).

As mentioned above, we recommend creating 2 variations of banners to enable A/B testing.

Full instructions for this format can be found here.


Video ads generate very positive results and allow for greater user engagement. It also makes it easier to explain the product or service throughout the video.

The dimensions for this ad format are very similar to banners, but instead of sending an image file, a video file will be used.

  • Video aspect ratio: 1:1 (for desktop or mobile devices) or 4:5 (for mobile devices only)
  • Recommended resolution: at least 1,080 x 1,080 pixels. Load the video with the highest resolution available that matches the aspect ratio and size limits.
  • Video file size: 4 GB maximum
  • Video file type: the most common is MP4, but see other supported file formats
  • Maximum videolength: 240 minutes for Facebook and 2 minutes for Instagram (we recommend limiting yourself to this length)
  • Videosubtitles: optional, but recommended
  • Videoaudio: optional, but recommended
  • Main text: 125 characters
  • Title: 25 characters
  • Description (optional): 30 characters
  • Video thumbnail images: avoid images with more than 20% text (there is no longer a text restriction on Facebook, but it is recommended for visual reasons).

Full instructions for this format can be found here.

Carousel - Images or Videos

This format of creative is very effective for e-commerce, since you can present different products in the same ad. But it is not limited to this type of company and is widely used. The carousel format allows you to present up to ten images or videos in the same ad, each with its own link.

This way, your company will have more creative space in the same ad, and you can highlight different products, present specific details or tell a story about your brand throughout the carousel cards.

Please note that for Carousel ads, you must have a minimum of 2 images (or videos) and a maximum of 10.

Required format:

  • Recommended resolution of at least 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Recommended ratio: 1:1
  • Number of cards: from 2 to 10 cards
  • URL of the landing page: mandatory
  • Image file type: JPGor PNG
  • Video file type: The most common is MP4, but see other supported file formats
  • Maximum file size: 4 GB for videos and 30MB for images
  • Video length: 240 minutes for Facebook and 2 minutes for Instagram (we recommend limiting yourself to this length)
  • Main text: 125 characters
  • Title: 25 characters
  • Description: 20 characters
  • Avoid images with more than 20% text (there is no longer a text restriction on Facebook, but it is recommended for visual reasons).

The image should include little or no text, we need writing above the text and below the image.

Full instructions for this format can be found here.

Stories - for mobile devices

Stories ads are vertical and displayed full-screen between the stories of Instagram or Facebook users. Stories with photos are visible for five seconds or until the user swipes to exit.

As a recommendation, consider leaving around 14% (250 pixels) of the top and bottom of the video or image free of text or logos. This way, you avoid covering these key elements with the profile icon or the call to action phrase (the Call to Action button).

You can display Images, Videos or even a Carousel of images and/or videos in the Stories ad format. Remember that only 3 cards are allowed for the Stories Carousel.

Required format:

  • Image file type: JPG or PNG
  • Format: 9:16 aspect ratio (full screen vertical ad)
  • Recommended resolution: 1080 x 1920 pixels, with a minimum width of 500 pixels. Upload the file at the highest resolution possible, respecting the 9:16 aspect ratio.
  • URL of the landing page: mandatory
  • Video file type: The most common is MP4, but see other supported file formats
  • Maximum file size: 30MB
  • Video length: Maximum 15 seconds
  • Image display time: Visible for 3 seconds

We recommend leaving around 14% (250 pixels) of the top and bottom of the image free of text and logos to avoid these key elements being covered by the profile icon or call-to-action button.

More details on the specifications and examples of Stories ads can be found here.

Boosted Publishing

When you create a Facebook Ads campaign with a submitted creative, a dark post is created. This will only be displayed for the targeting chosen in the Ad Sets and will not be visible on your Page. It allows you to test results between different audiences, images, texts and settings.

However, most posts on Facebook Pages and Instagram Profiles can be boosted to generate more engagement with that post. In the case of post boosting, it is also possible to target the same audiences created in the ad sets, but the text is not customizable (only the Call to Action button, but with restricted options).

This type of ad, the boosted post, can be interesting when you want to generate more engagement with your Facebook Page or Instagram Business Profile, since all the comments and engagement will be visible there. Another advantage is that you don't have to produce another creative to use in your campaigns.

But, as we mentioned above, the configuration and customization options are quite limited.

Tips and Good Practices

Finally, we've listed a few tips and reminders so that your Facebook Ads comply with the specifications and good practices.

  • Main formats: we suggest prioritizing the following formats: image and stories for Facebook and Instagram. If you can produce video and carousel, those are also great formats!
  • Text on Images: there is a limit of 20% text on images, any more than this can compromise the performance of the ad. To test this, simply use this tool. This rule does not apply to Stories.
  • 2 min limit on videos: in the case of videos, there is a max 2 min limit for Instagram, so if we want to use the same creative on Fb and Ig, we recommend that the video respects this length.
  • Format for Stories: although we can use the images and videos made for the feed, we recommend that you have a minimum specification of 4:5 and a recommended 9:16. In addition, because of the different formats of cell phones, you should leave a zone free of elements at the top and bottom, so that they are not cut off, according to the specifications.
  • Ad Policy: In addition to observing the correct dimensions, it is essential to pay attention to the guidelines of the Facebook Advertising Policy. Pareto is not responsible for placements that do not comply with Facebook's Advertising Policy. For more information, check out this article on the most disapproved policies.



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