Your Data Is Being Leaked on ChatGPT

ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools have exploded in popularity, promising to revolutionize the way we work and communicate. However, this new technology brings with it a silent and dangerous risk: the inadvertent exposure of confidential data.

While the promise of increased productivity and instant content creation attracts companies and employees, the indiscriminate use of free AI platforms such as ChatGPT may be feeding a data-hungry machine, putting confidential information from companies of all sizes at risk.

The Seduction of Free ChatGPT and the Hidden Danger

ChatGPT's accessibility and ease of use are its greatest attractions. However, this gratuity comes at a price: your data.

By entering information into free generative AI platforms, you are essentially donating that content to the training of the model. This means that sensitive information, such as:

  • Customer data: Names, addresses, contact information, purchase history.
  • Trade secrets: Business plans, marketing strategies, financial information.
  • Intellectual property: Source code, designs, patentable processes.

... can be incorporated into the model and then exposed to other users, even if unintentionally.

Unprepared Employees: The Open Door to Data Exposure

A recent study by Cyberhaven revealed that 5.6% of employees have already pasted confidential information into generative AI platforms, and this figure is only set to rise. The survey also found that 8.2% of the data processed by free LLMs is confidential.

The lack of awareness about cyber security risks, combined with the pressure for quick results, creates a perfect scenario for data leaks. Employees, looking to optimize tasks such as:

  • Writing emails and reports: Entering confidential client or company information to generate quick responses.
  • Content creation: Pasting internal documents or marketing strategies to generate ideas or texts.
  • Translating documents: Entering contracts or legal documents containing confidential information.

... may be unknowingly jeopardizing the security of the company's information.

Real Examples: When Generative AI Becomes a Corporate Nightmare

The consequences of the indiscriminate use of free generative AI platforms are already being felt. In a recent case, an employee of a technology company entered the source code of a confidential project into ChatGPT to generate documentation. Without the employee's knowledge, the code was incorporated into the model and subsequently leaked, putting the company's intellectual property at risk.

In another case, a marketing agency used ChatGPT to generate content for a client's social networks, inserting confidential information about the company's marketing strategy. This information was subsequently exposed in an online forum, resulting in a loss of competitive advantage and damage to the agency's reputation.

Protecting Your Company: Essential Measures to Mitigate Risks

Implementing robust security measures is crucial to protecting your company from the cybersecurity risks related to the use of generative AI. Some essential actions include:

  • Usage Policies: Create and implement clear and comprehensive policies on the use of generative AI platforms, specifying which information can be shared and which is strictly forbidden.
  • Awareness Training: Educate your employees about the cybersecurity risks related to the use of free generative AI platforms, emphasizing the importance of protecting confidential information.
  • Security Solutions: Implement state-of-the-art firewalls, threat detection software and other security solutions to monitor and control access to generative AI platforms.
  • Secure alternatives: Consider using paid and secure generative AI platforms, which offer greater control over data and compliance with privacy policies.
  • Constant Monitoring: Constantly monitor the use of generative AI platforms within your company, using traffic analysis and anomaly detection tools to identify suspicious activity.

Shared Responsibility in the Age of AI

The promise of generative AI is undeniable, but it is crucial to approach its risks seriously. By implementing robust security measures, educating your employees and taking a proactive approach to cybersecurity, you can reap the benefits of generative AI without compromising the security of your company's information. The age of AI demands a new security mindset, where responsibility is shared by everyone, from technology developers to end users.

The solution? Tess AI: Security and Privacy

With Tess AI, you access the power of generative AI with the security and privacy your company needs. The platform guarantees that:

  • No input data is used to train AI models;
  • The platform contractually requires that generative AI models also follow strict privacy policies and do not use user data for training;
  • You can even use OpenAI's free templates with the security that nothing will be used for training, in complete privacy.
Rica Barros
Rica Barros
CEO of Pareto

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