Home Marketing - Pareto Plus How to Find Digital Influencers with 99 Influence?

How to Find Digital Influencers with 99 Influence?

99 influence: image of a camera pointing at a black woman recording a video with a book in her hands

Gone are the days when marketers underestimated the power of content creators for advertising campaigns.

Even if you haven't followed the trends in influencer marketing in recent years, it's very likely that you already follow an influencer on social media. 

This is because 9 out of 10 people under the age of 30 follow influencers on social media, and 55% of people who follow influencers have already made purchases on their recommendation, according to a survey carried out by Opinion Box in 2022.

Faced with this scenario, many brands have already incorporated influencer marketing into their strategies. If you're interested in getting started, see in this article how 99 Influence can help you.

What is 99 Influence?

99 Influence is a marketplace platform for digital influencers where advertisers can filter by city and category to find the best influencer to promote their business on social media.

Empowering and giving voice to real connections, 99 Influencer is a partner of Pareto for new influencer solutions for our clients.

How does 99 Influence work?

As previously mentioned, within the 99 Influence environment it is possible for the advertiser to choose the city, category and influencer that best fits the profile outlined by the contracting company. Some of the advantages of the 99 service are

  • InvestmentFrom $50.00 you can hire the creation of a personalized video and/or posts on Instagram and other social networks;
  • Payment methodsOnce you've chosen the actor or influencer, you can pay quickly and easily by credit card or boleto;
  • Platform securityIf you do not receive the agreement from the actor or influencer, we will refund your payment;
  • Delivery time for the requested content: receipt of the material within 48 hours. The platform strives for agility, and for this it has professionals who value fast delivery times.

5 Reasons to Create Campaigns with 99 Influence 

The main reason for diversifying media investment with influencer marketing at 99 Influence is the possibility of a high-return solution for brands that want to boost customer acquisition.

Check out more reasons to start your campaigns with the platform!

1. be present where your audience is

According to research by Opinion Box in 2022, 71% of Instagram users follow influencers. In the previous year's survey, this proportion was 68%. In addition, 16% say they are very influenced by digital influencers when buying and consuming products. 

2. Closer Relationship with the Public

As well as humanizing your brand, using the benefits of influencer marketing goes far beyond return figures. It brings brand awareness and enhances interaction between company and consumer, based on real use by people with an impact on social networks.

3. You Create a Free Profile

There's no reason not to try it out. With 99 Influecer, you can create your profile in less than a minute at no cost.

4. Concentrate your Top Links

You can have a link within the platform to concentrate your main social networks in order to pass this information on to third parties.

5. Increasing Visibility

When you create a campaign, your profile appears on the 99 Influence homepage and companies can contact you for actions and partnership proposals.

Big brands that have already used 99 Influence

Some of the big brands and companies that use our services are:

  • O Boticário;
  • Rock in Rio;
  • Hinode;
  • Imaginarium;
  • C&A.

How to Create a Campaign with 99 Influence?

See how to create a campaign on 99 quickly and safely in just a few steps!

1. Define the Campaign Objective

If you don't know your objective, contact Pareto. We'd be delighted to help you strategically define your marketing objective, and we can think together about how the 99 Influence universe can contribute to your growth.

2. Let Pareto and 99 Influence Do the Work 

With our team of experts, we'll take care of all the stages of creating your campaign with the best scope so that you can achieve the results you need.

3. Receive Insights to Optimize Your Campaign

In addition to creating the campaign, our team of experts analyzes all the data from your campaign using the 99 Influence platform and its analysis tools with access to all the metrics.

Expand your Media Channels with Pareto

As you can see, diversifying your investment in paid media is an effective strategy that helps you reach new audiences and explore new markets, especially when your brand is going through an expansion phase.

A Pareto has a partnership with 99 Influence and can help you on your journey!

Throughout its history, Pareto has developed several Intelligent Marketing Automations that are used by more than 30,000 companies in 92 countries, maximizing opportunities for scale and competitive advantages for businesses.

With Pareto, you can create your ads with 99 Influencers and find solutions that go beyond investing in paid media platforms.

With our automations you can save time, reduce the risk of human error and get clarity on your results at every stage of your funnel, as well as having a team of experts to support your project.

Request a free demoSave time and expand your paid media reach, impacting 100% of viewers with 99 Influence & Pareto.

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