Home Facebook Ads Birthday Campaign on Facebook Ads

Birthday Campaign on Facebook Ads

Birthday Campaign on Facebook Ads


An interesting advertising strategy to use on Facebook and Instagram is to create specific campaigns for the month's birthdays. In this way, you can offer these users a chance to convert on your site.

We are also going to present a case of one of our clients, from the furniture sector.

How it works

The idea is to run a Facebook campaign aimed at the birthdays of the month, just for new users or visitors who haven't shopped with your company for a while.

During two months of analysis, we compared several ad sets, all using a top-of-the-funnel audience. The results we obtained were:

  • CPA of the birthday ad set 35% lower than the rest of the account
  • ROAS of the ad set more than twice as high as the rest of the account.

It's worth remembering that we're only comparing audiences of new users and not including remarketing in the comparison, as this would impair the view of the results.

This is a very interesting initiative, which has been used by players such as Farm, but, as our case shows, it doesn't have to be restricted to the fashion sector.


Source: Facebook Farm

How to do it?

Creating a birthday campaign is quite simple. All you need is a creative aimed at the month's birthday (which can be generic, like the banner example above) and a discount for this audience.

After that, you can target Facebook audiences with only people who have a birthday that month.

If you're a Pareto client and you like the idea, talk to your Account Manager to start spreading the word!



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