Home Artificial Intelligence 11 Best AI Tools for Programming

11 Best AI Tools for Programming

AI for Programming: young man with a beard, hair tied back, black turtleneck, wearing glasses and looking at his computer.

Any software developer knows that AI for programming exists to make life easier! When you spend more than 30 minutes analyzing the same piece of broken code, don't you think you could use that time more productively?

This is where artificial intelligence tools for programming come in as a user-friendly alternative to solve the problem. With advanced code analysis algorithms, AI can automatically detect problem areas and suggest corrections.

With the recent advances in AI technology, there are many AI tools for programming ready to help you. That's why we've put together the 11 best technologies that prove AI is an indispensable ally in everyday tasks.

What Are the Best AI Programming Tools?

We've put together an essential list of the tools that will revolutionize the way you generate, review and debug code. Check them out below!

1. tess AI

Tess AI, developed by Pareto, is a significant innovation in AI, incorporating advanced technologies such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning.

It connects you to the world's largest AIs in a single tool, using the most popular AI models on the market, such as GPT-4, Dall-E 3, Stable Diffusion 3, Ada, LIama, Gemini, Ideogram, among others, combined with Pareto's proprietary algorithms.

When generating code, Tess AI uses advanced machine learning and natural language techniques to understand instructions, providing fast and accurate responses. It can generate snippets of code or even complete programs in languages such as Python, JavaScript, Java, C++, SQL, among others.

When it receives requests, Tess AI analyzes the text, understanding the message and intent to provide fast and accurate responses. In addition, it can integrate with other APIs and services, expanding its capabilities to include image processing, voice recognition and task automation.

This is indeed an intelligent and versatile virtual assistant, as it offers a comprehensive solution to efficiently meet the diverse needs of users in the AI scenario, including programming.

Prices Tess AI

  • Beginner plan: R$ 35 /month
  • Individual Plan: R$ 100 /month
  • Business plan: contact the sales team.

(Values subject to change).

2. Codiga

Codiga is an artificial intelligence assistant that focuses more on analyzing and reviewing code than on creating the code itself. Although it can generate code segments, its main purpose is not to write complete lines of code. 

Instead, Codiga's strength lies in optimizing and enhancing existing code, making it cleaner and more efficient.

In addition, its dashboard reports all the important metrics on code quality, showing the overall number of code violations, duplicates long and complex functions.

Codiga's best features

  • Code review: Codiga provides complete code reviews that can reduce the number of violations and vulnerabilities in the code;
  • Customization: you can create custom rules for code review in less than five minutes and then share them with the team so that everyone is on the same page;
  • Focus on security: the platform inspects the software for all common threats and automatically fixes security vulnerabilities in your IDE.

Code limitations

  • Limited number of IDE integrations: Codiga only integrates with VS Code, JetBrains, Visual Studio, GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket. If you use a different IDE, this artificial intelligence tool won't work with your current workflow;
  • PHP limitations: although Codiga supports 15 different languages, some users complain that it doesn't work as well in PHP.

Codiga prices

  • Basic: free
  • Pro: US$ 14 per month.

(Values subject to change).

3. Tabnine

Tabnine is a leading AI code completion tool. Leveraging advanced deep learning algorithms, it enhances the development experience by offering intelligent completion for various languages such as Java, Python and C++. 

Widely adopted by industry leaders such as Facebook and Google, Tabnine speeds up coding by predicting and suggesting relevant lines of code, boosting productivity.

What's more, this is an AI-powered code completion tool that enhances your development process by generating functions and even complete lines of code. It can automatically anticipate and suggest the next line of code based on the syntax used.

Best Tabnine Features

  • Predictive Coding: Tabnine's best feature is its ability to suggest your next line of code as you type through its predictive machine learning feature;
  • Flexible hosting: you can run Tabnine on a laptop, on a firewall-protected server or in the cloud, so that the tool adapts to your company's security protocols;
  • Multiple programming languages: the tool supports both mainstream and niche programming languages, including JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, Rust, Go and Bash.

Tabnine limitations

  • Limited Features in UI Frameworks: some users complain that if you are working with JavaScript UI frameworks, the suggestions are less precise and often incorrect;
  • Uses a lot of storage: this program uses a lot of RAM and sometimes requires more than 1 GB of memory to run.

Tabnine prices 

  • Beginner: free
  • Pro: US$ 12 per month
  • Development: US$ 39 p/month.

(Values subject to change).

4. ChatGPT

ChatGPT is probably the best-known AI tool, designed to answer users' questions, challenge incorrect ideas and reject inappropriate requests. Working with ChatGPT is like exchanging ideas with a smarter coworker.

As its main purpose is to answer your questions, you can apply it to a large number of use cases, including writing code and even debugging and planning your product development process.

This AI technology has also received a recent update for the GPT-4 model. Compared to GPT-3.5, GPT-4 has several significant improvements. It is able to process more complex instructions, understand more complicated syntax and has an increased token limit, equivalent to 25,000 words. In addition, GPT-4 is notably more secure.

ChatGPT's best features

  • Flexibility: it's possible to use an AI chatbot for functions other than coding. By simply being a question and answer tool, it can streamline workflows across all functions in your organization;
  • Follow-up questions: some AI coding generators fail at the first hurdle because they don't understand the full context of your question. Because ChatGPT asks follow-up questions, it can help you identify the information you need to provide to get an accurate answer;
  • Code review: ChatGPT is particularly adept at identifying errors in your code and helping you correct them.

ChatGPT limitations

  • Limited context: some users complain that, in longer conversations, this chatbot has a tendency to lose its way. It may forget the information you provided at the start of the conversation and be unable to provide coherent answers;
  • Generic answers: some also say that this program tends to provide the same standard answers over and over again, even when the context is different.

ChatGPT prices

  • ChatGPT 3.5: free
  • ChatGPT 4 Pro: US$ 20 per user, charged monthly.

(Values subject to change).

5. GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copiloto was developed in partnership with OpenAI and works as a virtual programmer that helps developers write better code at an accelerated pace.

It achieves this by suggesting entire lines or blocks of code as the developer types. The tool uses a system trained on public code repositories and is therefore able to understand a multitude of programming languages and coding styles.

GitHub Copilot not only reproduces the code it has been trained on, it also adapts and learns from each developer's unique coding style. Thus, its suggestions become more personalized and precise over time, making it an essential partner in the programming process.

Best GitHub Copilot Features

  • Predictive Code Generation: going beyond simple automatic completion, by suggesting entire lines or blocks of code, GitHub significantly speeds up the coding process;
  • Multilingual capability: this tool is trained on a multitude of public code repositories, allowing it to understand and assist in a wide range of programming languages;
  • Continuous Learning: AI learns from coding styles and habits, providing personalized suggestions that improve over time.

Limitations of GitHub Copilot

  • Slow Integration and Performance: some users complain that teaching their process to Copilot is time-consuming and requires a lot of training data. Once up and running, its real-time AI capabilities create code at a slower pace than other AI tools;
  • Limited debugging assistance: GitHub provides some assistance with debugging, but does not provide in-depth support.

GitHub Copilot prices

  • Individual: $ 10 p/month
  • Business: US$ 19 p/month.

(Values subject to change).

6. Gemini (formerly Bard)

Gemini is an AI tool from Google that has made a name for itself in helping programmers create and maintain code. Efficiency and speed are two of the tool's main strengths, allowing developers to automate repetitive tasks.

One of the most valuable aspects of Gemini is its ability to assist in debugging code. AI can identify and correct errors efficiently, reducing the time spent on testing and correcting.

In addition, Gemini supports multiple programming languages, making it a versatile option for developers working with different technologies.

Best Bard Features

  • Creating Snippets: Bard can generate small snippets of code for various programming languages, saving time and effort in writing repetitive code.
  • Algorithm help: when describing a specific algorithm or problem, Bard can suggest solutions in code, helping to visualize the logic behind the implementation.
  • Code adaptation: Bard can adapt existing code to new functionalities or requirements, making it easier to maintain and evolve projects.

Bard's limitations

  • Contextual Understanding: Bard may have difficulty understanding the full context of a programming problem, especially when it involves complex nuances of program logic or interactions with other systems.
  • Debugging limitations: Although Bard can help identify some errors in a piece of code, it is not a complete debugger. Manual debugging and the use of dedicated debugging tools are still essential.
  • Context limit: the context limit for a chat can be a problem.

Bard price

Free of charge

7. OpenAI Codex

OpenAI Codex is from the same company that created ChatGPT, OpenAI, and its system uses large deep learning language models (LLMs), a process that involves teaching AI to perform tasks by feeding it a huge amount of data.

The Codex system has been trained with the natural language processing capabilities of its GPT-3 platform and with billions of lines of code. Thanks to this in-depth training process, Codex is able to translate written instructions into high-quality code in real time.

However, it's worth noting that this AI-based coding assistant is more efficient at generating code snippets, rather than complete codes.

OpenAI Codex was also used as the basis for GitHub Copilot, highlighting its ability to help programmers with suggestions and the creation of pieces of code.

Best Features of OpenAI Codex

  • Quick setup: because OpenAI has spent a lot of time training its coding system, most software developers can get started straight away without having to feed Codex with their own training data sets;
  • AI Code Completion Tool: while you work, Codex emerges as an intelligent code completion tool, suggesting code snippets to automatically complete common code tasks;
  • Natural Language Request: you can write a request asking Codex to solve a coding problem and it will respond with code suggestions.

OpenAI Codex limitations

  • Few Languages Supported: Codex works best with Python. Although it also supports JavaScript, Go, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Swift, TypeScript and Shell, the code suggestions may be less accurate in these languages;
  • No Code Review: OpenAi Codex is primarily a Generative AI. It's not designed to suggest improvements to code you've already written.

OpenAI Codex price

Temporarily free.

8. CodeT5

CodeT5 is an open source programming model developed by Salesforce researchers. It is a code project that offers support for various programming languages, such as Java, Python and JavaScript. 

CodeT5 also features an online version and an offline version to ensure data security and specializes in text-to-code generation, code-to-code translation and code summarization, enabling developers to bridge the gap between natural language instructions and executable code.

Best CodeT5 Features

  • Generating Text to Code: you can give CodeT5 a prompt and it will write code to match your request;
  • Code-to-code translation: if your team works in several program languages, CodeT5 can take your code in one language, such as Python, and translate it into another, such as JavaScript;
  • Code Summary: CodeT5 can explain what a piece of code does in plain language, which can help even experienced software developers learn new languages and structures.

CodeT5 limitations

  • Possible Security Risks: the team that developed CodeT5 claims that this software may contain sensitive personal information, such as addresses and ID numbers, and could generate vulnerable code.

CodeT5 price

Free of charge.

9. CodeWP

CodeWP is the cloud-based, AI-powered WordPress code generator. The tool is designed to simplify the coding process for WordPress developers of all skill levels.

This platform is capable of generating valid code for numerous tasks, such as creating post types, developing plug-ins, extending the main function of products, among others.

Its operation is simple, the user just needs to describe the code they want to use and CodeWP produces efficient and secure code that can be edited as required. Trained on a vast dataset of WordPress code, CodeWP guarantees high accuracy, saving time, improving productivity and reducing costs.

Best CodeWP Features

  • AI-driven WordPress code generation;
  • It supports a variety of tasks, including custom post-type creation and plugin development;
  • Pre-made and verified code snippets for various use cases;
  • Write code for the WordPress core or other important plug-ins such as WooCommerce, ACF and page builders.

CodeWP prices

  • Free plan available
  • Pro: from US$ 18/month.

(Values subject to change).

10. Amazon CodeWhisperer

CodeWhisperer, developed by Amazon, is a tool that takes advantage of AI to provide code suggestions in real time. In addition, it facilitates reviews by identifying matches in open source code.

This tool also stands out for its ability to scan for security vulnerabilities and suggest immediate fixes. A strong point is its focus on code security, following best practices, including OWASP guidelines.

It is a valuable resource for developers who want to be more efficient, precise and secure in their coding efforts.

Best features of CodeWhisperer

  • Multilingual capability: real-time code recommendations in several programming languages;
  • Compatibility with Various IDEs: Amazon CodeWhisperer provides code suggestions with artificial intelligence (AI) for various programming languages;
  • Integrated Security Checks: you can check Java, JavaScript and Python projects for hard-to-find vulnerabilities, such as those in the top 10 vulnerabilities of the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP);
  • Continuous Learning: improving code accuracy and security through suggestions based on machine learning.

CodeWhisperer limitations

  • Limitations in Complex Codes: may not be able to handle complex or new coding tasks that require more creativity or domain knowledge;
  • Possible Security Risks: it may pose privacy or security risks if code suggestions leak confidential or sensitive information from developers or their projects.

CodeWhisperer prices

  • Individual: free
  • Professional: US$ 19/month.

(Values subject to change).

11. Replit Ghostwriter

Replit is an online coding platform, offering an interactive space for users to code, collaborate and learn collectively. It is known for its browser-based IDE that allows co-coding in documents and native hosting.

One of its best-known features is Ghostwriter, an AI-powered code assistant designed to speed up the coding process. Ghostwriter, trained on millions of lines of code, provides contextually relevant code suggestions, making it a valuable tool for programmers of any level.

From automatic code completion to debugging, Ghostwriter can help speed up coding, improve code quality and help you learn new programming languages.

Best Features of Replit Ghostwriter

  • It supports 16 programming languages: Replit Ghostwriter supports JavaScript, Python, Bash, C, C#, C++, CSS, Go, Java, HTML, PHP, Perl, R, Ruby, Rust and SQL;
  • Fast Response Time: Ghostwriter chatbot's average response time is 500 ms, so your developers won't be frustrated by slow speeds;
  • Voice to Code: As well as typing messages into the chatbot, you can also use voice messages to start projects while you're on the move.

Limitations of Replit Ghostwriter

  • May Not Work Well in All Languages: Although it supports 16 languages, this program is most effective in Python and JavaScript;
  • It only works within the Replit IDE: Ghostwriter is a feature of the Replit integrated development environment and cannot be used with any other IDE. So if you already use Visual Studio Code, XCode, JetBrains or another platform, Ghostwriter won't work for you.

Replit Ghostwriter prices

  • Beginners: free
  • Individual: US $ 10 per month
  • Teams: US$ 33 per user per month.

(Values subject to change).

AI Use Cases in Programming

AI in programming can help you, the developer, in different aspects of the software development lifecycle, from the initial writing of code to ongoing maintenance and optimization. Check out some useful cases below where AI can help revolutionize your programming practice!

Smart Refactoring

Intelligent refactoring is a technique that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze and restructure the source code of a piece of software without altering its external behavior.

This approach aims to improve the readability, maintainability and efficiency of code by identifying duplicate code patterns, removing dead code and applying design patterns automatically.

Code Quality Analysis

Code quality analysis with AI involves using algorithms to assess the quality of source code based on metrics such as complexity, readability, cohesion and coupling.

This analysis can identify potential problems and areas for improvement in the code, helping developers to write more robust and better quality software.

Bug forecast

Bug prediction algorithms use machine learning techniques to identify patterns in the source code that may be related to bugs or defects.

These models can analyze bug histories, code reviews and other data sources to predict areas of code that may be prone to bugs in the future, allowing developers to focus their testing and correction efforts on these critical areas.

Automated Code Review

Automated code review uses AI to automatically analyze the source code for errors, violations of coding standards and opportunities for improvement.

This approach allows for faster and more efficient code review, increasing software quality and reducing the time spent on manual review processes.

AI debugging

AI debugging uses intelligent algorithms to identify and fix bugs in the source code in an automated way.

These systems can analyze the behavior of the software at runtime, identify error patterns and suggest corrections or adjustments to the code to solve the problems found.

Automatic Code Review

Automatic code review uses AI algorithms to automatically analyze and comment on source code, offering suggestions for improvements, identifying potential problems and promoting good programming practices.

This approach helps developers receive quick and objective feedback on their code, facilitating the collaboration and learning process.

Coding Assistant

Coding assistants are AI-based tools that help developers during the code writing process, offering suggestions for automatic completion, error correction, refactoring and documentation.

These tools increase developer productivity by reducing the time spent on repetitive and tedious tasks.

Code Plagiarism Detection

Code plagiarism detection systems use AI algorithms to compare a program's source code with an existing code database, identifying similar or identical pieces of code.

This approach helps protect intellectual property and code integrity, preventing unauthorized copying and misuse of existing solutions.

Code conversion

Code conversion with AI involves the automatic translation of source code between different programming languages.

This approach allows developers to migrate their projects to new platforms or technologies more easily, saving time and effort in the manual code conversion process.

Test automation

Test automation with AI uses intelligent algorithms to generate test cases, run automated tests and analyze the results, identifying faults quickly and efficiently.

This approach increases test coverage and software reliability, allowing developers to deliver high-quality products more quickly.

Automatic coding

Automatic coding with AI involves the automatic generation of source code from high-level specifications or requirements.

This approach allows developers to quickly create functional prototypes, reducing the time needed to implement new functionalities or complex systems.

Script coding

AI script coding uses intelligent algorithms to generate automated scripts that perform specific tasks, such as manipulating data, automating processes or interacting with external systems.

These scripts can be useful for simplifying routine tasks and increasing operational efficiency in various areas, such as software development, data analysis and systems administration.

Predictive Code Generation

Predictive code generation uses machine learning algorithms to predict and suggest code snippets based on patterns observed in source code repositories.

This approach helps developers write more efficient and semantic code, reducing the time spent searching for solutions and increasing productivity during software development.

Code Summary

Code summarization with AI uses natural language processing algorithms to extract the main concepts and functionalities from a set of source code, generating concise and informative summaries.

This approach makes the code easier to understand and maintain, especially in large, complex projects where documentation can be scarce or out of date.

Code optimization

Code optimization with AI involves applying automated techniques to improve the performance, efficiency and scalability of source code.

This approach can range from identifying and removing performance bottlenecks to restructuring code to make better use of the underlying hardware resources, resulting in faster and more efficient systems.


AI tools for programming can make life easier for you and your entire team. No more wasting time trying to fix broken pieces of code over many hours and many attempts. Now you can use AI to your advantage!

At best, AI code generators can act as (artificially) intelligent coworkers, helping to debate, solve problems and explore ideas that drive your development process.

Try Tess AI for 7 days with a satisfaction guarantee or your money back!


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