Home Process Automation Scalability: Benefits of Automating Marketing Processes

Scalability: Benefits of Automating Marketing Processes

Benefits of automating processes: image of three happy colleagues sitting in the office looking at a laptop

Saving time is often the most immediate benefit of Automating ProcessesAfter all, time is a very valuable resource.

But in addition to saving time, scalability is another major benefit of automating processes, especially when it comes to marketing automation.

If you use ad automation linked to inventory management of your online store, for example, you can pause ads for products with few size options and prioritize those with more options automatically.

This provides constant and scalable growth in e-commerce sales. This is just one of many examples of how technology can boost the growth of many companies. Read on and find out more.

Importance of Marketing Automation to Scale Your Business

Marketing automation is key to boosting the scalability of companies and this can be seen in various aspects such as:

  • No need to hire new staff to meet a greater operational demand;
  • Being able to cancel or stop hiring tools to perform functions that have already been automated;
  • Increase productivity in generating qualified leads and, consequently, increase the average ticket, etc.

To make all this possible, it is essential to have a good marketing automation tool. This way, you'll be able to concentrate your efforts in one place,

gaining time to be more strategic.

You'll then be able to plan even more scalable actions for your business while the technology does the hard work for you, sustaining long-term growth. 

5 Benefits of Automating Processes that Influence Business Expansion

In addition to the overall benefit of increased scalability, there are several other benefits to automating processes when an automation tool is adopted. 

Check them out, knowing that they all relate very closely to the need to be increasingly efficient as your business grows and the number of tasks on your to-do list only increases.

1. Centralization of the Marketing Operation

One of the factors that most contributes to gaining scalability is having a systemic vision.

From the creation process to the analysis of results, good automation tools have the ability to centrally monitor your management from end to end.

This is very important because, in order to promote the cycle of continuous improvement, managers need to re-evaluate and modify business processes frequently.

In this way, good automation software is able to integrate data from different areas of the business into Dashboards with a 360º viewshowing the main KPIs of the processes being automated, helping with decision-making.

2. Greater Efficiency in the Sales Funnel

With integrated data management, the automation tool will be able to manage your leadsby gathering more and more behavioral information, making it possible to see what stage of the sales funnel each lead is in.

Through this segmentation, you will be able to direct the right content to leads at each stage, communicating at strategic moments and nurturing a good relationship in an automated way.

So you no longer have to classify your leads using spreadsheets, because quality automation software can not only track your user's path through the site, assign scores for qualifying and prioritizing leads.

This is how you can target the ideal content, giving them a better chance of reaching the bottom of the funnel and converting.

3. Greater productivity for teams

Yes, the time saved is indeed at the heart of the increased productivity of teams that adopt automation. However, the idea behind the use of automation is that this time gained will no longer be spent in a similar way on low-impact, purely operational activities.

It is a time for human beings to use their best skills, such as strategy and creativity.

"About 60% of executives agree that RPA allows people to focus on more strategic work - Forrester."

What's more, freeing your team from dull activities also increases their productivity, not only because of the basic equation of time saved by robots, but also because of the motivational and well-being aspect at work.

After all, professionals who understand that their potential is being valued feel happier with their achievements and tend to perform and develop more.

In this sense, we can see that automation brings out the best in both humans and robots.

It's not a question of abdicating humans for machines, but of letting robots do the repetitive work and humans carry out the most important actions linked to core business.

4. Consistent communications

There is a wide variety of channels to keep your communications regular and interconnected, which can make it difficult to stick to the publication and mailing schedule you consider ideal.

With the use of automations, you can use the time saved from automated processes to schedule in advance, also through automations, the publications and messages you want for a specific day.

An email marketing campaign, for example, can be adapted to different segments and can be scheduled in advance, with the emails sent automatically.

This way, your marketing team optimizes the time spent on this activity and can focus more on producing materials that need a little more personalization, which leads to the next benefit.

5. Personalizing the Customer Experience

Marketing automation facilitates the creation of personalized content through segmentation resources and behavioral reports.

The use of a tool with Artificial Intelligence favors the segmentation of the buyer persona in various channels, such as social media with advertisements or email marketing.

Automation software turns your visitors into leads and can rank them using criteria pre-established by the marketing team according to the ICP, optimizing the creation of a personalized lead nurturing process. 

This way, your leads receive personalized messages and you can spend more time understanding your target audience, collecting feedback and trackingtheir engagement with your brand in detail.

With a more personalized experience, you can not only get more conversions, but also increase customer retention and the number of promoters who will recommend your service and/or product.

As you can see, a good marketing automation tool can help the company at every stage of the customer journey, optimizing the work of the teams and scaling the business.

The day-to-day work of companies that are starting to take part in this change is increasingly impacted by it, as the benefits of automating processes are proven.

Today, there are many different tools on the market that can help you with your digital transformation and make you more competitive. 

A Pareto is one of the most complete Robotic Process Automation (RPA) companies, having already been recognized with Google Awards and helped more than 15,000 companies in 84 countries.

Take the opportunity to request a free demo of the platform and learn more about the marketing automation options that best fit your company's needs.

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